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AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

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    AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

    Hi Lav. I'm sorry to hear that business is a struggle right now! It's hard for me to say about my Mary Kay business because I've only been at it for just over a year (and not full time by any stretch). So it's not like I had a base of business before the economy tanked.

    The other more experienced Mary Kay ladies tell me that most customers continue to buy, but just less. They will keep buying the basics, but might cut back on special eye creams - that sort of stuff.

    Our computer business certainly "took a hit" over the last couple of years. We have seen signs of improvement (slight) since the first of the year. I really think the businesses WANT to come back. But of course something is always getting in the way of any optimism - i.e. current gas prices.

    I hope you can try to hang in there. I'm really hoping things are going to start getting a bit better soon. We really need a steady space in time without bad news. Not sure if that's in the cards this year or not.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

      I'm so sorry to hear that Cassia, hope you're ok (or as much as you can be)

      I'm just putting in a flying visit to all the threads I posted in tonight to say thank you for helping me reach 24 hours AF, I'm really happy and just hoping for some sleep tonight

      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

        Hi All.
        Welcome IC. Stick with us and your 24 hours will turn into 48, 72 and so on and so forth!!

        Cas-I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. What a waste of 2 young and promising lives. Be good to yourself the next few days and thanks for sharing. We all need to hear these things to keep it real.

        DG and Lav-you guys rock for perservering with your businesses despite this economy. It HAS to get better!!

        Uni-Save a copy for me!! Can't wait to see pics of boo!

        Well, today was totally crap-weather and work wise. My boss must have forgotten to take his meds because he threw a hissy fit at me and was totally insulting. I did get a little snide and he stormed out. Then he left for the day. What an ass and what a baby. I took it hard this time around and it's bothered me the whole day. Then after lunch I got back to find out I had locked myself out of my office (my cell within the large office). Of course no key-why? because my boss has keys to all the doors somewhere in his office and he was gone. Obviously we aren't adult enough to be trusted with keys. We had to call a locksmith. Now we have to give my boss the bad news that all the locks on these office doors have to be changed to some universal type lock and Campus Police will demand keys to them all. And you think he's pissed at me now?
        Admidst all this mayhem I checked my email from my phone and saw that I have been scheduled to interview with 6 people friday the 29th for that Registrar's position I mentioned last nite. Didn't even take them 24 hours to decide to interview me and yet the job I really want took 6 weeks to get an interview and I have yet to hear about a call back. I am flattered but scared shitless. My first meeting on the 29th is at 8:30 with the President of the College. oh yea. Might as well get the tough one out of the way first. My MO has always been to stay as far away from presidents as possible. I'm easily intimidated. needless to say I will probably be eating crap and not sleeping for the next 10 days. tonite I felt like a woman who continuously goes back to abusive relationships. The abuser never really changes no matter what they say. Has my old boss really changed? Could she change? I don't have to date to be in this kind of relationship I guess. What the hell am I doing???
        I sure hope tomorrow looks better even with the Tstorms. At least I had quilting class tonite and that was fun. Got 6 blocks pinned together. Can't wait to sew them.
        I'll see you all tomorrow at some point-probably late.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

          tired and sickly greetings from a hotel on San Francisco. managed to catch a nasty cold. that combined with the humidity here and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself. I'll be my chipper self soon I hope. xxxxx everyone and especially those needing extra hugs.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Tuesday 19th April

            Hey Deter-stay strong! This is one of your biggest triggers so please have alternatives in place and get on here as often as you can!! :l :l
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!

