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April Appreciation AF - week 4

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    April Appreciation AF - week 4

    Good morning guys and welcome to the final week of April

    I have to admit I will be very happy when this week is over!
    It feels like I'm living in some endless nightmare at the moment and I just want to wake up and it be over. Yesterday I had a very tough time and couldn't stop crying, there was way to much self pity going on but when these waves happen I just go with them and they pass. I forced myself to go and meet some friends knowing I would have to paint on a smile and pretend to be fine and it worked, it snapped me out of the blackness.

    Doing all this on my own feels so hard, if only someone was here to squeeze my hand and say it will be ok, I'd also so love not to be getting on that plane myself, it all seems so sad and having to deal with every little detail frazzles my brain. I'm so scared I forget something. This all said, when it's over I know I will look back and be proud that I managed and I feel my stress muscle with be very strong!

    Paguy - it's so great to hear you felt good after running that distance, 10 miles is a good test and you sound so strong and fit, isn't AF the greatest gift in the world.

    Lav - I always wanted a gazebo and hope you were nice to YB for his patience
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    April Appreciation AF - week 4

    Good morning to all...

    Chill, right now it really is ODAT. These last days sound so hard, with saying goodbye, the anxiety about the future, and all the unknowns. I was thinking how good it is that you have your dog and are moving closer to is hard to be feeling lonely. Keep taking care of yourself and posting here as much as you can. We are here for you. Sending you positive energy.:l Thank goodness you are AF.

    We had a lovely Easter, a couple of the men had one beer, then we all ate too much and laughed and talked for hours. It was a beautiful spring day again, a really blessed Easter for all of us.

    I am extremely thankful for so many things right now, and top of the list is being AF.

    PAguy, good on your run, and a comment that this Easter is so good for me too with no booze. I can really enjoy the people in my life, as I am not focused on booze. The momentary urges are more easily put aside the longer I go. This time I just think of the last time I drank, and the disgust of that episode puts me in mind of all the blessings of being AF.

    Lav, a gazebo sounds fabulous, you will get so much enjoyment and good to year your YB was in a good mood.

    To all, have a marvelous Monday, AF.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      April Appreciation AF - week 4

      Good morning everyone

      Hard to believe that it is the last week of the month already and what a month of changes it has been for some of you!!

      Chill - Lots of cyber hugs to you. Do as Star says ODAT. Each day is taking you closer to where you want to be.

      Star - Glad you had a nice Easter after the week you had. It was indeed great to celebrate it AF. I cooked a turkey but only expected myself and hubby to be there to eat it but ended up with one of the boyfriends and another daughters friend there for dinner.
      It was nice to sit around the table with all the young people and listen to their banter. A taste of what is to come and moving on.

      John - well done on the race.

      Everyone else big hello. Hope you all had a nice Easter. We have had the most amazing weather here all week. Cloudier today but I am pleased with all I got done so looking forward to the week ahead. We have a holiday week-end here next week-end as well.



        April Appreciation AF - week 4

        Good Monday Morning Friends,

        I had a lovely Easter with my family yesterday! I am indeed one lucky person...a houseful of people laughing and playing with my niece's new puppy, a Yorkie and Maltese mix.:h I could not put him down. If he lived with me, I would never go to work.:H

        Chill, dear lady, awwww, all those emotions are so natural. You'll get through this because you are stronger than ever because you are AF and you can think with a clear head. As long as I've "known" you, you have ALWAYS found a solution, the most positive avenue, and you'll do it again this time. Sending you strength and boatloads of hugs. And, think of eating lunch with me on the Champs-Elysees in July and that should make you smile. (Yeah, right...hahahahaha!!!)

        Rustop-how fun that you had unexpected guests. It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Don't you love being around young people? They keep us feeling young, don't they?

        Star-you sound so at peace with yourself and I'm glad you enjoyed your AF Easter! I hope today goes well for you and you like your new co-workers....and no one is grumpy after the holiday weekend.

        Papmom-Good luck on your interview today!

        Ok, I have an hour of studying before work....have a great AF Monday everyone!


          April Appreciation AF - week 4

          Hi all,

          Big hugs and luck to P3 today!

          Chill - I wholeheartedly agree with star. It's one day at a time and thats it. You will get through it and when you are settled in six months time it will all be worth it. Portugal is only a couple hours flights away so you will find that people are always visiting and you can go back whenever you want. You are making this move for the right reasons. Don't say goodbye, say see ya later.

          Star - I am pleased you had a nice Easter with friends and family!

          Rustop61 - big hello from me. Isn't it grate when you get everything done you wanted to! Hopefully you can relax now and enjoy next weekend.

          Rusty - I hope the studying is going ok! I am glad you took yesterday to rest and enjoy ir with friends and family.

          So my yesterday was alright. My stomach was bothering me (although it seems better today fingers crossed) and I spent the best part of three hours trying to understand the American tax system for married couples. I think I have got it! I need to complete a w4 before I start my job and I just dont want to end up paying too much two. It really is unnecessarily complicated.

          So today is another cleaning and gutting day. I have a lot of additional stuff I needto through out. Then I am packing. Scary stuff! X
          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


            April Appreciation AF - week 4

            Good morning everyone!

            Just took me a while to get thru all thru posts from Saturday until this morning. Sorry - I didn't check in yesterday to wish everyone a Happy Easter but you were all in my thoughts.

            Easter was definitely a beautiful day here on the east cost. Went to 8:00 church - can't even begin to tell you how much I'm getting out of church these days - feel like I can walk in there guilt-free (at least the drinking part) and my mind is in such a better place these days. Came home and had brunch for my son and his fiance and my mom. I was beat after everyone left and really could have just laid down and taken a nap. Sat out on my deck for a while with a most refreshing glass of iced tea (my new fav drink right now). Saw my first hummingbird of the year! (yes I'm a hummingbird freak - and my kids all think I'm the biggest nerd).

            Anywho - Chill - better to get all those feelings out and not try to keep them inside. It's okay to be sad and to feel overwhelmed right now - you have every right to feel that way. You know it will get better and everything will turn out alright. Sending you a big hug :l and hoping you have a better day today.

            Paguy - you so inspire me with your running - I have bad knees so walking is really all I'm capable of doing.

            Star - sounds like you had a wonderful Easter with family and I know what you mean about feeling appreciative.

            Rusty - glad to see you are feeling better and sounds like you had a great day as well - nothing like puppies to instantly change our mood!

            Lav - a gazebo on your deck? Awesome. I now have a covered deck but I remember not being able to sit out there when it was stinkin hot as well - I mean what's the point in having a deck to sit on if you can't get out of the scorching hot sun? Nice of YB to help. Glad you had a nice dinner with your daughter and grandkids yesterday.

            Cassia - bet you are wondering when all the sorting/packing will be over huh? It's a lot of work but your move sounds exciting too!

            Rustop - happy to hear you've been enjoying nice weather - we are in for a week of higher than we've had in a long time temperatures - looking forward to that. Nice to have longweekends two weeks in a row - huh? (starts to get addicting)

            Papmom - I'm sending you good luck wishes as well on your interview today! Let us know how it goes.

            It's Monday but it's a 4-day work week for me (Wohoo!) Hope everyone has a great day and I'll be checking in later this evening.
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              April Appreciation AF - week 4

              Good morning April friends!

              Chill - here's a virtual squeeze for you :l
              Waiting for something, anything really is always hard!!!! You'll be OK!

              Star, glad your Easter day was successful. An AF Easter really rocks!!!

              Rustop, your day sounded nice as well! I love to have 'unexpecteds' for dinner - makes the effort put into preparing a meal seem worthwhile

              Rusty, you should get yourself one of those mini dogs & just take it to work with you in your pocketbook! I'd have to drag a footlocker around with me if I wanted to take Maxie somewhere :H

              Cassia, no one understands the tax system over here - I don't! I have total faith in our accountant, filing our own taxes at the end of the year is something we don't do on our own anymore. It's all gets very confusing when you retire & begin to collect pensions & have to make estimated tax payments throughout the year................

              Joile, my humingbird feeder is filled & waiting for visitors too - I love them. I have several 'butterfly bushes' planted around my deck that attract them as well.

              Papmom - good luck to you today ointup:

              John, congrats on your successful run - good for you!!!

              Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a good AF Monday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                April Appreciation AF - week 4

                Morning all -
                Chill, I woke up thinking about you today - I thought, 'just 48 more hours'. Now is the time to take yourself by the hand, know that each hour will be tough, but you will make it -- the good thing about moves is that eventually they are over! You are not alone...please rest in the embrace of this thread. Remember to breathe, and repeat Louise Hay's mantra: All is well....

                Cassia - you too are in the thick of it, good luck!

                Star - hope all goes well getting through your huge work load this week.

                PMom - sending you good vibes for the interview!

                GMan - what good news about more music! Woo-hoo, can't wait.

                Everyone, thanks for all the happy news --
                to the light


                  April Appreciation AF - week 4

                  A quick check in for me tonight, I haven?t had a chance to read back so I hope everyone is well and you have all had a lovely Easter Weekend. I?m getting ready for an early night as I spent the whole day in the garden and I?m bushed, I?ve had a soak in the bath and I?m having a hot chocolate. I?ve so enjoyed the time off work and yet again I can?t believe its back to work tomorrow but with another long weekend looming at least it?s only 3 days work this week so I?m sure I can manage that I?m not a royalist and won?t be watching the ?wedding? but I am happy to accept the day off!

                  I?ll read back when I have more time, have a relaxing and peaceful evening.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    April Appreciation AF - week 4

                    Lav - you are not the first one to say that to me! I think I will speak to h&r block and do an income tax class to help me understand it. My friends hubby is also going to help me out.

                    Cyn - good to see ya. What's going on with uz

                    Dew - it was another lovely day wasn't it. Enjoy your well earned rest!

                    Jolie - it sounds like you had a nice easter weekend. I too would be happy to see a hummingbird!

                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      April Appreciation AF - week 4

                      Hi Everyone. Thank you for all the good wishes this morning. My interview was 2 hours long! I enjoyed meeting the person who would be my boss if I was hired and the Assoc. VP of the division. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted when I got home! I have no idea how it went. I get the feeling they are bringing in far more people for a second interview than I was originally told as they won't be done until after next week. Timing is crappy. Although it was a PREFERRED qualification, I got the feeling that not being bilingual is going to hurt my chances. I was asked that specifically today and there is nothing I can do about it. It is what it is. I just don't have a good vibe today and feel kind of down. I have so much to do before leaving for my big agility weekend and I kind of wish I wasn't going. I don't even have anyone to feed the cats yet! Then there is trying to prepare for the interview on Friday. I keep telling myself that my stress is nothing compared to what Cass and Chill are going through but it's not helping much. I got nothing done this afternoon but the dishes. At least that is done.

                      Cass-just fill out 0 for your exemptions for now on the w4-you'll get the max amt of tax taken out for sure but come next April 15th you won't have to worry and hopefully you'll get a good chunk back. Then based on your paystubs from the past year at your new job you can go onto the IRS' calculator and figure out withholdings for 2012 so that you get more in your paycheck. You just have to give yourself some wiggle room so you don't get caught by surprise at tax return time. If I stay where I'm at, I will be doing that exact thing but will finagle it so that I get $1000 back in April but my paycheck should be $150 heftier each month.

                      Everyone's Easter sounded so nice and mine was no exception. My dad brought slides over from th 70's through the 90's and we "treated" the younguns to what I'm sure was a very boring slideshow of their parents and auntie/uncle when we were very young up to our teens. We adults all found it quite hysterical!! My dad also announced he has bought a new sailboat at the ripe young age of 84! We knew this was coming and it is beautiful! I'm really looking forward to getting out on the Bay again. He sold his last boat 2 years ago and I think I got out on it twice in the last 5 years he had it.

                      Dew-your day today sounded heavenly. Cannot wait to get out in my garden but first this *&^% rain has to stop!!

                      Lav-piccies of the gazebo please? Im so happy for you! You are really goin to enjoy your deck now! Glad you had such a great time with the family yesterday-even YB!!

                      Jolie-I'm so jealous! I've seen a few hummers in my garden over the years but mostly in the fall and young ones as they are moving out for the winter. I have yet to attract them in the summer! You must live in a great place for hummers!!

                      Chill-I'm so sorry you were so sad today. Hoping you are feeling better now. You're almost home hon!! Wish I could stretch my arms across the ocean to give you a hand to hold but here's the next best thing:


                      Back to work tomorrow for a 3 day workweek myself! Yippee! Although being so behind in my work is NOT fun.

                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        April Appreciation AF - week 4

                        Hummingbirds are very cool papmom. I live very near Jolie so I know I'll be seeing them any time now
                        Glad you got through your interview OK. About the bi-lingual thing........I was just thinking I really only know one person who is fluent in 2 languages. The rest of us only remember a few lines from high school language class.:H Hope you get yourself caught up at work.

                        Goodnight to one & all
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          April Appreciation AF - week 4

                          Good morning everyone
                          My last day today and the sun in shining!

                          Papmom - I'm confused about the bi-lingual, is it because there are lots of students with another 1st language. 2 hours is exhausting! When will you hear if you get a 2nd? I hope you can relax and put it out your mind so you can enjoy your weekend. You have another one before you go, right?

                          Lav & Jolie I'm not sure I know what a humming bird looks like, we are inundated by cuckoos at the moment and I do like the sound they make.

                          Cyn - all is well in my world, thank you for the reminder.

                          I decided last night that all the high anxiety I've been feeling is a choice and I can choice to feel differently. So for today, I'm not stressed. Yes I have things to do but they are all very do-able and then I meet my girlfriends for a late lunch on the beach before having an early night. I was thinking last night how it would all be if I was still drinking *shudder* I would probably be constantly hungover at the moment and struggling through every minute. Today I would over indulge at lunch, make a fool of myself and probably go to the bar on the way home. Then I would be a complete mess in the morning, sleep in, feel like shit and have to get to the Airport and deal with cargo check in. Instead, it's all going to go like clockwork, I have everything in order and I am in control......
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            April Appreciation AF - week 4

                            Wishing you the best chill,

                            Have a good af day everyone else.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              April Appreciation AF - week 4

                              Hey Chill, I really related to your decision to change your perception and therefore your mood. I had to do the same as I started getting anxiety abaut tying up loose ends, saying goodbyes and planning for the future. I decided to affirm, it will be interesting and challenging to figure these things out. It makes all the difference in the world to change our attitude. It isn't easy though.

                              Cassia, our tax system is insane, purposely complicated so no one knows what is going on. I say simplify it, but who am I?

                              To all, have a great day, AF.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

