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AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

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    AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

    Hi fABbies!! Happy Hump Day. Hopefully everyone has someone to celebrate with. :h

    I think my recent blahs might be weather related. I heard on the news yesterday that in April, we only had 30% of all possible sunshine. I think that means it was 70% cloudy time while the sun was up. We also had about 2 inches more rain than normal. I think it's also been cooler than normal so add that all up and no wonder I'm blah. I'm itching to get out and plant some stuff in the porch pots. I'm thinking I will still wait a few more days - I think it frosted last night.

    Today I want to get the piles in my office cleaned up. That is all.

    Hope everyone is off to a wonderful start on the day. One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

    Hi DG and all to come!

    I'm up, having my coffee, playing with Boo and getting ready for the day. I have a grief group session at 1 which should be interesting - my first time going.

    I'm happy to be remembering how good I feel sober. It's definitly the way to be!

    Unfortunatly though my face is breaking out brutally which it always does in the first month of sobriety for me. Good thing is I know that by the end of the month it will clear up and I'll have amazing skin again - I am just really not good at delayed gratification! LOL (like any of us are!)

    Hope everyone has a great AF hump day.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

      Hi all hope everyone has a happy sober day.

      Whats a hump day dare I ask ?

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

        My first post on this daily thread. which I have been reading each day. I live at the end of the universe out here in Pacific Time, so seldom are up as early as y'all, but today i am on my way north for work, in Jasper Alberta in the Rocky Mountains. I am grateful to NOT feel like ten pounds of %$it in a five pound bag this morning. Hope you all have a wonderful AF day.


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

          Welcome Kaslo!! I think you'll find this a wonderful thread with warm, compassionate people who are dead serious about our sobriety. No matter where you are on your journey, we welcome you and are hear to help! Please tell us more about yourself!!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

            Morning Abbies!

            Uni, I have my first Grief Session today at 1pm as well. Although unrelated to your type of grief, but I felt it time to deal with the loss of my dad - as I have been crying all over the place (even at Walmart) since the middle of March. I have absolutely no support from anyone in my family in the way of talking about how much I miss him. So, I bit the bullet and pulled out the piece of paper my doctor wrote the Hospice number on before my father passed away.

            DG, yes, the weather has been very bleak this year! It has impacted my moods for sure. It has been an extraordinarily long winter for us here.

            Welcome Kaslo!! Nice to have you here!!

            Hello to all others.

            I went for a hike yesterday late afternoon. I am sore. Man, was I sweating! I am definitely out of shape cardio wise - not use to walking up and down hills, although I do a lot of walking!!

            I have today off. I am not sure what else I am going to do. But, it won't involve any AL!



              AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

              Good Morning all, just had to log in and address Mario's question. . .Mario, hump day is Wednesday, it's the middle of the week there for, at noon, we are over the "hump" as if we are hill climbing until the end of the week.

              Great to "see" all of ya'll, glad your doing well, I will check in again sometime next week.
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                :welcome: Kaslo! As you have probably seen, people post on here all times of the day and night from a variety of time zones. So post any time! 10 pounds of sh!t in a 5 pound bag. :H:H I haven't heard that one in a long time - what a great way to describe a hangover! I too am very grateful to be unhung today. Just thinking about how it used to be makes my head want to throb.

                jenny, thank you for providing the "polite" definition of hump day! :H And it's great to see you checking in!

                AFM and Uni, a good friend of mine was widowed at a young age - she was only 42 at the tine. None of us in her immediate circle of friends had experienced anything like loss of a husband. At the suggestion of hospice, she starting attending a grief support group. She told me it helped so much to be able to talk to other people who had experienced exactly what she was going through. As much as the rest of us tried to understand, and wanted to understand, it's just not the same as direct experience. When I since talked to her about my alcoholism and participation in AA (did not get into MWO, but it's the same sort of thing) she completely understood. She can't understand my alcoholism the way another alcoholic can understand it. Much as she would love to - and much as I would love to know exactly what she was feeling when she lost her husband. Anyway... that's one person I know who found a lot of benefit from grief support.

                Hi P3! I the camper deal totally 100% done? When will you be painting it pink? Where will the dogs sleep? Does that leave you any bed space? So many questions to be answered!

                My Dad is back in ICU. Maybe this strange cloud over my head feeling was a premonition. The doctor talked to my Mom last night and explained exactly how weak my Dad's heart is. His body just can't take much more of this. When this happens, he is very disoriented for a few days. If I went to see him today, he wouldn't recognize me. So I am getting ready to zoom zoom and get all my stuff in order today, and will be going to visit him tomorrow. Since the last time this happened (January) the doctor has been asking my Mom if Dad has a Living Will. She has tried to talk to him about it and he refuses. He just shuts down before even realizing that she's not talking about his WILL will. This is about medical directives. So there isn't one. His wishes are not known. Puts Mom in a difficult position. Word to the wise - let's all make sure we take care of these details before a crisis happens and we create extra stress for our loved ones.

                I am starting to think my prayers are more for the end of his suffering.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                  DG, I agree there should be a living WILL. My dad had a Do Not Resuscitate Order done when his cancer came back last June and it was told it was terminal. Some are afraid of dying and believe that their condition is not 'that bad'. The elderly lady I take care of on Weekends, she also has a 'Do Not Resuscitate' order on their fridge.

                  I believe we should all think about having a WILL, regardless of age. I am in the process of having one done.

                  ((HUGS)) to you. Keep us posted on his condition. xo


                    AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                    Good late morning Abbers!

                    DG, I have DNR tatooed on my chest :H:H
                    Just kidding really but I do have an Advanced Directive, everyone knows it too. My family knows I will come back & haunt the hell out of them if they ignore my wishes
                    I'm sorry your Dad is so sick - is it CHF? A very common ailment in the elderly including my brother right now

                    Greetings Uni, AFM, papmom, jenny, Mario! Welcome Kaslo, glad you are here with us

                    Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Hump Day (no humping going on around here ) :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                      Thanks for the well wishes Lav and AFM. AFM, Mr. Doggy and I have all that stuff but some of it needs to be updated and we've been dragging our feet. We talked about the need to "git 'er done" earlier today.

                      Lav, he's got every problem in the world. He is diabetic with a million complications. Diabetes wears out all the body parts over time and his are shot. His heart will likely give out first though, which in some respects might be a blessing. (he also has kidney failure among other things, but is not yet to the dialysis point)

                      I can't believe I've watched this health horror unfold over the years and still am battling with whether or not to eat sugar and processed foods. Time to get off my childish *whatever* and just eat right. That won't guarantee I avoid what my Dad is going through, but continued eating of crap will probably guarantee I WILL go through it.

                      Sounds so familiar.....

                      Well, I'm going to eat lunch and then head south to see him.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                        Lavande;1109572 wrote:
                        DG, I have DNR tatooed on my chest :H:H
                        OMG! That is funny. I should get one of those!


                          AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                          Hi all,
                          Coming in late in the day as usual. Mario I am glad I am not the only one who did not know hump day is Wednesday, but it makes perfect sense.
                          AFM well done on grief counsellor. good luck. I hope it helps.
                          DG so sorry to hear about your dad. Difficult times. My mother died last year and my father in law is dying at the moment so grief is not far from me in recent times.
                          Lavande you made me laugh with the tattoo image DNR on your chest :H.

                          Hello everyone and welcome Kaslo :welcome:

                          Night night as usual. Hump day nearly over . Have a great day tomorrow


                            AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                            Greeting's all,

                            DG, i hope your dad is comfortable at least. Take it easy. Oh, and i read the 30 whole link stuff. Thank's for sharing that.

                            Mario, re 'hump' day. Yep, sure, it means mid week, but don't be fooled like i was. There are some wild women on this thread who when they say 'hump day', err, walk the talk, shall we say.

                            Have a great week everyone!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              AF Daily - Wednesday May 4

                              Hi all

                              Dg - my thoughts and prayers are with your dad! I hope he gets better soon.

                              I just wanted to chime in on the grief chat. My dad lost my mom when he was 29. He had already lost two parents and his brother all before he was 18z as youcan imagine, losing my mom at such a young was unbearable. He never had any grief counselling for any of that loss. He has never fully gotten over my moms death and I believe grief counsellig could have helped him with that. I also wonder whether much of his alcohol relapse was due to never dealing with my moms death. I have had some grief counselling but I find it so hard. I applaud anyone who takes that step. Grief is so intimate and personal and it takes an incredibly strong person accept help with it. I wish I had that strength. Maybe one day.

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

