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AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

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    AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

    Morning all.
    Been AWOL from here for a few days. My life is just so stupidly hectic at the moment it's no wonder I ache. But I do bring alot of it on myself. Still learning how to say no and to stop myself getting caught up in the insanity of my previous life. I need to avoid looking at how many dishes are in the sink (thanks to my darlings who are STILL on bloody school holidays and obviously dont know what a dishwasher is for...). And I need to say no when asked if I will be the team manager for my daughters soccer team. And I need to stop taking it upon myself to singlehandedly solve the issues within another department at work. Aaahhhh going crazy....

    Still got a lot of work to do obviously, but one thing at a time hey!

    Go to go and get ready now (as I have to take my son to his first footy match of the season and the word is NO when asked to be team manager for him)

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      AF Daily - Friday April 29 - Wedding Day!

      universal;1106908 wrote:

      And then off to bed - SOBER! Love it - going to get back on track this time - DG - kind of like you said, after your 8 months of struggling it just finally clicked and you said enough of this crap after your relapse? That's how I feel today, I'm just done fighting

      So chalk up another one for me, I'm back in the game. Thanks guys :l
      AMEN SISTAH!!!

      And HC, learning to say NO is something I'm working on as well. I hear ya.
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.

