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Moving thru May - Week 1

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    Moving thru May - Week 1

    Good Saturday, all -
    Chill - maybe the sea is your first friend in town. I'm glad that you are close to water - it is the thing I miss most here in the desert. Rusty - wishing you a gentle transplanting of all the info you're working on. Star - great job on the sidestep, and congrats. Rustop, Chill, more info on the Chopra meditation series please, I guess I missed that info when you began it. I need a big shot of mindfulness in the arm, my Monkey Brain is seriously threatening to scramble my brains...Lav wishing you dry grass-cutting weather, and inspiration. Hello, all to come....
    to the light


      Moving thru May - Week 1

      :no!: No Monkey Brain cyn :no!:
      Now I have a case of Granny Brain :H
      I signed up for the Spring Meditation challenge (because I enjoyed the winter challenge) & completely forgot about it - DUH!

      The sun is out, the grass is dry & uncut because the YB forgot to show up. He also forgot to show up yesterday to take the eggs to the Amish guy. Yeah, I'm invisible

      Can't decide what to have for dinner......something healthy or something good
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Moving thru May - Week 1

        Can't decide what to have for dinner......something healthy or something good
        How about eggs? ducking and running!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Moving thru May - Week 1

          Lav-I vote for something good! You can eat healthy tomorrow!:H So sorry YB didn't show up either about some comfort food?

          Speaking of comfort food, Papmom-I have a craving for your chicken foils tonight, but will wait until tomorrow. I have been such a good girl, studying since Rusty O'Clock and now it's time to reward my good behavior with a workout and a soothing soak in the hot tub.
          How was your day?

          Rustop-you sure have done a good job with your girls. Your daughter got accepted into the London universities? That's great!:goodjob:

          Besides studying, I watched the Kentucky Derby. Part of the reason I watch is to see the fancy hats on all the girls and women.

          Cyn-I don't envy you being in the desert. I love Scottsdale but only for a few weeks in the winter. I'm Aquarius and I love water and have to be around it to be happy.

          What are all the mothers, step-mothers and fur-mothers doing for Mother's Day?
          Ok, I'm off but I'll be back....and I'll be AF, too!


            Moving thru May - Week 1

            Hey Rusty and all-I just got finished with some work that I brought home and I am proud to say that I met my goal for today. Hope I can keep it up tomorrow but the nice weather that is forecast will make it very hard.
            I don't know why all of a sudden i'm having drinking thoughts. Here i am one day away from my 1 year anniversary and all I want to do is run to the packy for a bottle of wine! WTF?? I know I've been very down lately about finances and the lack of movement on the 2 job opps. But I've been down before during this year and didn't want to drink over it.

            I'm going to see what I can scrunge up in the freezer. I'm afraid if I go out to get some dinner I'll be too tempted.

            Tried to get into chat to see if anyone was around but chat is down. Geez.

            At least I got some laundry done today and I have my clothesline back up.
            It's been thundering off an on all day but not too much rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be very nice. Bummer.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Moving thru May - Week 1

              Papmom-Sending you positive vibes tonight....gosh, you will be AF 1 year tomorrow, on Mother's Day....perfect! I think drinking thoughts pop in to most people's heads but especially when we're vulnerable. I had the same problem Wednesday because I was so frustrated with this studying. I get drinking thoughts when I'm down, too. They come out of nowhere. PM me if you wanna chat.:l The gym can wait. Friends first!


                Moving thru May - Week 1

                Hey p3,

                Craving can hit us at the weirdest times. It could just be your drinking mind rebelling against your big milestone tomorrow. You won and it didn't. Maybe it's trying to have a last hurrah? you know you aren't going to drink today so just ride the urge and we will celebrate tomorrow!

                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  Moving thru May - Week 1

                  Aww thanks Rusty and Cass! You guys are the best! I'm dealing with a finiky stove right now that is setting off all the smoke detectors in the house so that should keep me occupied for a while :H! Go to the gym Rusty-you deserve a hot soak and a good sweat after all this studying!! I'll be here when you get back.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Moving thru May - Week 1


                    Ok, if you say so.....hope you get your stove figured out. I'll be back in a little over an hour. Sometimes it's hard being alone, isn't it? I know you love your pups but sometimes it's not enough. I find that when I'm with other people, I don't think about drinking much, even if THEY ARE DRINKING. Of HALT, my triggers definitely are hungry, angry and lonely. Hope you can get into chat if that will help.:l


                      Moving thru May - Week 1


                      Geez - I had forgotten I got kind of nervous just before my first anni too!
                      I think it all has to do with finally convincing your sub-conscious that you just don't drink anymore! Seriously!
                      If YB would show up to do his chores around here I'd send him on to your house to fix your stove :H Stick around here lady, Rusty & I will keep you company

                      Hope you're having fun at the gym Rusty

                      I forgot I had leftovers from last night's dinner - turned out to be a no brainer

                      My son is grilling some sort of meat tomorrow (his cooking skills are of the firehouse variety) but it's nice to be invited over. I made potato salad to take & just took a Jewish Crumb cake out of the oven ~ smells so good! No WW points being counted this weekend
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Moving thru May - Week 1

                        Dinner is done-Oprah behind the scenes is on and the RLS is acting up early tonite. I think it will be an early nite. Thanks Lav and Rusty for hanging here with me. I'm looking forward to tomorrow already. I'm going to take Mickey for a nice walk in the morning, cook up some eggs, do some cleaning and then get to work.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Moving thru May - Week 1

                          Papmom-I hope you're feeling better.:l I know nothing about RLS but I hope it won't keep you awake tonight. Sleep well and we will celebrate your 1 year anniversary tomorrow!:h


                            Moving thru May - Week 1

                            Good morning Movers

                            Grey skies and rain here...again. Think I'm going to have to get Elle a raincoat!

                            Papmom sorry you had pre anniversary jitters, I did too for actually a couple of weeks before my one year. And RLS is just the pits, I hope you got some sleep.
                            Anyway......PAPMOM IS ONE YEAR AF and I say we all party today in your honor. I'm going out to lunch with my parents and will raise my glass of tonic to you my dear dear friend.

                            I'm getting weiry of typing on my phone and can't wait to have internet again although the down side is I have to answer about 100 emails!

                            Ok I'm off to drag Elle out in the rain here's to a wonderful AF Sunday!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Moving thru May - Week 1

                              Hi folk's,

                              Congratulation's on 1 year AF Papmom! Great stuff. Do something really nice for yourself won't you.

                              You are an absolute star!

                              Edit: P3. Re strong persistent drinking thought's. Many of us are self sabotager's, and don't think we're worth it when the going is good. I'm not suggesting you are like this, but i know for me it can rear it's little head now and again. Of course, i just boot the fecker to the curb.

                              Hope you're having a great weekend in your new home Chilli.

                              A safe, sober, and magical day to all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Moving thru May - Week 1

                                Good morning all...

                                Papmom, great you made it through the cravings and congratulations on one year AF. Yayeeeeeee!!!! Personally, I thing times of strong emotions, weekends, warm weather are triggers. The difference is we are aware of it and have tools, skills and strategies as time goes on. You asked for support, you talked about the faced them head on. Do something great to celebrate!

                                To all have a great AF Sunday.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

