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AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

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    AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

    Good Morning All

    Sending extra hugs to Uni today. Uni, it is great that you have called upon us for support. Stick close to us today.

    Went to a 6:00 am yoga class this morning. A great way to start the day. Packing up for Florida...I leave with the girls tomorrow. Hubby is dropping us off at the airport.

    Trying not to panic too much. We just finished our taxes and we owe A BOAT LOAD of money. We are going to have to pay some now and then remaining in installments since we don't have all that we owe in savings.


    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

    Hello friends,

    Good morning mom3. Have a nice time on your trip with your girls. We are going to
    Washington DC the end of May with my son's Jr High classes. By we I mean, myself, my hubby, my mother in law and my son. The other son went 2 years ago so he is staying behind. I am starting to panic about this trip. It seems going places I've never been, flying and having to be on the go (3 nights and 4 days this trip) is something I don't really want to do. But I also feel like it is an excellent opportunity. I can back out, because I bought the insurance, so again I'm torn. And then you've got the issue of what to do with the 16 year old who says he'll be fine home alone. Hubby doesn't want to go very bad either, but his mom wants to take him because she never got to go with his dad.

    Got word this morning Terry has infection AGAIN! I don't think she'll ever get out of the hospital. DAMMIT!

    Uni--I hope you're feeling better. :h

    It is supposed to be fairly nice again today, so I am off and running! Have a good one!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

      Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

      M3, enjoy your trip with your girls
      Quartely tax payment are a way of life around here ~ it's something you just get used to doing when you collect pensions

      LVT, a trip to DC is awesome! So much to see & learn, really. Provided you stay in the touristy nice areas of the city you should enjoy yourself. My son works for the FD down there but unfortunately his firehouse is in a crummy area. Good thing the government decided not to shut can get to enjoy the Smithsonian & so much more. The zoo is awesome if you can get there too

      I need to get into my shop & get some work done.......I'm delaying this morning

      Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday & special hugs to Uni today :h

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

        Morning guys - thank you all for being there for me last night. I went into chat for a bit as well just to get my mind off things. It helped.

        Today I am awake and I am ready to restart this journey. I have the desire again to do this which I had been lacking so I am happy that I have gotten that back. Seeing the pain in my 10 year olds eyes was a real kick in the ass for me - one that I was desperatly needing.

        Thank you guys for all of your love and support. I am going to spend the day with my daughter (I kept her out of school) - we are going to go to a meeting and then maybe the mall, nails done or something. Just a good reminder for me of a main reason that I need to do this and I need to get back to where I was before this relapse.

        Okay - enough for me - I am going to go enjoy the day and my newfound excitment to be sober again.

        Love and hugs,

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

          I got a PM via email and dropped in to see how everyone's doing; I'm glad I did! Uni, I can't definitively say self-hypnosis made the difference for me--but it sure feels that way. I shopped around and tried several tapes, but landed on one by Duncan McColl that clicked for me. I still listen to it once a week or so if I have trouble sleeping. It may just be that I'm wired high and it pulls me out of the stress spiral, but I don't really care why it helps--it just does.

          Here's the link:
          Stop Alcohol Abuse Hypnosis CD - MP3. Other Recordings-Downloads

          Hang in there!

          xoxox Pride
          8 months sober and not looking back

          PS: Lovely to 'see' all your bright shining faces! : )
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

            Pride!!! How nice to see you again and to hear you are doing so well!! I hope you'll pop in more often!!

            Uni-looks like the cloud lifted for you today. Hope you had a fantastic time with your daughter doing girly things. Please remember the look in her eyes when you start feeling down and getting the WTF feeling and look to AL to help you. You know it only makes things worse.

            Lav-hope the weather improved a bit for you. We're suppposed to get heavy rain sometime tonite but so far just cloudy.

            M3-I'm so sorry about the money you owe the IRS. My friend and her x hubby somehow managed to "forget' to pay their taxes for a few years and now it's come back to bite them. She has her pay check garnished every week and is 1/3 of the way through the 10K debt. I know that isn't your circumstance but when it's a large amount you didn't expect it really hurts. Hang in there and I hope they are being reasonable with a payment plan. Please try to forget all about it while you're down in sunny FLA!!

            LVT-how fun! Seriously! It will be crazy and wild but such a great city to explore! I totally get your trepidation about leaving your 16 yo son behind. Fingers crossed he shows good judgement and makes good decisions.

            Tough day today. Got word that my work buddy's dog had seizures last nite and was in the hospital for observation. He's only a year old and she just lost her other lab in January due to complications from tick disease. His kidneys finally failed. I was so depressed and worried all day for her. I finally heard but there is no diagnosis. The episodes didn't return for the vet or the staff and all the blood work came back normal. I've strongly encouraged her to get him tested for TBD (a snap 4dx and then a C6 if positive to counteract the possibility of a false positive). If positive, the sooner the doxy can be given the better. They waited far to long with the other dog and by the time they figured out what was wrong it was basically too late.

            Didn't get too much done either which pisses me off as time is running out. I've got to buckle down no matter how much I hate what Im doing. Maybe I'll reward myself with a short game of Angry Birds for every 10 evals completed :H.

            Time to hibernate and hope this mood lifts.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

              Uni - good to see your mood has improved

              The good mood created by my trip to the botanical gardens yesterday lasted all day today too - nice!

              Greetings Pride - good to see you!

              Papmom, the rain has been heavy, off & on. I can see the grass growing already - too bad for YB :H
              Speaking of Lymes disease - YB came down with it 10 years ago. He had all the classic symptoms including the bulls eye rash but refused to believe my Dx. After suffering several days with a fever, massive headache, stiff neck & chills he reluctantly went to the doc. The doc was a friend of mine & asked YB why it took so long for him to come in for Dx & Rx for surely I knew what was wron with him. YB had no answer of course

              Still couldn't get any pictures on Photobucket today ......wonder how long they plan to keep the site down

              Wishing everyone a good night!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

                Although it is not Tuesday for me (Wednesday evening actually) just wanted to say hi. My body is feeling really exhausted which is a good feeling. I spent the day with the RDA (riding for the disabled) and we were short of a few volunteers which creates alot more work for the rest of us. Didnt enjoy it as much today and didnt drink enough water so am feeling fuzzy & headachy.
                My husband is still on his mission to get a drink into my hand. He has been visiting the bottlo and buying my (ex) favourite wines to tease me. But I am staying strong, have absolutely NO desire to cave and have one just to please him. Am quite pleased with my determination as I wasnt sure whether I would get it back.

                Uni - I can so relate to seeing that pain in your daughters eyes. That is what inspired me to come back and get sober again. On my last drinking night, I was in black out but ironically became sober for a split second every now and then to actually remember my daughter saying to me that I was walking wobbly and talking funny. She kept asking me if I was drunk, and of course I denied it (and she believed me as she didnt think I would do that!). I remember her saying when I started to relapse last year "dont have that drink as I dont want you going down that path again". She is 11 years old but has the maturity of an adult. Use the thought of your daughter's eyes that night if it helps to stay sober. Good luck.

                Hoe everyone else is having a good day/night.

                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  AF Daily Tuesday 4/12

                  HC-your husband is really starting to P me Off!! Good thing you guys are on the other side of the world!! Stay strong friend-although it would be nice, you don't need his support-look at all the women on this site that have become sober without their spouse's support and even enduring the same crap he is giving you right now. Do it for your kids, do it for you. Who knows what the future holds for any of us but sober we can deal with whatever gets thrown our way. :h
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!

