I'm back again! Have I made it to the gym? NOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Newgrange: I love your plan and the fact that you knew you had to do something to get your AL intake under control. It's so good to have you with us. You are a bright and engaging addition to our closely knit thread here.
Chiliwilli-Hey girl, when are you going to get your beautiful, blythe self over to the US so I can meet you?:l Yup, I know if we ever got together, we would never stop talking. Ugh, you poor baby, I moved 11 times in 12 years so I KNOW what you're going through. All natural feelings! Take heart....we are all here for you!
Shout out to Guitarista! HEY, DID YOU SEE CHILL'S PICTURE???? Now, is she not a goddess? Ok, G, now why not hook up on May 4, your birthday, with this wonderful and exotic Scottish beauty?
Granny Lav, where are you, dear one?
Papmom, Rustop, Sooty, Cyn, Dill, please check in.
SHELLLLLEYYYY? Where are you?