My Vitamix blender is broken!:upset::upset:
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Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Good grief! Where is everybody this week?
My Vitamix blender is broken!:upset::upset:_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
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Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
I was wondering the same thing! It has been a slow start all week. Sorry about your blender
We got a puppy last night! He is a boxer/pug cross - sooooooo cute! I'll see if I can download a picture. He is so good. Gives me something to do in the day too which is good. 9 weeks old.
Today is just staying at home, tidying and trying to paper train. I have already been pooped on once! LOL
I'm not sure how to upload the picture - I went to upload an attachement from your computer and it said uploaded but I don't know where it went! LOL
Help!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Ok Uni--I am terrible about giving directions, but once you upload your photo, and it shows up in your attachments, go to reply and click on the paper clip in the tool bar. This will bring up your attachment and then click on it and
That sounds like a good mix for a puppy--how fun! Can't wait to see the pic!
I know DG has a Vitamix blender. I got mine at an auction a couple of years ago, and although it had never been used, it was a 1980's model, and they have discontinued it and most of the parts to fix it. I can trade it in for the newer version for $100 credit, but the blender would still cost me $450 plus shipping. So, hubby is going to try to fix, and if he can't I'll have to decide what to do. The vitamix is the cream of the crop, but I don't have that kind of money right now. Oh well--not a big deal in the scheme of things.
Please continue to pray for my sister Terry. Things are not good--not critical--but not good. I talked to my BIL this morning and he just feels so helpless and hopeless.
Ok, I have killed enough time this morning, I have got to get to work. Here it is Friday again (here anyway) so consider this your peptalk. FRIDAY IS JUST ANOTHER DAY IN THE WEEK. IT DOES NOT MEAN WE WANT TO DRINK BECAUSE IT IS FRIDAY, OR THE WEEKEND! Have a good one all! (I hope you all get a chance to check in!!):h
PS. the tiny graph I have was just a way to remember how to post an attachment, but the big purple portion is the amount of underage drinkers that report doing their drinking in their own home! wow Attached files [img]/converted_files/1558226=6221-attachment.jpg[/img]_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
hey all just whizzing in - off to training in a bit - finished work early so did a bit of shopping and had a snooze in the garden.Just eaten a low fat M &S ready meal- yummy - 'fuller longer' range so has more protein in - all fresh ingredients as well no additives
Bought myself some cheap flowers as a treat - daffodils in back room and crysanthamums in front room. May check back in here later after training - OH is out.Not sure how much skating I'll do - knee still hurts - but good to do what I can until it can bend totally.
Glad this week is over - feeling much more relaxed about work now - I am in the office for 2 days next week then off for 14 days!!!!!!!!one day at a time
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Good afternoon Abbers!
Thanks for getting us going LVT. I'm afraid I wasn't quite alert enough to start a thread this morning. Sleeping better this week is good but has some drawbacks I think
Btw - I'm using a 30 year old food processor to make my smoothies, etc. Thought about buying a VitaMix but......
Uni, congrats on the puppy
I found it's easier to use a Photobucket account to store pictures, then all you have to do is copy & paste the IMG code to put a picture in you post here. Take a look at - it's pretty easy!
Greetings bear, glad your week has been better for you
I just got back from the nursery with lots of plants for my outside pots, etc. Was going to go yesterday but other things came up. Now I can play with flowers all weekend, nice!
OK, off to get my hands dirtyAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Happy weekend Abbers!
Lav, I started gardening too this spring. I have some tomatoes, peppers, a bunch of herbs and lots of pots of flowers going so far. I'm loving it.
Bear, Uni, LV, great to hear from you all. I think my Mom has a vitamix somewhere in her kitchen. I think it still works, too! Hmmm....sounds like lots of healthy drinks going on out there!
Have a fantastic AF weekend Abbers!
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Thought I would pop in and say G'day before my peace and quiet gets shattered by everyone else getting up. Today we are going for a lunch cruise on the Swan River (the main river that connects the two cities here). My sister in law leaves on Monday :upset: so we are trying to make the most of her last few days here.
Have had a good couple of days - had a great Zumba class on Thursday. I had soooo much energy (for a change!) so enjoyed it alot. Then yesterday I started doing someone elses job at work as she is on holidays and really loved it. Didnt have to do my usual job on a Friday which bores me to tears (and usually starts me thinking......) so came home really happy.
Had a drinking dream last night. I could hear people having fun in my dream and automatically put it down to the fact that they were probably drinking. So I thought I should join them because one wouldnt hurt (!!). I relate having fun to drinking. If I am not drinking, I cant have fun! But even in my dream my resolve and determination came thru. I said to myself, I can have fun without having a drink! So I think finally, after all these months of pain and tears, that maybe I have actually GOT IT!It has finally sunk in to my thick head that I dont need AL to get me thru life. Wow, what a relief.
Have got my friends 50th birthday tonight so am going to put that thought into action and have fun WITHOUT DRINKING...... yay!!!
Have a great day my friends.
HipI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Hi Ho everyone! Checking in.
LVT-so sorry to hear Terri is not doing well. Prayers going out to all of you.
Bear-you sound good. Hope the skating doesn't bother your knee too much.
HC-good going on the "aha" moment (thanks to your dream!!). Hope you have a blast at the party AF!! I know you will!
Lav-secrets to the good nites' sleep please????
Uni-a puppy!! Awwwww! Can't wait to see pics so please figure it out soon!! Any name yet? boxer/pug is a great mix!!
Mylife-I've been gardeing for years now but the last couple I've really let my perennial gardens go. Can't wait to get back into it now that I'm not working weekends anymore. I'll post pics as I go along.
Last nite I stopped at Wally world and picked up a box of 50 colored pencils and printed out some free mandalas. Started coloring tonite while I waited for the oven to preheat. I think I'm going to like this!!
I also joined the new 21 day meditation from the Chopra center. It started on Wed. Last nite I fell right asleep about half way through but woke up when it was over. Davidji's voice just puts me right out!! I have walked one of my dogs 4 mornings this week!! Yea me! Poor mickey is the one that gets the least attention so he is eating up these walks and I am actually excited to get up early enough to do this for him (and me!). I've moved my clock radio out to the kitchen, set the alarm to the radio and tuned in a light rock station. Seems to be doing the trick as far as getting me out of bed and keeping me out :H!! Still having the sugar problems but my All One came yesterday so I'll be starting that again tomorrow now that I have milk. I'm hoping the extra amino acids in the All One will help with the sugar cravings.
Tomorrow is another nosework class for LM and I'm really looking forward to it. The rest of the weekend will be laundry, cleaning and yard work if weather permits. Monday is a holiday in MA (Patriots Day) and the running of the Boston Marathon. I hope it isn't too warm for the runners.
No word from the job interview people today. I sure hope I get a call back next week and that they don't drag this out.
I'll check in once more before bed-hope to see our lurkers!!
:lNew Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Fabbies! I'm about to watch a Johnny Depp movie (where's DG?). Well, yard work has reared it's ugly head now that spring is here. A GF called the weed, rocks and gumball ridden expanse in the tundra a "natural area".It may sound silly, but it really changed my attitude about it. Words are indeed powerful. I've fallen into a little quiet phase it seems. I stay home and really don't talk much to anyone. Not sure why, just going with it. However, to make sure I'm not isolating myself, I did go out the other night to an art opening reception. I met a couple of the artists who were there and they were SO interesting, explaining what they were trying to express in their different works. Fascinating really, that creative expression. I don't seem to have any; which is I suppose why I marvel at it so. It was part of the kickoff of a big movie, ,music, art extravaganza festival.
Uni, I'm so impressed at how you bounce back! :l Ohhhh a puppy!!!
LVT, did you figure out a plan for leaving the 16 year old home alone? I think I would have been more like a warden than a parent.
Mylife, I have a few things going this year - tomatoes and herbs and flowers. I couldn't the past few: one year because I was too busy drinking and the next two, little doggie was in that young destructo stage. She eats the scuppernogs on the fence so I may not get many cherry tomatoes.
Lav, those grandbabies came just at the right time for you, huh?
bear, flowers are a wonderful treat - I STILL justify it with the $ saved by not drinking.
Cindi, I hope you have a restful, satisfying weekend. Congrats on 5 days!
HC I hope you have a great time tonight! I find I slide out of parties along with the first wave of departees. Refreshing change from spending the night. :H
I guess M3 is in FL. Where's P3?
And where is jenny&eric? She had some emotional stuff bubbling up last I saw...hope all is well.
AFM, you too!
Det, hope you are having decent travels.
DG, packing for turks & caicos yet? That sounds fab!!
Sara you sound like you're getting more and more comfy with the AF life.
Geez, that's the most I've said in a week even if it is typed and not spoken. I'm exhausted! :Hsigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
papmom3;1099068 wrote: Last nite I fell right asleep about half way through but woke up when it was over.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Good evening kids!
Yes, I finally got myself to the nursery today to buy some plants
I haven't even planted them yet & I'm thinking about getting more!
mylife, enjoy your garden.....sober gardening rocks!
Hippy, I'm so glad you have turned the corner. Changing your thinking is such a huge part of success! Enjoy your dinner cruise, sounds nice.
papmom, I really don't know what's making/allowing me to sleep this week - just came out of nowhere. Maybe it's just freaking time after nearly 16 years of insomnia. Could also be the handful of herbal stuff & Benadryl I take every night. This streak is not likely to last too long though ~ the full moon always gets me.
Greenie, being quiet for a while is OK although you'd never know it by all the yakking I do around here :H I think it's so nice that you have access to art openings & such. There's nothing but cows, corn & barns around here, no kidding. I never ever go anywhere at night anymore - boo hoo. I'm just sitting in the wrong spot for any decent entertainment possibilities. I guess if I get desperate enough I could always crash an Amish barn raising or something
Hope everyone has a great AF Friday night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
Hi fabbies! I have read all posts but am zonked, so will have to catch up with everyone over the weekend!! Special congrats to everyone who has been struggling who is making forward progress.
LVT - so sorry to read about Terri...:l
I don't know what is going on but I've had my busiest Mary Kay day ever!!!! Good thing because I've only got 10 months left to save up for the air fare!! :H
Sara, when I went to the bit AA international convention last summer, lots of people there talked about "sober vacations" with groups. There are quite a few different opportunities out there. My understanding is that these gatherings are nothing like "conventioning" where there are meetings, etc. going on all the time. I think there are some AA meetings but mostly fellowship with other sober folks and enjoying the sights and activities with like minded people.
It was really scary at first for me to go through an airport sober, take a sober flight, etc. Going to the big AA convention was great - the minute I got on the plane I realized nearly everyone on it was going to the AA convention! It really helped me see that I can do these thing sober that I used to do shit faced. A week at an all inclusive (or non-all inclusive :H) beach resort in the old days was definitely a drunk fest. I'm looking forward to my first beach vacation sober - and doing it among other sober people. If that makes any sense. It was also really amazing to meet so many very, very nice people in San Antonio. People I wouldn't mind running into again on a vacation.
Anyway...I zonked. Sobriety rocks. That is all.
I haven't even thought about plants and gardening yet. Sounds like I'm already behind!
PS - Uni...PUPPY PICTURES!!!And I vote with Lav on photobucket! Congrats!
Greenie, keep your mitts off my Johnny, K?
P3 - your vitality energizes me.
OK - now that is really all. I'm off to bed. One thing is for sure.....Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Daily AF, Friday April 15, 2011
whew! hido ho there ABeroooos! quick late greeting from home. yes homealthough I'm off to hotel-world again on sunday. crap! oh well, being AF I can do just about anything.
and now I leave you with this pearl of insight:
macaroni salad is NOT salad.
gnighters xxxxxnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)