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AF Daily Sunday 1 May

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    AF Daily Sunday 1 May

    White rabbits!

    Day 1 of my first fully AF month ahead, it's still beautiful weather here.
    Having a few anxious thoughts today about people's approval - need to add to my CBT thought diary - I've not been doing this consistently so far. Funny I talked back to it and said 'well what would it mean/happen if you didn't have people's approval' answer - I would be ok. Decided I am going to step away from any derby team moaning from now on - I am quite happy at the moment.

    Up early and ready for quick trip to garden centre/supermarket for few bits - including GROUND COFFEE!!!I can't run out of that - it's part of my life blood!

    Feeling positive - off to London today with a team mate to hopefully watch a bout (if I can get a ticket on the door).May plant some flowers and tomatoes if I have time before I go.
    I am so much happier AF - I want to fit in a gym visit tomorrow and Tuesday and get back on it. Decorating plans ahead!

    Went out last night for food and drinks was fun - had a lovely time and didn't even miss the alcohol.I won't be out for just drinks anytime soon.Happy AF Sunday everyone.
    one day at a time

    AF Daily Sunday 1 May

    Happy 1st of may everyone and hope you all have a lovely alcohol free day.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      AF Daily Sunday 1 May

      Hello Abbers!

      Happy May 1st! Bear, sounds like a nice evening for you last night! Nice to hear from you too, Mario!
      I am up early due to hubby least it's Sunday so I'll get a nap later on!!

      I have started May with a goal to lose some weight -- of course Sobriety will be my number one goal, but I need to lose 15 lbs and I feel like I can do it now that I don't lose control every night with my wine!

      Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Sunday.


        AF Daily Sunday 1 May

        Good morning Abbers!

        Happy May Day

        bear, I am so happy for you! Look at all you've accomplished these last few weeks - keep going

        Hello Mario, mylife & all to come today!

        Plannning another day putzing around outside today - allergies & all :H
        Better than dealing with ice & snow I suppose!

        Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily Sunday 1 May

          Hi fABbies! Bear, sounds like you are developing really great mechanisms to deal with your stuff. That is awesome!! I'm with you as far as social situations. I am at ease being around AL so long as AL is not the central focus. Dinner out is fine. Business events are mostly fine. But I still have zero interest sitting around in a bar shooting the breeze while other people drink away. That is no fun for me and I don't try to make it fun for me. And at this stage of my life, I don't need to do things that aren't fun, that I dont' HAVE to do. I love that CBT thing about "well, what would a happen if somebody DID disaprove of me...? (or whatever) That is such a good way to look at stuff like that. I need to use that tool more often! I'm so glad you reminded of that today!

          Hi Mario! It's so good to see you here! Hope you have a fABulous al free start to May as well!

          mylife, I'm right there with ya on a little weight loss for May. I did really well on low carb when I first quit drinking. The last year and a half I've been piddling around with different eating plans and net net, low carb (well, modest carb I should probably say) is really what works for me. Not only for weight but for controling cravings (which for me get VERY intense) for sugarcarby foods. I'm actually more sick of battling the cravings than I am battling the weight gain! Anyway....I hear ya!!! Are you still at the beach?

          Hi Lav! Have fun puttering today. I really really really have the itch to go get some stuff to start pots of flowers. is supposed to get down to 40 tonight so that probably means frost. I think I would be wise to wait a few more days. So I think it will be a good off day for me! :yougo:

          Day 6 of Whole 30. Yesterday was really good - no desire for another nut-o-rama like on Day 4. I'm really glad I stuck to my guns through day 4 and did NOT cave to sugar / grains. That's what my brain really wanted. Yesterday was smooth sailing. I'm not supposed to be getting on the scale, but I did anyway. Back in the 150's today - WHEW. Just confirmation that this is working for my old bod.

          One thing is for sure, there is NO ALCOHOL on Whole 30 so that is just one more reason to stay clean and sober today.

          Waving to all fABbies yet to come!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily Sunday 1 May

            Hi guys!

            I'm on day 6 after my relapse and feeling better - night sweats are now gone, just tired. But at 6 days I know I am back on track. Since the relapse in early March I have only gone 3/4 days here and there and then kept having a day of drinking so once I hit one week I know I am good. And I am with family all day today and L-Glut on hand so I'm feeling good.

            Bear, thanks as well for that CBT reminder. I too forget to use that tool sometimes and it is one that really works.

            Rainy and miserable here today but we are going to a hockey game later so I'm looking forward to that. I may go have a little nap first. Boo is sleeping so I may go join him!

            Happy AF Sunday to all!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily Sunday 1 May

              Hello peeps

              I am really determined to stay a/f I am on day 8 today and feel quite high. No anxiety at the moment just looking and thinking forward

              Regards to all



                AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                Happy MayDay ABeroooos!

                welcome Duncan, glad to have you. glad your off to a superb start.

                nicely done DoggyGirl. I watched the fights last night at the sports bar with an AF buddy and managed to NOT eat any french fries. whew! a slippery place for carbs and junk foods in general. not to mention we sat at the bar as it was the only seating. I felt fine though and no AL cravings. then I got to sail home not worrying about DUI checkpoints etc etc. a fun night!

                Uni, hope you and Boo have a nice nap. sounds good

                Lav, Mylife Mario, Bear you all take good care

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                  Hi Again guys,

                  DG, I'm also going the low carb route. Good job on the weight loss! I know that AL is just liquid sugar, so I might as well cut a new addictioin off at the pass. And yes, we're still at the beach which is probably why I suddenly realized "I need to lose some weight!" Nothing like a bathing suit to start a diet motivation!! :H

                  Sounds like everyone is doing great. Have a wonderful AF day all!


                    AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                    Hi all, one week today for me and feeling pretty good. Also planning to start a little May weight loss, 5-7lbs should do the trick. I'm not overweight according to my bmi, but I know what I like and I'm starting to look a bit more size 8 than size 6 on top, and I'm a size 6 girl, with my bone structure I can hardly afford to be much more without looking wobbly xD Any tips on little changes that can help speed things along are mcuh appreciated

                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                      Good evening folks!

                      DG, looks like we're in for wet weather most of the week in these parts but I think (hope) the temps hold for my baby veggie plants
                      YB was here thru lunch & dinner, did a lot of yard jobs, repaired the broken snow blower, etc. He was pleasant, I was too! Still not talking about anything on a personal level - I'm not making an issue of it anymore.

                      Ubni, glad you are feeling stronger!

                      Greetings Duncan, stick around with us

                      Deter, glad you enjoyed your evening out & stayed away from the fries too :H

                      mylife - I won't discuss bathing suits - too painful :upset:

                      IC - I'm sure you are young & will lose those pounds.......
                      Some of us (way over 29) are struggling with losing the extra poundage = terrible scourge :H

                      Have a good night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                        IC, I'm in my 40's now and had actually struggled with my weight for a decade. I've tried counting calories, low fat and all kinds of things that were a drag until I finally found PALEO/primal eating lifestyle. take the 30 day Paleo challenge and i swear you'll feel amazing physically and mentally.
                        Doggygirl, whats the site for the challenge you're doing? I think it's along the same lines.
                        here's the nutritional philosopher/researcher I've been learning from:
                        Robb Wolf | The Paleo Solution book and podcast | Paleolithic nutrition, intermittent fasting, and fitness

                        oh, forgot where I was going with my story. to make a long story short I'm down two pant sizes and I'm never hungry. energy levels are at a record high and I'm not depressed either. give it a go for 30 days.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Sunday 1 May

                          Deter, here is a link to the Whole 30 challenge The Whole30, Version 3.11 | Whole9 | Let us change your life.

                          In a nutshell, lots of meats, eggs and vegetables. And fats like coconut oil and olive oil. A little fruit. A little nuts. No processed foods. No AL. (I smile every time I scan the list of guidelines and see that one!)

                          Inchy, good to see you and glad you are feeling good! Onward we go. I think you will love your sober life once you get rocking with it!

                          HELLO DUNCAN!!! Welcome. Hope to see more of you on AF Daily!

                          Lav, whether that is courting or not, at least you're getting the stuff around your home taken care of. Nothing bad about that! No little plants yet for me. :upset:

                          Hello to everyone else. Going to see if a Monday thread has been started.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

