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AF Daily - Monday May 2

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    AF Daily - Monday May 2

    Hi fABies!! Happy Monday. What's everyone up to today? I'm already dressed and ready to rock and roll. I have leads group this morning, then some book keeping work to do, then volunteering for lunch at the mission. If it's not pouring I'm planning to start Week 3 of Couch to 5K this afternoon. The first time of a new run always seems hard. Funny how VERY much easier it feels by the 3rd time.

    Had an indiscretion yesterday with artificial sweeteners. I'm not majorly worked up about it. I know I'm moving in a good direction with my eating. I really want what those people have who eat very natural and clean and have gotten rid of the crazy type cravings that have been plaguing me since I decided to let sugar / processed crap back in my life. Since I really want to experience 30 consecutive days CLEAN on this program, I'm starting over today at Day 1. Not in a mopey way - in a very positive way with what I have learned so far. The Whole30, Version 3.11 | Whole9 | Let us change your life.

    Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, eh?

    One thing is for sure.....

    Have a fABulous day one and all!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday May 2

    I'm up but not dressed - lazy start to the day - off to tip in a bit and to buy healthy food and gardening stuff.Amazing rollerderby yesterday.

    Lovely day again. Strange start to the day personally I I'm not sure the world is a safer place after Bin Laden being killed. Fighting fire with fire springs to mind.Time will tell.
    one day at a time


      AF Daily - Monday May 2

      Morning DG, Bear, and Fab Abber's everywhere!

      Enjoy your run DG. For me, running is like meditation when i get into a rythym. It's great. Throw a few sprints in, and you know your alive!

      The sugar thing is interesting. I want to check that stuff out a bit more. Am i naive, or is it a well known fact that eating sweet things, like sugar in coffee, or cake can increase our cravings for booze? I know AL contains a lot of sugar, so i understand that factor.

      Anyway, i'm off to bed here, but sadly tonight there'll be no________________for the young fella.

      But, one thing's for sure..................

      Have a great day folk's! :h

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF Daily - Monday May 2

        Bear, good to hear you had amazing roller derby this weekend! I just think getting totally rid of our favorite neurotoxin, and then adding in a bit more healthy eating than we are used to does some amazing things for us!

        G, I do not think the fact that sugar can increase booze cravings is well known. I sit around a table with a large and diverse group of people every week who are staying sober together one day at a time (or trying) and nobody wants to hear about the sugar connection. I have heard alcohol described as "the jet fuel of all sugars" and I think that's about right. I'm glad I followed the My Way Out suggestion to eat low carb (no sugar) when I first got sober. I think it was a blessing I've got some distance from the booze when I allowed sugar to creep back in. Satisfying these cravings with more sugar (or booze) just keeps the cycle alive and well. More cravings are sure to come.

        Here is the program I am following now. There are lots of "paleo" programs and ideas out there. Lots of different opinions about stuff like dairy, etc. But the common ground IMO is eliminating things like sugar and processed foods. The Whole30, Version 3.11 | Whole9 | Let us change your life.

        I'm only a week off of sugar and grains at this point. Cravings haven't been TOO bad following this program. I've had 2 days out of 6 where I WAS craving junk (to be expected considering what I was eating just prior). I ate way more than I should have of nuts on both occassions, and yesterday I got into some artificially sweetened stuff. But on whole, this last 6 days has been way better than I've been doing recently.

        Should have given a meat only with no bread on either side of it warning...

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Monday May 2

          Morning abbers! I'm back to one week sober! woo hoo! Since my relapse that is the best I have done which just tells me that I am back on board. Sounds dumb I know, but I know for me once I hit the one week point I'm off and running so I'm happy that it is here.

          I have been really pouring the supplements into my body this week, amino acids, L-Glut, B vitamins and lots of vitamin C. I know that helps to heal the body and helps with cravings. Just getting back on a nutritional program is good for me.

          I'm with you Bear on the Bin Ladin thing. I'm glad the bastards dead but did we just create a shitstorm? I guess only time will tell.

          I have my therapy appointment this morning and then a depression support group this afternoon. Then I have to go vote - voting day here in Canada.

          After that just some reading, laundry, tidying etc.

          I'm still shaky (which I hate - that is my biggest withdrawal syndrome) however the night sweats have completely gone now so I know the shakes will be gone soon too.

          Feeling tired but happy today. I hope everyone has a great AF Monday.

          One thing is FOR SURE!!!!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Monday May 2

            Good morning Abbers!

            Damn right DG - Ding Dong the witch is dead.............
            bear, you have a good point though about fighting fire with fire. I'm afraid we'll all have to be a little more alert, watch each other's backs.

            Sleep well G!

            Uni, glad things are improving for you! You will continue to feel better each day, hang in there

            It's 63 degrees but cloudy so it feels a bit chilly. Looks like one of those weeks - oh well!
            I'll throw a sweatshirt on & do my best to ignore it

            Have a great AF Monday one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Monday May 2

              Hello Abbers!

              We decided to stay one more night this weekend at the beach and then we got up early this morning to head back home for work. (We're 2 hours away). It felt great to be up with the sunrise and feeling so good on a Monday morning. I don't ever want to lose that!

              DG and Guitar - you both make me miss running! I had a back injury and had to have surgery a few years ago and had to give up running as a result. Oh well, I'll find something to take it's place eventually!

              I'm on Day 3 of my low carb and healthy eating diet as well. I feel really good. I'm not giving up artifical sweeteners yet -- but I don't use them that much so I'm okay for now.

              Have a great Monday all!


                AF Daily - Monday May 2

                Hi all,

                Well less than two weeks left here. I dis a good thing today and helped my friend by a car. It meant giving up my last bank holiday Monday. But she was really thankful for the help.

                As far as bin laden goes, I am glad he is dead and while it will make the world a bit unsafer in the short term as
                Al qaeda no doubt have planned for this eventually, it should make it safer in the longer term. You cant not go after these people. I am not delighting in his death but I have enjoyed reading his obituary.

                Anyway, it isn't going affect my sobriety.

                Have a great af day! X
                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  AF Daily - Monday May 2

                  Hello All,

                  Waking up to the news that Osama was dead was surreal. On the one hand, I feel relief but I don't think it is a good idea for Americans to be celebrating in the streets. I hope we can bring back our service men and women home soon.

                  I am feeling very low and anxious these past few days. My oldest who as Aspergers, ADHD, etc is really struggling. She is doing poorly in school due to tiredness and lack of concentration and she is anxious and irratable. Back to the doctor we go. It is so hard to know what to do. Should we change medication, ride it out? It feels like the weight of all of this is on my shoulders. I worry so much about her and wish that she had an easier life.

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Monday May 2

                    just a flying hi and bye from me before bed, hope everyones had good AF days

                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      AF Daily - Monday May 2

                      Hidy Ho and Hooray for Un-hung Mondays!!!

                      yes, there is a very real craving link between sugars and AL and it's a strong one. for anyone that's missed it, Dr Lustig's fabulous dissertation on what sugars really do in our bodies:

            [/video]]YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth

                      I've been sugar and grain-free for some time now (a few months come to think of it) and there's no looking back! if I want a treat i'll pick out a really nice piece of fruit. natures perfect fun foods.

                      well, got myself a nice black eye at stickfighting last night. owch. didn't hit my eye directly thankfully.

                      this is going to be a HUGE travel/craziness week for me so i must be strong. Ommmmm Ommmmmm.

                      Mom3, sorry to hear of your youngsters struggles. I'd suggest giving Chris Kresser a call/email for some ideas.
                      in fact I'd love to hear what he has to say.

                      Don't tell anyone but I'm watching the Pres and first lady on Oprah at the moment. it's a very good interview/show.

                      it's been a crazy monday and I'm officially taking off my shoes now.

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Monday May 2

                        Sorry about the black eye Deter - ouch!

                        Cassia, nice that you helped a friend
                        Everything will come together for you over the next two weeks - I just know it

                        M3, try to not worry to much about your daughter but do take her in to the Dr. Sometimes tweaking the meds is all you need to do. Is your daughter a teen yet? I just imagine how extra difficult those years are going to be for her. Is there any support group around? Teens due help other teens, just a thought!

                        Don't tell YB but I'm harvesting & totally enjoying the asparagus he planted several years ago. It's not my fault he's not here to share :H
                        It's good sauteed with some garlic & olive oil!

                        Wishing everyone a great evening!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Monday May 2

                          Det, I am going to see her doc on thursday to talk about putting her on a Gluten Free/clean diet to see if this helps.

                          Lav, She is almost 14 and does not have any friends outside of school. She never gets invited to social events or to someone's house. Girls her age don't want anything to do with her because they think she is "weird" because she is not skilled socially and does not share their interests. Bullying has been horrible at times. Sucks
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Monday May 2

                            Mom3, that's a great idea but expect your doctor to respond with a blank stare. sadly the vast majority of MD's have no clue about intestinal inflammation and it's role in brain health.

                            Lav, fresh picked asparagus with olive oil and garlic??? that's food porn! woooooo! love it.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Monday May 2

                              Hi Abbies!

                              Momof3 ((HUGS)) to you and your daughter. Kids (and adults) can be so mean when someone may be 'different'. It really angers me!!!

                              I haven't posted for quite sometime. I am doing well. Been busy, and the weather has been nicer. I really haven't had much interest in turning on the computer for personal use. Dunno, even facebook hasn't been thrilling enough to entice me to check in on what 'so and so' is doing today.

                              I have also changed my eating habits. I was eating TONS of carbs for many months. Lots of breads and pasta's. I find now that cutting a lot of that out and eating 'natural, whole foods', I don't crave alcohol at all. IT was a real struggle changing my diet so dramatically. I had to endure many mood swings, lack of energy for the first two weeks, and just a feeling of being 'unwell'.

                              Now I feel so fantastic and my energy is absolutely soaring!! I no longer want to slump into bed at 8pm and dread the day ahead when I awake. It was tough, but so worth it. Even my skin is so shiny and glowing. My eyes are so bright, and the whites are white. I am feeling so good. Little AFM, as well - she always ate balanced but now she pigs out on salads and fresh veggies and fruits. We get out all of the time, even just walking. Pretty restless. There is a new gym that just opened here and I am going to check it out. See what the fees are. I prefer outdoor activities, but if they have a month to month membership that is not outrageous, I just may partake for the crappier weather days.

                              I honestly believe that diet plays a HUGE part in our recovery. HUGE!! I don't think I have felt this great since I was 29 - 10 years ago. Before the onset of alcoholism and poor eating.

                              It has been a month now since I made these drastic changes in my diet, and it is paying off.

                              Anyway, I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Much love to you all! xo

                              edit: I am eating a sugar and mostly grain free diet as Deter is... It really feels good once you get into it!!

