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AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

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    AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

    Morning fABbies! I'm multi-tasking this morning. Figure skating in one little screen window and the royal wedding in the other. Marshy! Do people where hats like that around London all the time??? :egad: Just saw a couple that appeared straight out of star trek. Hard to tell the difference between the wedding and the figure skating! :H

    I'm already dressed and made up for my Friday morning business meeting. None of this would be possible in the old days, that's for sure.

    Warm thoughts out to LVT. I can't imagine how difficult this week is for you. :l

    Prayers to all who are affected by the insane weather.

    Hello to ALL fABbies and special strength vibes to those of you in the early days of sobriety. Don't give in to AL. That just keeps us stuck. At least it kept me stuck. The only way out for me was to hang tough and just keep going one AF day at a time.

    The secondary queen is making her entrance to the church. I don't see the primary queen, Greenie, anywhere. Greenie, have a wonderful time in FL. Sounds like you have been stressed a bit so some FL sunshine sounds in order!!

    Deter, good that you are home safe and sound once again.

    Uni, hang in there for another AF day today/

    It really is cumbersome to navigate the back seat of a car in a bulky wedding gown. Good to know that is the same whether one is a princess to be, or an ordinary person. :H

    Well, one thing is for sure!!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

    Doggygirl;1106520 wrote: Marshy! Do people where hats like that around London all the time??? :egad:
    Got my hat on! (Kidding). I'm waiting for the fly past coz I can see the planes from my window and about 10 seconds later they appear on TV!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

      Heh... I thought the wedding was Saturday. :H

      If I were to take cover for a tornado, I guess I would pick a bathroom as recommended. But of the two, one has a window and the other is adjacent to the gas fireplace. Which would YOU pick? Why do they recommend a bathroom, anyway?

      This morning is absolutely glorious! I need to check the weather forcast for FL and pack. I am not crazy about packing and still remember the first few times packing and unpacking sober as being quite the novel experience. This is the friend that likes to birdwatch and we take our bicycles and tromp around nature preserves and such. This time I'll introduce her to letterboxing.

      My thoughts on my anxiety are this. (for today anyway ) I am learning a bit about energy work in a very random manner. Things you ask/wish for have a way of showing up in your life. I think it's time for me to try to apply what I've learned (is learned right? maybe heard is a better choice) to myself. It is what I wanted to be able to do after all......

      Oh I have to write a think you note for the interview too. Funny, I didn't talk very much in it and she didn't have the usual "interview" questions. I think she was getting a "feel" for a personality match with the chariman. It sounds like a great job. Somewhere in my core I feel a twinge at the prospect of an 8-5 job and I need to address that. Sounds spoiled, doesn't it?

      Coffee & a letter ~ comming up!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

        Morning guys - I'm exhausted - woke up at 5am to see the wedding, watched Kate walk down the ailse, say her i do's and then promptly fell back asleep only to wake up an hour later to get the daughter ready for school. Then, as we are walking out the door she says, oh yeah mom, I need this for today. I was like "are you kidding me - I haven't had any coffee yet, not ready for this! LOL"

        Needless to say we all survived, I have had a coffee, I am checking in, going to do my banking and then am back off to bed for a long nap!

        No al for me today - no way, no how.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

          Hi folk's,

          Wishing everyone a great day out there.

          All the best. :h

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

            Morning Abbers!

            Watched the Royal Wedding on a rerun :H
            Not motivated enough to be up before the chickens to watch TV!

            The hats definitely are unusual looking DG. I haven't worn a hat since Easter Sunday when I was about 9

            Greeting hatless Marshy!!!

            Uni, hope your day is good

            I'm wasting time right now (which pisses me off) waiting for YB to pick up eggs to take to the farmer...........jerk! I have things to do & places to go

            Hope everyone has a great AF Friday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

              Wow, those hats!! Hard to imagine something like that parked on the side of my head. Mine sit on top and well.... look like a hat. They are service oriented after all. Keep the sun off sort of things. I have to say after looking at the clips on the internet, I am right sick of the fancy feast commercial. That is all.

              Lav, stick them in a cooler on the porch & leave?
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                Aloha Friday ABerooooos!

                so nice to be home

                star trek hats? I must see this....

                planning a fun weekend of manly activities with the guys since Dx is away camping with the girls.

                be well everyone.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                  holy snot, I don't believe it. check out Readers Digest Feb 2011 on the cover "eat this and lose weight"
                  which features an article called 'is this the only way to lose weight?' with interview of Gary Taubes.

                  a quote: public health authorities have been hammering home a very simple message for the past 40 years: if you don't want to be fat, cut the fat from your dit. And in those years, obesity rates have gone from 13 percent to 22 percent to, in the last national survey, 33 percent

                  another quote: the low fat diet that people have been eating in hopes of protecting thier heart is actually bad for their heart

                  I just so surprised and pleased to see this hit the mainstream media a little bit.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                    Hi All,

                    Greenie, Must feel good to have the interview behind you. I understand your reservations around an 8 - 5 job. Although I work a full time schedule, I make my own hours. I was never well suited for a 8-5 job. Please keep us posted!! PS...I agree about the hats at the wedding. Some of those women looked like Lady Gaga wannabes. That one with all of the circles shooting off the side of the woman's head was a real winner!!

                    Det, I love all of the great research coming out on nutrition, especially the gut/brain connection and how healthy fats are so important for optimal brain health. Please keep posting what you come across. I literally and figuratively eat it up. Happy to hear that you are home safe and sound.

                    Marshy, Is the wedding getting non stop coverage in London?

                    Hello to Lav, DG, Uni, and Mr. G.

                    Special thoughts and hugs go out to LVT.

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                      Mom3, have you heard of author and scientist T. S. Wiley? she is one amazing smart woman. she has a podcast I just caught last night on Underground Wellness

                      Health Podcast | UW Radio | Health Expert Interviews | Underground Wellness

                      also Robb Wolf interview is awesome as expected.

                      to your health everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                        Hello Abbers!

                        I'm finishing up day 29 here, and feeling good as far as no AL and really don't want it -- so that's good especially as it's Friday!

                        I had to chuckle as everywhere I went today people had on little paper crowns and hats. I really didn't think the Royal Wedding would be such a big deal in Florida, but apparently it is! And I caught my husband watching the wedding re-runs on the BBC news this morning! :H:H

                        We're going to the movies tonight. Something I never would have done in the past as I'd want to stay home with my wine. These days, I like going out!

                        Have a wonderful AF Friday night and weekend all.


                          AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                          Det, thanks for link to cool site!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!


                            Having a hot bath (cause Boo won't stop licking me so I smell like a stinky dog! LOL)

                            And then off to bed - SOBER! Love it - going to get back on track this time - DG - kind of like you said, after your 8 months of struggling it just finally clicked and you said enough of this crap after your relapse? That's how I feel today, I'm just done fighting.

                            So chalk up another one for me, I'm back in the game. Thanks guys :l
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

                              Good Evening Fabbers! Wasn't that wedding amazing? I turned on the telly in time for "Dearly Beloved" but didn't get a chance to see "the kiss". Saw it tontite tho on the news so thats OK. Loved her dress! so happy she didn't go strapless!!

                              The interview was OK. I had conversations with 5 people, only 2 of which asked me real questions. The VP of Academics had some great questions. Too bad I didn't know the answers. I now realize how much I DON"T know about this position so now I'm not sure I can do it. My meeting with the VP of HR was nice but she didn't bring up any HR stuff at all-no salary range, no time frame for hiring (although I know they need someone quick), no benefits chat which was wierd considering as of this past wednesday all employees have to pay 10%towards their health care which a huge change from when I was there before (it was free). So, I guess I feel like I've been hung out to dry. I secretly hoped they would offer me the job today and they didn't. Did they only bring me in out of curtesy? I really don't know now. So, I'm trying not to think about it and I will go to NH tomorrw and have fun! My car is packed, my house is clean, my cooler is scrubbed from the ravages of this winter (when am I going to remember to bring these things in after October????) and I will be up probably by silly O'clock and on the road by 6. It takes less then 2 hours to get there and I had thought it took 2.5 so that is a bonus

                              Uni-sorry to hear you relapsed again but glad your back in the game. You give that pooch a hug for me OK??

                              Greenie-great job on the interveiw! I bet you get offered the position! You'll get used to the hours soon enough and even tho you will miss your freedom, it's good motivation to do a great job, get paid well and then retire!! have a great trip to FLA-you deserve it!!

                              Hey to Lav,Deter, G, Mylife, DG, M3 and anyone else I've missed. It's been a long busy day and I'm beat! I'll check in again when I get home on Sunday evening. Have a great weekend everyone!!

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

