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af daily thu 28 april

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    af daily thu 28 april


    I'm here! A thunderous start to the day turned out to be a lovely afternoon and evening. I'm grateful to have been bypassed by the wrath of the weather.
    The interview was fine. (I won't go into the gigantic anxiety I had over it all AM for some reason~ feck, what was THAT about? But I do completely get why anxiety is a common denominator in drinkers) Won't know anything for about a week so I'm off to Florida to my father's timeshare week with a friend.
    Hate to be so brief lately, but honestly, this anxiety thing is getting on my last nerve. :H
    Good job daisy & inchy!
    LVT, I'm so glad you're feeling OK & holding steady.
    Be well!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      af daily thu 28 april

      Glad you checked in Greenie!
      Enjoy yor time away, sounds nice!

      LVT, I'm sure this has been a very long week for you, hang in there. :l

      Daisy, glad you are with us. And Uni, glad you are OK too.

      The storm bypassed this region as well. Ended up with a lot of tornado warnings, etc but thankfully none of that happened here, just rain.

      I'm pretty well spent after a 7 hour EB marathon today

      Calling it a day!!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af daily thu 28 april

        whew! finally back home in my bed again. joy!

        great to see all your shiny, happy AF faces

        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)

