Hi all. I'm still thinking about the meeting I attended yesterday. We normally discuss the Daily Reflections reading in that meeting. But a man relapsed and came back, so we opted to talk about Step One. I needed that.
One of the things he mentioned that led to relapse was getting too comfortable, and letting the "cunning, baffling and powerful" thinking take over. Isolation was a biggie. Not only did he stop going to meetings but he stopped reaching out to others by phone or in person. I truly envision a small animal separated from it's pack by a predator, and then.....
I've been really enjoying my sobriety lately and there is nothing wrong with that. I've been amazed at having absolutely NO desire to drink. I've attended a few less meetings than normal......and now I see where this could go.
I need to change this up a bit. Continue enjoying the promises of the program, while keeping up with the activities that got me here.
I am powerless over alcohol. No doubt about that. Today I am free however, and I am willing to do what it takes to keep it that way.