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Moving thru May - Week 1

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    Moving thru May - Week 1

    Rusty - that is totally crap but maybe a blessing in disguise? Coming back to the States on 15th's very exciting.

    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      Moving thru May - Week 1

      Thank you to all for your good wishes! I seriously almost pinch myself every day because it's hard to imagine 5 months ago that I would not be drinking every stinking night of the week! Do I miss it? In the beginning, YES, now - not on your life. Drinking to get buzzed always came with a price and I'm not willing to foot that bill any longer! Thank you again because you all are my only confidants - the words "I'm an alcoholic" have never passed my lips to another human being. Hope you guys know how much you are all appreciated.

      Paguy - have you always run competitively? You certainly have a full plate what with your marathons and your work schedule. Best of luck in your upcoming races.

      Bear - sounds like a good plan - work can certainly play a big part in stressing us out!

      Rusty - good for you in making your decision to postpone the exam. Bet you feel a sense of relief in that you have a little extra time to study and sort things out.

      Lav - you are so right - I never thought it was possible. Hope you know how much you personally have helped me to get to this point today! Good luck with the hens and if they know what's best for them (personaly speaking), they will do as you tell them!

      Cyn - you know me so well - it will either be a tall glass of iced tea or a banana/peach smoothie that I will be sipping tonight. A bird has (yet again this year) built a nest in my wreath hanging on my front door. Four little eggs in there and my cat knows they are they (he can't reach them). Now I'm just afraid that every time I open my front door, either the nest will fall or the mother bird will get confused and fly into my living room! (this has happened before)

      Rustop - I agree - walking in traffic is stressful and I'd much rather be hiking in the woods somewhere. Hope your shopping trip was productive. What's the puppet going to be?

      Cassia - are you renting a car or buying one? My cat likes to lay behind me in the chair when I'm on the computer!

      Hope everyone has a great day!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Moving thru May - Week 1

        Rusty - X-post - sorry that you can re-schedule - sending positive thoughts and energy your way!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Moving thru May - Week 1

          Chill just remember small is beautiful and I am sure you will make wherever you are your home especially with Elle by your side. It must be difficult though to be returning home and I understand what you mean about the culture shock but at least you are returning to a culture and language that you know. You are stronger than you think. John I really admire your determination and discipline in your training for your running it is so admirable. I would love to be so focussed because I genuinely feel much more positive and upbeat when I stick to my walking/jogging schedule however I sometimes struggle in keeping up with it when I am busy or the weather isn’t great. I need to work on my attitude I think or possibly look into attempting a 5k run during the summer to give me something to aim for. I have my 13 mile walk at the end of May but am confident that I can do it so don’t feel it’s a challenge.

          Jolie huge congratulations on 5 months you must be dead chuffed with yourself. I think the story of the birdnest in your front door is so funny, I've never heard of that before! Cyn I hope you are over your blah day, I hate having them but when I do I try and be kind to myself and have an early night with a relaxation or meditation tape. Star look after yourself at the moment, it is awful to feel under so much anxiety and stress from work especially when you are almost free from that dreadful environment. I think the recommendation from Cyn
          of the Bach Rescue Remedy Cream is a good one; I must look it up myself as I find certain essential oils can change my mood. Rusty
          I’m so sorry to hear that you can’t postpone the exam and I hope you don’t put yourself under more pressure, just do your best and I am sure you will get through this. I am sending you positive thoughts and love pull up those Big Girl Pants and hang in there :l

          Hi to Lav, rustop, Cassia, Bear, LBH, Mylife and where are you Papmom I’m missing your news!!
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Moving thru May - Week 1

            Hi Dew-good to see you. Love your posts...they always make me smile. I think your 5K run is a wonderful goal.

            PAPMOM-where are you?


              Moving thru May - Week 1

              'Drinking to get buzzed always came with a price and I'm not willing to foot that bill any longer!' - Jolie.

              Love the above line Jolie. Huge congratulations on your 5 months AF! Sensational stuff, and keep it going. No more chain's!

              Bummer Rusty. Hang in there friend.

              Dewdrop, re a 5k run, go for it! The participation is a great booster.

              Thinking of you and Elle, Chilli.

              And thinking of everyone. A safe, sober, and magical week to all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Moving thru May - Week 1

                :bday7:HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR.G!!!!

                It's May 4 in Australia, isn't it?:goodtime:

                You are a wonderful friend to everyone here and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays!:h




                  Moving thru May - Week 1

                  Ah shuck's Rusty! Thank's.

                  That's really special, and you are the first to wish me a happy birthday as it's early morning here!
                  I'm off to work soon, and i'll be having a great day. Thank's for remembering.

                  Catch you later, and take care. x

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Moving thru May - Week 1

                    A quick goodnight from me after another day of form filling and registering for insurance, taxes, phone contracts, tv licence etc etc... Internet can't be installed for another week.

                    Rusty - sorry about your exam, pull those BGP's right up, I for one have every faith in you.

                    Star - I'm concerned for you and sending you love & strength, nothing is worth this crap & your wellbeing must come 1st.

                    Cyn - All my usual methods of relaxation have gone to pot I'm afraid, my mind is in such overdrive I'm struggling to meditate, however every day I achieve more and once I've conquered my to do list there will definitely be some much deserved chilling. Being the perfectionist I am, I can't rest until life is in order.
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Moving thru May - Week 1

                      Bedtime for me..........soon.

                      Happy birthday G! May 4 is also my DIL's birthday!

                      Rusty, sorry about the exam........maybe just getting it over with is the best

                      Chill, wish I could give yuo a hand with things! Take your time now, OK?

                      Greetings Cassia, Jolie & Dewdrop

                      Good night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Moving thru May - Week 1

                        I'm here I'm here! Never fear!
                        Holy Crap batman you will never believe the weekend and Monday I have had! I had to go to work today just to catch my breath!!
                        Friday's interveiw went ok I guess. So hard to tell. I still haven't heard anything from them in terms of an offer so I continue to wait. The other job called on Monday, said I was their choice but no offer until references could be checked. Didn't know the salary either or wouldn't say. so far none of my references have been called yet .
                        The agility trial started off rocky on Saturday. I left at Rusty O'clock Sat. morning and was still drained from the interview, packing and cleaning.
                        I was not a very good handler on the course for the first 2 runs but redeemed myself for the last 2 of the day. The weather was really wierd too. Sunday was as perfect a day as you could ask for. Blue cloudless sky, warm but with a cooling breeze. We ran great runs and Q'd in all 4 with 2 firsts and 2 second places. Got home about 5, exhausted and didn't turn on the puter until about 8. Read all your posts but too tired to respond. Saw I had a PM on FB and it was from my Maine agility/pap friend. She had gone to a different trial on the way home saw a small camper by the side of the road. Got home, checked CL and yep, it was there. Emailed the seller to see if still available then PM'd me. I called the seller, liked what I heard. Made arrangements for my friend to go look at the camper on Monday as it was right down the road from her. Did research on the weight and it's perfect. She looked at it, shot some video and I made an offer for $400 less than asking which was accepted. It needs new wheels and tires as far as we can tell and hopefully nothing else major. My friend will take it across the street to the RV place to get the repairs done for me and I pick it up in a couple of weeks!! Here she is!!

                        Play-Mor_1500 pictures by pamh35 - Photobucket

                        I'm so excited and can't believe how it all came about and in just a matter of a day!! I also can't believe how cool and calm I was with the price negotiation. No way could I have been successful had I still been drinking!! It was just awesome!!

                        So thats my news!

                        Chill-deep breaths! Everything including the internet connection will get there for you. I bet by this time next week you'll be completely settled in, exploring everything and happy as a clam!!

                        Rusty-everything happens for a reason so the fact that the exam couldn't be postponed means you are meant to take it on the 10th (is that the date?). You will do fine! Why? Because you are Rusty!! And you're super smart!!

                        G-Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!

                        Star-sometimes it's better just to walk away and not keep fighting. This one isn't for you to win anyway-you've already won by being someone else's choice and being appreciated. Your health is more important than sticking out your 2 week notice.

                        Jolie-CONGRATS on 5 months!! You are so amazing and the growth we've seen in you over the months has been phenomenal!! :goodjob:

                        Lav-Hen Lecture!! :H That is all!

                        John-I too so admire your committment to your running program and can't beleive how far you have come since your surgery. Run on!!

                        Cyn, Rustop, Cass, Dew-so glad to hear you are all doing so well! HOpe I didn't miss anyone!

                        Night night!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Moving thru May - Week 1

                          :yay: Papmom has a camper :yay:
                          What a fantastic story and it looks fab! Boy are you and the dogs going to have fun this summer.

                          Well my furniture arrives this afternoon and its going to be crazy deciding what I can fit in and what has to go to storage, deep breathes indeed! At least by the wEekend I will have some semblance of order and it should feel more like home.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Moving thru May - Week 1

                            Morning everyone-

                            Happy birthday GMan! I hope you have an awesome day!!!

                            P3 - wow, you had a weekend and a half! Awesome news about the Monday interview. See - told ya! (sorry, I couldn't resist!!) I would be asking them about salary and benefits just now though to make sure it fits with your expectations. No point in going through the whole reference procedures if it doesn't work for u! Congrats on the camper van. Do you know a bit about cars etc so you knew what you were looking for? I am so worried that if I buy a used car at home that I will get ripped off!

                            Jolie - I am hoping to lease a car for a couple of year. There does seem to be a few options so we will see.

                            Chill - sounds like you have been super busy! That is crap news about the Internet. Did you get your ni number ok? Have you had a chance to start job hunting?

                            Hello to all those to come on this beautiful Wednesday!

                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              Moving thru May - Week 1

                              Rusty O'Clock Here, Time To Get Up!!!

                              Papmom-thank you for checking in! Whoa....what a week you've had and it's not even over yet. Great news about the interview....but agree it's weird that they didn't mention salary....hmm....hope nothing's amiss. But of course, you were brilliant and the interviewer recognized talent and smarts. Congratulations on the high scores on agility! And you're could you have done all of that if you had been drinking? Wouldn't have happened as effectively, for sure.

                              Whoo hoo! You got a camper. You and the pups will have fun this summer....traveling around the country. Lucky girl.

                              Chill:l Sending you strength today, friend....trying to decide what will fit and what will go to storage....what a daunting job, but you will sort it out.

                              Cassia-leasing a car might be the way to go....if you're not going to put thousands of Rustymiles on it like I do. I have a couple of friends who do that and they deduct the payments from their taxes. Plus, usually leased cars are maintained well and used cars can be risky.

                              Shoutout to Sooty-where are you?

                              G-did you have a nice birthday? I want to know all the details about how you spent it.

                              Lav-keep those hens on track.

                              Well, I must say, those BGP I pulled on yesterday sure did work. I am feeling much more confident this morning....happy, peaceful....and.....AF! I have no clue how I passed this exam three years ago when my drinking had almost reached its peak. Not an issue this year, though. I know now that I could never go back to that horrible drinking time. I have been at home all week and the last time I took this exam, I did the same thing....I did not work and I stayed home and I studied, and of course, that was the perfect excuse to drink my wine every day (it had to be 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE), and now drinking has not even occurred to me. I am just so relieved that I have not had any drinking thoughts. Just wanted to add that....because I'm smiling.

                              Ok, time to study. Love you guys, and I'll be back later!


                                Moving thru May - Week 1

                                Hi everyone

                                OMG as my teens would say. What a lot of wonderful things happening this month. Happy BDay Mr. G. New jobs, campers, homes, taking/passing exams, we are a productive lot. As Rusty just said none of this would be imaginable if we were all drinking. Nothing too earth shattering here but I am plodding along, lost another .5lb this week and playing catch up on errands that I did not get a chance to do while the girls were off school. For my daughters art exam they are given a number of themes, extreme sports people, stone age, nosy parkers etc. She is doing Rita Skeeter (nosy journalist) in Harry Potter. She makes the puppet completely from scratch and the last few she made came out amazing.

                                Have to run, happy hump day one and all.


