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sunday 17 april af daily

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    sunday 17 april af daily

    Hey there - up early off for skating session and pre - skating fitness training.

    Last night was lovely - everyone was so drunk!It was fine though I didn't mind - I almost got dragged onto an empty dance floor by drunk birthday girl though, managed to escape discretely!

    Feeling good - glad to be sober - not so happy about the junk food that I ate yesterday at midnight - mini pizza and chips BUT I was sober and am unhung ready for my exercise now. I guess it's ok not to be perfect all the time - that's my CBT talking! I also got a book by David Burns ' feeling good' - so far am liking it - I really like REBT, CBT based thinking it really helps me focus/be kinder to myself and not procrastinate.Good stuff!

    Anyway - positive AF early morning start to you all.Must get in shower!
    one day at a time

    sunday 17 april af daily

    Hi bear. You sound active today! You can burn off junk food easily enough. you have just reminded me to put on relaxation cd. I find Paul McKenna's one for stress great.
    Have a great Sunday all.


      sunday 17 april af daily

      Good Morning Ab-Fabbers. Hi Bear and Newgrange! Bear, I'm glad you're getting into CBT and REBT. I find those tools really helpful too. And Newgrange, I will look for Paul McKenna's cd. I could use something new for relaxation. I like Bella Ruth Naprosac, too.

      Ironically, I'm feeling very stressed about going away on vacation tomorrow. For one thing there's the packing, on top of having to work today and also get to a baseball game for my son. There's also the thought of a week with my in-laws without booze. I plan to tell them the first day that I've decided that I feel better when I don't drink, and I've given it up. They drink wine's a real ritual at their Florida place, to watch the sunset and drink wine. I'll pour seltzer and juice combos. I know I can do this, but I'm honestly not looking forward to it very much. Time to think those positive thought, huh? This vacation will be about having fun with the kids, enjoying warm weather and feeling the sand between my toes...all done better without wine.

      Have a great day, Abbers!
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        sunday 17 april af daily


        Thanks for the start bear! GREAT job on the sober party!!

        Newgrange I'l have to take a lookie at the McKenna CD. I love that relaxation stuff.

        Sara, try not to build this up in your head (the wine & sunset thing). Stay in the present, just making sure you have a tactical plan should you be pressured. I'm sure you'll find having something pleasant and healthy in your hand will be the perfect thing and you will have a great time AF!

        Did I mention how my fire pit ROCKS?!!! Sitting outside with a coffee and the sunday paper in the robe in the early morning chill listening to the birds while being warmed by the fire is an amazing way to start the day. I would never in a million years have done something that sweet in my drinking days!!! :h AF!!!

        Have a sober serene sunday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          sunday 17 april af daily

          Good morning fabbies! Bear I'm glad you got us started since you know what day it is and I don't! Sounds like the tools you are exploring are really working for you. That is so great to see! A good lesson that none of us get this right the first time and we just need to keep trying different things until we figure out what "clicks" for us. Have fun skating today!

          LVT, I'm so sorry to read about Terry. :l I hope you have a loving visit with her. :l

          Lav a season pass to a gorgeous place sounds so nice. It looks so beautiful - I'm sure you will get lots of enjoyment out of that this year!

          Cindi - I think I remember you posting about that dogwood tree before??? It's gorgeous - so sorry it is dying. Sounds like it had a wonderful long life! You and Lav are making me think about the Morton Arboretum. My father in law worked there and that's where much of Mr. Doggy's growing up was done. He got a lot of YB experience there. It's time for a visit! When I just went to the site I noticed they had a 10K yesterday. The last two days were too crap to go do Couch to 5K - hope to do that today. Would be fun to get fit enough to run some stuff like that!

          Speaking of season passes - I won 4 of them for the local Water Park this season in a raffle at a Chamber of Commerce event last year. Time to nag them and get my passes! I'm sure I will enjoy some sun and family and friends too.

          OK - enough babble and back to business here!

          Hi Newgrange. A relaxation CD sure sounds nice! Good to see you today!

          Sara, I can relate to your stress about "vacation" as you described it. Facing down AL situations was mentally challenging for me too. I just didn't want to. Period. And thankfully there was lots of that I was able to skip. But some things we just can't. Getting through this first one AF will make future ones much easier, if that is any consolation. It sounds like you have a good plan - you have decided what you WILL drink and you have great ideas about fun stuff to do other than drink. I lived in Florida for several years and can relate to that sunset ritual. I hope you end up having a fABulous time despite the in-laws and wine. (I can't imagine spending a week with my in-laws, period, but that's another matter!)

          I hope to go for a walk/run (well, 8 total minutes of running! :H) later this morning. It has to warm up a little for me though! 34 degrees right now. Brrrr....

          I have another appointment this afternoon with a woman who is interested in becoming a Mary Kay lady. I will fall out of my chair if my team grows by two people in one weekend.

          One thing is for sure - booze and Mary Kaying don't go together. So there will be no AL in my world today.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            sunday 17 april af daily

            Greenie!! thank god you checked in nice and early!! From what I'm seeing on the news your WHOLE state got flattened by tornados! Glad they missed you!

            Sarah-I think if you take it one day, one hour at a time you'll be fine. Once you get through that first cocktail hour you'll realize noone cares what you are or are not drinking. I think you'll find the conversation is much more stimulating because you'll be totally present and engaged, not worrying about if you can get away with one, two, three.... more glasses of wine or trying very hard not to slurr your words. Yes at some point it may get very boring for you as they all sink deeper and deeper into the wine. You my dear, can get up, go play with the kids, take a lovely walk, read, enjoy the beautiful nite-whatever you want because frankly, they won't even notice that you're gone! And THEN-the next morning! How glorious it will be to wake up full of energy and sooooo proud of yourself! Ready to go and see for the first time all that you have missed in the past due to being hungover and sad and depressed and TIRED!!
            Use your tools from here and S.M.A.R.T, bring your tapes, your exotic juices and ENJOY!!
            Bear-great job last nite! Keep up the good work! I'm so glad to see you cutting yourself some slack on the perfectionist thinking. I do believe that has been a major trigger for you in the past! AND, you are standing up for yourself! :goodjob:!! You DO matter and you ARE important!

            Hi Newgrange and all to come!!

            Lav-your poor new chickies!! they must have been petrified!! Is everyone OK?

            Lazy sunday here. The storms have all blown out to sea and I don't see any major damage (course we have no trees anymore so that helps!!). Cleaning this pit of a house is the first order of business then DD is getting a shave and a haircut!! JK-he is getting his mats shaved off with the help of a friend who he adores and we will tackle his nails too. Might even trim up his feet if he hasn't had enough by then! Tomorrow? who knows. Hopeing to get some yard work in.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              sunday 17 april af daily

              Xpost DG!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                sunday 17 april af daily


                Hi Greenie! Wow I love the sound of coffee by the fire pit in THE ROBE. Wish I was there with you! :cupajoe:

                P3 - sounds like you have your hands full as Doggy Groomer today! Does DD cooperate or fight you on it? We have to muzzle our mutt to cut her toe nails. :H

                I haven't been watching the news so have missed all the weather reports. :egad: I hope all of our fabbies are safe!!!! Is there anyone who might be affected that we haven't heard from this weekend?

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  sunday 17 april af daily

                  Greenie is the only one I know in the affected area and she's OK thank god.
                  Yes, I have to muzzle DD AND have my friend with me to hold him. He is a master at getting that muzzle off. I'm amazed I still have 2 hands!! If I could afford my groomer he's go there but that line item has been wiped out (as has clothes, makeup, vacations, car repair, home repair.....)I have really got to get serious about Ebay. I have so much crap here-I could just give it away but even if I got $5 or $10 for each item it would help. Maybe that's my project for tomorrow instead of playing YB! I can't afford mulch or new plants anyway and all that cleaning and yanking will make me whip out my CC for just that! Maybe I should sign up for being your 3rd MK hire this weekend!!:H BTW-saw a pink car in the TJ parking lot last weekend-wondered if it was an MK car-it was the softest pink! (drool drool!)
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    sunday 17 april af daily

                    P3, if it was a very soft pink with a bit of a pearly glow it was probably a Mary Kay car. There are lots of 'em out there! Why not you?? A pink Escalade would be great to pull your pink camper now wouldn't it????

                    I would love to have you on my team!!! :l

                    I forgot to tell you guys about the dog that ran up to me on my first (and at this point, only) couch to 5K training run. A young pit bull - I'm guessing 8 or 9 months old maybe? Ran up behind me. Young dog so not a problem. But the girl was laughing. If she had been still in her yard when I was heading home, I would have mentioned that was is cute and funny right now with this puppy could be disasterous once it's a mature adult. Allowing a pit bull to run after joggers? NOT a good idea. Now I know why walkers / jogger in my neighborhood carry mace. It's not rapists they are worried about!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      sunday 17 april af daily

                      Good morning Abbers. Sounds like everyone is off to a positive day.

                      I went to a comedy show and drank sparkling water last night. It was actually really fun and I had a great time!

                      Have a fantastic AF Sunday all!


                        sunday 17 april af daily

                        Good for you mylife!! Another new sober experience! These days, I still don't enjoy just "sitting around" while others are drinking heavily and shooting the shit. But going to events where the Main Event (ie a comedian!) is the focus and the drinking is just "on the side" is not a problem.

                        Good that you had fun!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          sunday 17 april af daily

                          Here we go! Not an escalade but close!!

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            sunday 17 april af daily

                            papmom3;1100113 wrote: Here we go! Not an escalade but close!!

                            P3 Pappin' in Pink!!!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              sunday 17 april af daily

                              All I have to do to make the Pappin in Pink dream come true is win the Lottery (dang I must remember to play!!) or find a millionaire who's into small dogs and large women :H :H!!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

