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Moving thru May - Week 1

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    Moving thru May - Week 1

    :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS, PAPMOM ON 1 YEAR AF!!inkele: I am so proud and happy for you...especially since the cravings were so strong last night! You are a burst of positive energy on this thread, a hopeful spirit, and wonderful friend to us here. Celebrate, and we are all celebrating with you!



      Moving thru May - Week 1

      thank you everyone for the wonderful congrats and very nice words!! I woke up feeling headachy and tired-not a good sleep at all BUT so very grateful I didn't cave and wasn't hungover!! It's a beautiful day out there and I just finished a wonderful breakfast. I plan to take Mickey for a nice walk at the rail trail. The other 2 will stay home because it's MY day and I want a stress free walk!! After that, I'll play it by ear. If I get some work done, great, if not, I won't sweat it. It will be there tomorrow that's for sure!!

      I could not have made this goal without you guys! I look forward to year 2 with all of you and anyone new who joins us on this fabulous journey!!

      I hope all the mom's on this thread have a wonderful day filled with love and hugs. :h
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Moving thru May - Week 1

        Good morning May Movers & Happy Mother's Day

        CONGRATS PAPMOM ON YOUR 1 YEAR ANNI!!! :heartsnflowers::cheering:
        What a difference a year makes, huh??? Treat yourself to something nice today, you deserve a happy day

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Moving thru May - Week 1



            Moving thru May - Week 1

            Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mom's out there!

            Papmom - Congratulations on 1 year AF!! That is huge! I also want to thank you for your honesty about the cravings. Several months into this journey I'm finding the cravings still rear up every once in a while and I guess we need to be ever vigilant no how many months/years we've accumulated - the one thing I'm scared of more than anything is a relapse and waking up being in the same place I was before January - I seriously don't want to go back there.

            Went to church this morning and they gave all the Mom's a pink carnation - nice. Got a beautiful card from my daughter and my son and fiance sent flowers yesterday. They weren't able to come home this weekend so it's a little sad as this is the first mothers day I've spent without seeing my wonderul son of 26 years. Not going to let it get me down - he called this morning and I know if he could be here he would.

            Heading over to my Mom's with brother/family, sister/family this afternoon. Going to surprise her by picking up a casual dinner (she doesn't know we are all coming at the same time). When talking to my sister earlier, she asked if I wanted her to bring some wine - I told her maybe soda and iced tea would be better with sandwiches. (Phew!) Woke up with a slight headache myself so I know I sure as heck don't want to add AL into that picture!

            Lav - bet you will have a wonderful mothers day with all those grandbabies!

            Chill - hope you have a lovely lunch with your parents - despite the rain!

            Sunday greetings to Starm, Guitarista, Rusty, Mollyka and anyone else who drops by.

            Enjoy your day!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Moving thru May - Week 1

              Hi all!

              Congrats P3 on your one year anniversary and thank you for coming here last night and being honest about your cravings. I am so please you rode the urge and came out tray a stronger person. You are AWESOME!

              So it's been an emotional weekend in Cassland. I spent it saying goodbye to my family and my husbands family. It was particularly heartbreaking to say bye to my wee gran who has alzheimers. I got so emotional before I left that I could only manage to say I love you when I wanted to say how much I appreciated everything she has done for me over the years and how I wouldn't be the person I am today without her love and support. I will send her a card before I go. I have no idea what she will be like the next time i see her.

              So, it's the final week - i will be back in nj this time next week. I won't be around much as my diary is choca but i will drop in even just to say I am fine. Thanks again for all your love and support.

              Lynne x
              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                Moving thru May - Week 1

                Good evening May Movers!

                Jolie, hope you enjoyed your wine free afternoon

                Cassia, I'm about to cry with you :upset: but I won't. I will send you lots of hugs & strength to continue on your brave journey :l I'm sure you have lots of emotions going on right now. We will all be here for you this week!

                I just wanted to share a pic of a really nice gift my DIL made for me. Wooden blocks with pictures of all the kids! They can be arranged on a tale top or even on the fridge because they have magnets on the back

                Had a nice time with the family but never did take any pics of the kids because they all took turns being grumpy :H

                Hope you all have a good evening!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Moving thru May - Week 1

                  Good Evening Moving Mates!

                  A happy, sleepy AF hey ho on this-end-to-Mother's Day evening.

                  Cassia-I got teared up sharing your story. What a journey you have undertaken....that must have been so hard to say goodbye to your gran.:upset: My Grammy would have been 111 today. She was a very classy lady who suffered terribly from alzheimer's, too. We are all here to support you, and good for you that you are doing this AF.

                  Jolie-can't wait to hear about how the surprise party for your Mom went.

                  Lav-loved the beautiful pics of the kids-what a unique and thoughtful gift! How was the dinner? It sounded delicious!

                  I did not see my Mom today because of my studies, but we had two long talks and it was nice. It was a beautiful day so I took a run along the lake path. Like Papmom yesterday, I had drinking thoughts today, but recognized them as just passing thoughts and used the urge surfing methods in the toolbox to keep the beast at bay. I had a harder workout this evening, and happy that I had another AF day. Tomorrow I leave for Detroit to take my exam. I'm feeling more confident now.

                  Ok, probably won't hear from me until Tuesday night....with either good or bad news. Thanks for hanging in there with me!:h


                    Moving thru May - Week 1

                    (((Cass))) We'll be here for you as you get closer and closer to departing. I'm so sorry you have to leave your Gram. Please take with you the good memories and definitely write that card to her!! I'm so in awe of what you have decide to undertake and how gracefully you have done it. Nothing but success ahead for you dear girl!!

                    Rusty-You go girl! You will absolutely ROCK that exam! I bet you get the highest score of everyone! Just think of how clear headed you will be! We'll be waiting on pin and needles for your report.

                    Lav-great gift from DIL. Such a creative idea!

                    How did today go Jolie? Was mom surprised?

                    Thank you all for the very kind words and congrats. It was very nice, quiet and relaxing day today-at least by my standards :H.
                    Didn't do one lick of job work today and you know what? That's OK!! I did things around the house that I'd been putting off and that were causing me anxiety. I took Mickey for a nice long walk along the river on the rail trail. Beautiful weather and lots of birds singing.
                    Had a lobster roll for lunch out on the deck, watched my fish for a while then went inside to work on the house. Got some grocery shopping done, made a nice homemade, not frozen, dinner and had ice cream for a treat. OK, so much for the no sugar pledge today :H.
                    I'm very happy with how I spent my one year anniversery and I thank each and every one of you for being here this year. Your support, encouragement and wise words has meant the world to me. On to year 2!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Moving thru May - Week 1

                      Good morning guys

                      Cass - I am sending you much strength this week, its going to be a whirlwind. You are one brave lady and an absolute credit to your wee Grandma. Remember if it gets to overwhelming please come here, I was on the edge with drinking thoughts in my final week.

                      Rusty - I'm so happy you are feeling more confident and great job on surfing these urges. High stress will always be our trigger points and we deserve much credit when we beat them. I spoke to a few friends about this before I left Portugal, they were very light weight occassional drinkers, and they admitted in stressful times they would definitely unwind by having a large glass of wine or two. Its a very natural reaction and we no longer have this option which makes it even more stressful for us.

                      Lav - what a really beautiful gift!

                      I have to confess to not feeling too well these days, it pretty much started a couple of days after getting here. About 15 years ago I suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome and in the last 10 days I've had the same feelings and symptoms progressively getting worse. Its probably been triggered by the stress and I'm hoping if I try to relax it may go away. I cant afford to have this condition. I have no one to confide in as I don't want to concern my parents who have been so worried about me. I still have much to organize and know I only have a few hours in the morning before I get hit by the tiredness which numbs my mind in a fuzzy sensation. As soon as it starts I know that's it for the day. My diet and exercise has been completely out now for weeks so I will start there and try to improve my wellbeing.

                      Have a wonderful Monday Movers.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Moving thru May - Week 1

                        Good Morning Friends,

                        Rusty O'Clock here.....yawn...time to get up....usual time of 3:00 a.m.

                        Papmom-sounds like you had a very relaxing Fur Mother's Day to celebrate your 1 year anniversary.:goodjob: Thank you for your support regarding my exam....I don't know if I'll ace it....I just want to get a full pass, which means I don't have to retake any part of the exam. It's broken down into six sections.

                        Chill-Chronic fatigue awful!:l:upset:You have really handled this stress incredibly well and now your body is just telling you you're all the bending and lifting with moving probably didn't help. I know what you mean about not wanting to tell your parents and having no one to confide in...I've been in that boat many it's great we can come here and share our fears.

                        Love you guys....gotta study for a while.

                        Thank you all so much again and again for your support.

                        Shout out to Paguy-how was your week in St. Louis? I missed you!


                          Moving thru May - Week 1

                          Good morning my mover friends!

                          Chill - after everything you've been through the past couple of weeks it's no wonder this is affecting you now. Not sure but is there something a doctor could do? Don't know much about this but I can imaging how awful it must feel to be too tired to do the things you want to do. Know that we are all thinking about you and sending "energetic" vibes your way!

                          Papmom - sounds like you had a nice, relaxing 1 year anniversary and you shouldn't have had to do any work - just enjoy and bask in that wonderful feeling called sobriety!

                          Lav - what a cute idea! I knew your kids would do something special for you - you are truly loved.

                          Rusty - the surprise party was great! We all had a good time and got to talking about the old days when we were young - it's fun to go back and talk about stuff like that - some things I had totally forgotten and my brother always has a way of cracking us up so it was a fun day.

                          Now I'm going to touch on the only negative of the day for me - my Mom is cleaning out her house in advance of getting it ready to put on the market. We all went down to look through the stuff she is getting rid of cause she told us to just take whatever we wanted. She had tons of little miniatures and old bottles of liquor and even 2 bottles of champagne from my wedding! My daughter (22) scarfed up all the miniatures (like the looks of the bottles) and of course I took the 2 bottles of champagne home with me. Cravings hit hard as usually wine is involved at family gatherings (even though it wasn't part of the gathering yesterday). I'm ashamed to admit this but had a huge craving as the box of miniatures was out in the garage - went out there, opened up one of miniatures of God knows what and convinced myself that a small "swig" could not hurt. All I had to do was smell it to know I couldn't do it. Put it back, went back in the house and poured myself some juice.

                          In summary, this battle (in my mind) will never be completely over. I think I will always have to be careful of the situation I'm in and the outcome I would face if I took even 1 "swig"!

                          Thankfully, the urge passed quickly and of course, this morning I am so grateful that it did. Thinking of everyone here - all my friends who help each other each and every day deal with this horrible affliction - I feel blessed and am truly grateful for all of you.

                          Okay - enough sappiness - Cassia - so sorry about your rough day yesterday - must have been hard leaving your gran like that but I think deep down you know that she is aware of how much you love her - moms/grandmoms just have this sixth sense about them.

                          Hope everyone has a great Monday!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Moving thru May - Week 1

                            Evening everyone!

                            Jolie-I don't think that was a negative at all! I think it was huge positive! you learned something very important about yourself! :goodjob:

                            Chill-whether it's CFS or just plain exhaustion you definitely need to listen to it. Do you have any supps that you can start taking again? Maybe a whey protien shake with amino acids in the mornings? Your body is depleted and it will take time to recover. Give it all the time you need. If you have to crash by 10am then do so. Don't go crazy with the exercise quite yet-small amounts of easy walking will be fine for now. Definitely eat as well as you can and try to cut out anything processed (yes, this from the Sugar Queen!!). Come here and let us know how you are doing each day OK? :l

                            Rusty-GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!

                            Cass-how you doing today?
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!

