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AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

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    AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

    Where is everyone!

    I am just checking in to let everyone know I am feeling much better - I am dying my hair as we speak so I'll come back in about 20 mins!

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

    Good morning Abbers!

    Good for you Uni - I need to do my hair color soon as well - note tro self

    We had a ton of rain overnight, lot of gusty wind too. Spring is still trying to make an appearance around these parts.

    I'm running behind on everything this morning so I'd better get moving.
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Hump day.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

      I'm back - okay - I've died my hair, cleaned my bathroom and done 2 loads of laundry. Getting things done around here. Taking L-Glut cause I am craving a bit today but refuse to let the beast get me.

      I feel so much better now that i have written that letter to dad. I'm going to go make some photocopies of it today - send one to him, and take one into my therapist. I think I may burn one too just as a "letting go" ceremony. I had a lot of hurt from him in my life and I feel much better now that I have gotten it out on paper. Doesn't take it away but it certainly does at least get it out of me and makes me feel better!

      I am going to spend the majority of the day cleaning and getting this house in order. I have neglected it a lot in the past couple of weeks. Then I have some running around to do and then my women for sobriety meeting tonight. All in all it will be a busy but good day. No AL for me. I don't ever want to see that look in my baby's eyes ever again.

      Okay, with that I'm zooming! Have a great day Abbers!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

        Hi fabbies and thanks Uni for starting things off today! I'm so glad to hear that writing the letter was cathartic for you. I think we should all go to Greenie's house for the burning ceremony!!!!! Seriously - I'm just glad you are feeling better. That must have been startling when your daughter said that to you. Hey - if it's the motivation to help you get sober for good then that is a wonderful thing!!!

        Lav, I think the reason you have not had good spring weather is because this week, we are keeping it all to ourselves in IL. The last couple days have been GORGEOUS!!!!! It's so tempting to get an eary start with flower pots and stuff in the garden but it's really too early. Not gonna gamble with early planting again this year!

        Hello to all other fabbies wherever you are!!!

        Well, Day 3 sugar free. A-friggin-gain. I'm so done with this. I'm eating a lot of protein and fat to get me through detox. I'm not allowing myself to be hungry. Once I get the sugar out of my system in another week or so I'll see about reigning in the volume. That is all.

        Mr. Doggy and I are officially almost in the landlord business. Mr. Doggy has been toying with the rental property idea for years. He now has a local mentor who has been very successful at it, and a bank accepted our (low) offer on a vacant house today. It needs a LOT of work, but we paid the same amount for this house that we paid for our fifth wheel camper when it was new. It really is an incredible deal. So once it closes, our newest business venture will be underway in earnest. No way could we do this if I were still drinking and Mr. Doggy still smoking weed 24X7.

        I also mentioned on the AA thread that the Sober Club Med vacation for Feb 2012 is in Turks and Caicos. Got that e-mail today. And signed us up!!! Once they put the updated info on the Sober Vacations web site, I will start a thread with a link in hopes that other MWOers might consider it. Mean time, if you are interested you can call sober vacations about it. Sober Vacations International - since 1987

        I also have had the itch to do some outdoor exercise. There is a 5K Weight Watchers event in late May. I walked it last year. I was thinking it would be fun to try to run it this year. So I began the "Couch to 5K" training program today. (in a new fancy cushy pair of running shoes!) I can't believe I figured out how to download the coaching into my iPod. That in itself is a miracle. I did the walk/run for today in my neighborhood. Who knew it was uphill both ways? :H

        Wow. And there are still several hours left in the day before bed time. Maybe I'll take a hot shower and do some mandala-ing tonight.

        One thing is for sure - it would take me a year to do all that if I were drinking. So I'm not going to. Not today.

        Big fabbie hello to everyone who is yet to check in!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

          Sheesh! Where is everybody?

          You sound really good Uni! I'm happy about that! Keep busy and keep doing what you're doing. I am so glad I quit drinking/smoking when I did--I wasn't a very good parent.

          Lav and whoever else commented on my upcoming DC trip (poor, poor memory) thank you for the encouragement. I'm having trouble getting excited about it. I do not like to fly, and I do not like the hassle at the airport, and I do not like to be on the go, go, go with very little down time or sleep. But everyone says we will get our money's worth on this tour. We are staying in a very fancy motel with security guards, but I am not a city person, so that alone will be interesting. We will see part of the Smithsonian, and Arlington Cemetery and lots and lots of stuff crammed into 3.5 days. I've decided I better start getting into shape.

          #1 son is not going, and I'm concerned about what to do with him. He of course thinks he should get to stay home alone, and I don't think that is a good idea. I'm hoping to work that situation out well enough to please all of us.

          DG--my brother (the pharmacist) has bought a couple of houses, fixed them up and sold them. The people that I know around here say renting property out can be a pain, gotta make sure you rent to the "right" people!

          Well, I have some bookwork to do before my meeting tonight. :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

            LVT, I will volunteer to either go in your place for the Washington tour (that is my first choice) OR I will go to your house to pre-adultsit your son (that is my distant second choice). But of course, I have a pretty good set of pre-adultsitting tools I've developed around here helping with YB related issues. :b&d::b&d::b&d:

            :H Seriously.....I really think you will enjoy seeing all there is to see in DC once you get there. It sounds like it will be a whirlwind tour for sure!! I hope you end up having fun and that all is well with #1 son at home.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

              LVT - get yourself a comfortable pair of shoes because you'll be doing a LOT of walking in DC
              It really is a fun place to visit, you'll enjoy yourself. I know flying is a pain in the butt these days but it sure beats driving all that way!!!
              The last time I left a teenager home I had my next door neighbors look in on him ~ at all hours of the day & night. They were unofficial grandparents to my kids....everything was fine.

              DG, hire someone to prescreen your renters......that's what my daughter & SIL did. They put their house up for rent when they moved here near me. Then my SIL's brother bought the house a few months later & took over as landlord.

              When you handle kids & animals all day long you eventually get to the point where you think you've seen everything - until today that is!!!!
              I went out at about 4:30 this afternoon to collect eggs. I have 4 nest boxes built inside the chicken coop and I just have to lift the lids, reach in and grab the eggs - no big deal. Most of the chickens were outside at the time, a few of them hang around indoors, squeezing in the boxes side by side. When I lifted the first lid I saw a chicken - so I reached in & grabbed her to move her out of the way so I could get to the eggs. Underneath her was another chicken with an egg stuck in the feathers on her back :H Honestly, I know chickens are stupid but that was just too much :H:H

              If you ever need a good laugh just get a couple of chickens :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                Just a quicky before work. Glad to hear that you are feeling so much better Universal. When you have finished cleaning your house, can you pop around the other side of the world and do mine?
                My goal for today is to think twice before I speak/comment/post.... seems I have offended someone in the nest with my unthinking, brash way of commenting. As all you have to judge me by is my written word, I have to try harder to say what I mean without coming across as condesending or derogatory as that is never my intention. This is why I have such a hard time with "real" people because I do it all the time in real life.

                Lav - sorry we are clinging onto the warmer weather rather than send it around to you. A month and a half into autumn and we are still having temps in the 30's! So over it....

                Have a great sober day everyone and I will try and pop in later tonight.

                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                  Hiya Fabber's!

                  Good to hear you sounding positive Uni. Keep it going and take your life back by the scruff of it's neck.

                  Hi HC. Don't let any misinterpretations ruin your day. I've done it many times. You are a decent person, everyone know's that. I think as long as we have re-posted, and done our best to explain what we meant to say, is all we can do. As long as we put the truth out there, and we are honest, then the universe will deal with it. I'm starting to ramble on now. Anyway, take care of you, and stay on track. Ramp up your sobriety/gratitude thinking, and all of life's amazing possibilities for you, up to the next level.

                  Best wishes folk's!

                  One things for sure.....

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                    HC-I read you post and the response and I cannot see where you might have offended anyone and I don't see where they took any offense so rest easy tonite. You are very hard on yourself sometimes! :l

                    DG-you so crack me up!! so you and Mr.Doggy have a 5er? Very cool. I've been thinking a lot lately that I need to get a PU with an extended cab and LOTS of HP and towing capacity or a regular PU and looke for a slide in!! Yep I'll buy that with my millions :H
                    Gosh I would LOVE to go on the Sober Vacation to the Caribbean. Again will have to dip into that cash stash!! I'm so glad you are going tho!
                    Good luck on your new RE adventure! It's going to be great!
                    Good for you for doing the Couch to 5k! It took me a few times to download the 5K101 program onto my Ipod too. I'm pretty good with the computer but I swear Itunes is from a whole different planet!! Course I'm doing all this on a PC not a mac which I understand can make a big difference in ease of download. I think I need to get motivated again with that program AND with getting the sugar out of my system. I'm back on whoopie pies again AND have added those sweet sugar cookies with the frosting for icing. You know which ones I mean-they are pink and yellow now and were green for St. Paddies day. I've gained 4 lbs and my favorite jeans were so tight tonite I could barely breath during agility. Arggghhhhh!!!

                    LVT-I wish I lived closer to you-I'm a great checker upper!! I used to drop by my sister's when she and hubby went out of town to make sure the nephs weren't being naughty. Caught my oldest nephew smoking one day-it was so windy and he was so intent on trying to light the ciggy he never heard me drive up and park behind him. You should have seen his face when he turned around for one more try and saw me standing there! Classic! Boy did I let him have it!!:b&d:

                    Lav-OMG was that a funny story!! I never realized chickens were so dumb!! Oh you must have had a great belly laugh!! I do want to come visit Longwood Gardens. have heard so much and have seen a few Victory Garden shows about it.

                    Uni-you sounded great this morning. Hope it lasted throughout the day. Sending big hugs to you!!

                    Hey Mr G-wise words as always. Love it when you pop in!!

                    OK, day is over. time to feed the pack and TRY to get a better nites sleep. I've downloaded one sleep meditation onto my phone but it didn't do anything for me last nite. There's another free one I might try. I haven't taken the Ambien in over a week. Not having a problem getting to sleep most nites, it's STAYING asleep! Waking up continuously at 3 or 4. Geesh.
                    Nite dear abbers!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                      Oh, man, I wish I could hire you guys to come check up on my son! Pap--I can just imagine your nephew about swallowed that ciggie--oh my! The only neighbor that I think maybe could check in on him has a 17 year old son that....well let's just say he doesn't have the kind of influence I want for my son. It will work out, one way or another.

                      Lav, that is one way to make an egg sandwich!:H:H

                      Not sure what you said HC--but if G and P says don't worry about it--don't worry about it!

                      Good night--that is all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                        Another sober day is done. That is all.
                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          AF Daily Wednesday April 13th

                          smiling smooches for everyone..... that is all. :l
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

