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AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

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    AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

    Hello Abbers!

    I'm starting our thread today and I'm ver happy to report that April, 2011 is my first full month AF!! Today is 30 days for me. I'm really happy I stuck to something I said I'd do for the first time! Finally!!

    My hubby and I are off to enjoy a beautiful day at the beach. Thanks so much for all your wonderful support and advice. I am very motivated to keep right on going and hope to reporting on my 60-days this time next month.

    Thanks again MWO! :l

    AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

    :goodjob: Mylife!

    30 days is awesome! You should be very proud of yourself and the fact that you feel motivated to keep going is very important IMO.

    Way to go Mylife!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

      Fabulous, mylife!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!

      Hope everyone has a great weekend & week! I'm waiting for my friend to show up. We didn't really discuss an exact time...:H I love the way we are so laid back about it.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

        Morning Abbers!

        CONGRATS mylife on your 30 AF days!!!!!
        Great work - keep going

        Greetings Jolie - looks like we're in for a nice couple of days, weatherwise!!!

        Have fun on your super-laid back vacation Greenie!

        I'm going to spend the day playing in the garden & watch the veggies grow & keep the bunny rabbits out if I can

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

          Morning fABbies!

          :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS MYLIFE ON 30 DAYS SOBER!!!:yougo::yougo:

          Sounds like you will be gone tomorrow so there it is today! Have a great time at the beach! I want to go too!

          Hi Jolie!

          Greenie, have fun on vacation! Love that laid back attitude re: the start time and probably most of the non-plan plans.

          Lav, it is far too muddy here for gardening. So I will just keep watching figure skating. An upset victory in ladies this morning!

          P3, I hope you have fun this weekend! I'm sure you are already well on the road by now.

          Hi to all other fabbies!

          Yesterday was Day 4 Whole 30. Had some bad cravings in the afternoon - I'm sure it was the sugar detox talking. I ate enough calories in nuts to feed a small country. So did not follow the "nuts in moderation" Whole 30 guidelines. BUT...did not eat anything off plan either. So I think that was the right call. On to day 5 today.

          I'm going to zoom zoom a few errands now before Ice Dance free dance begins. It's great to be sober and have so many choices about the day. I had no choices when I was drinking. I suppose the only choice to some degree was when the drinking would start. But that really wasn't in my control either - otherwise why would I drink during the work day when I knew I would ultimately get fired for it? FREEDOM rocks.

          Alcohol is a neurotoxin. That sounds far more like a punishment than a reward to me.

          One thing is for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

            Hey all I am on 4 weeks AF today!!Congrats on AF April.

            I finally finished kitchen - worked all day yesterday - no interest in Royal Family so that was fine!It was really tiring - OH helped yesterday and I'm so glad he did! Looks great now - next step painting tiles and woodwork - but in about 2 weeks time - can't face it.
            Plan to get a friend to decorate our middle room - bit more expensive than DIY but I don't want to use all my holidays up decorating (which could easily happen) and it is so much quicker.

            Next will get him to paint hall landing and staircase and may tackle painting our bedroom ourselves toward end of year - then only 2 bedrooms left and flooring to sort out. It will be a cleaning, gym and spa day on Tuesday before I am back at work next week - had planned to paint tiles/woodwork but I am all decorated out! Can spend what I easily would have spent on booze and cigarettes on decorating!

            I feel so relaxed - and it's still beautiful and sunny 3 weeks non stop so far here - hope everyone in South US is ok from tornados - looked terrifying. We don't much dramatic weather here in UK so I am very unused to it. I have replanted my potatoes today and sown my squash seeds and coriander(cilantro) today - will buy more compost tomorrow and courgette seed and tomato plants.

            Anyway love love love being AF - feel so calm - off out with friends for South Indian food (super spicy!) and a few drinks tonight - no way tempted - going out for food works for me as it means the sole focus of the evening is not alcohol.
            one day at a time


              AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

              Hidy Ho ABerooonies!

              huge kudos to Mylife!

              huge kudos to Bear! you two gals rock-o-la like old fashioned cola. hows that for an obscure word play? hey, I just woke up

              Doggygirl, my eating 'way too much nuts' was one of the reasons I'd reached a plateau in my weight loss I think. they contain a LOT of omega 6 EFA's which is really not something we need in our diets these days. anyway it beats the heck out of eating sugar or grain-based starches so really I'm just nit-picking. I'm on about day 4 now of sub 20 carbs per day. trying to pop into ketosis here for a bit.

              off to the shooting range to enjoy some guy-time with some AF buddies.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

                Hello Guys! Just checking in to say thanks!

                We are at the beach and it is gorgeous. Heading out for a swim in the ocean.

                Bear - Congratulations on 4 weeks! We're on the same AF timeline here!

                Great to hear from everyone, and thanks for the obscure word-play Determinator! :H

                Have a great day all!


                  AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

                  Hey all,

                  Just on my way back from a fabulous wedding with some good friends who I probably won't see again before I go. I had a glass of champagne put down in front of me for the toast but I didn't partake. It has become so much easier now. I remember the first wedding I went to when i was five days af and I spent the entire time focussing on how much everyone was drinking and feeling sorry for myself for not being able to drink. I left early and didn't dance. This time I felt so strong and was dancing away and have a rare time. I only left early because I knew it would get quite emotional at the end and I wanted to just sneak off.

                  Hope you are all having a fantastic af Saturday. There will be a lot of hangovers after the wedding but not one here!

                  'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                  "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                  AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                  "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                    AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

                    AHHHH Mylife. I want to go swimming in the ocean with you. That is all.

                    Good for you Bear and Cassia on your AF progress!!!

                    Det, I'm with ya on the nuts. I really debated even having them here at all. But as you stated I know it's better than sugarcarby crap. And there is plenty of that here due to Mr. Doggy, unfortunately. was defo the better choice. It's funny how I sometimes will be a heretic about something or other related to "what's healthy." And then go eat a dozen donuts. Crazy. The way I'm trying to stay focused now is just to do whatever is necessary to stay out of the dozen donuts (and of course, AL) because NOTHING could be as bad for me as that.

                    Hi to all other fabbies who are busy doing whatever this weekend!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Saturday, April 30!!

                      Cassia, how fantastic, you should be proud of yourself.

                      Bad Doggygirl! now I'm thinking about donuts!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

