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AF Daily ~Friday May 6

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    AF Daily ~Friday May 6

    Good Friday morning Abbers!

    Chilly here this morning ~ Spring is hiding again

    Not much happening in the work department for me today so I'll likely be playing outside
    My daughter, DIL & grandkids are coming over for burgers tonight. I guess the babies aren't interested in burgers yet :H Will be happy to see them anyway!

    Wishing everyone a good & AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~Friday May 6

    Morning Lav, and greeting's FabbieAbber's everywhere!

    Burger's sound good to me Lav. Especially on a BBQ. Have a great night with your family.

    A safe, sober, and magical POETS day to all!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily ~Friday May 6

      OK. So now I forgot what POETs day means. (I remember what hump day means, however! :H) Have a great day / night G-Man!

      Lav, thanks for getting things started today. I will be happy to come over and eat the G-babies' share of burgers!

      Kaslo - how cool that your daughter works with you!! It sounds like you must travel a lot. Do you go all over the US? Outside the US? Does travel get old? (I used to be a road warrier and can't imagine doing that again!!)

      Sara - 10 days sugar free is good. I'm determined this time to get it out and keep it out. I cannot moderately eat sugar - Good that you are showing your kids a positive example by not TGing (with AL) at the kids ball fields.

      Hello to everyone else from yesterday! Did p3 check back in? If not, she was probably busy painting her new camper pink.

      My brothers and I have had some good conversations by phone this week. Clearing up some baggage re: Dad. That part feels good. He is still in ICU but yesterday the doctor told him he would be moved to a regular room soon. The elephant in the room is what comes next. Normally it's a stay in a nursing home for a couple of weeks. The doctors want him to stay there, and he wants to go home. The we repeat this cycle. I am getting lots of practice filtering all this through the serenity prayer. None of it is within my control. My opinion doesn't matter - dad's living arrangements are between him and Mom and his doctors. I still have to work really hard to "just be" with that. (acceptance) But I'm getting better. Progress not perfection.

      I love you fABbies and am grateful once again that we are here for each other. Proving once again that ALL of life can be dealt with sober.

      One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily ~Friday May 6

        P3 checking back in! Not painting the camper pink yet! Gotta go get it first! I sure hope the inspection next week doesn't bring any surprises-my funds are very low right now-can't even pay the heating bill and I'm looking into a mortgage mod. I know I know, Suzy Orman would DENY me the camper but too late!! I'll just have to make do and tighten the belt some more. Until I'm in foreclosure, I will. not. give. up. agility!!! That is all!!

        Job thing has stalled. job #1 called 3 of my references on Tues but only got a hold of 2. The 3rd one has been trying to return her call since then. All calls going straight to VM. Very strange. No movement whatsoever with Job #2. What looked like an abundance of offers a few days ago now seems like I won't get any. I'm trying very hard to be OK with that and to give it all over to my HP. Que sera sera. I'll just have to figure out something else for $$. Guess I'll really have to learn how to dig deep and deal with Insanity Boss.

        DG-great that you and bro were able to finally talk and clear the air. Prayers and pings for your dad going out from P3 land.

        aww geez-look at the time! gotta go! Love ya all!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily ~Friday May 6

          Best wishes with the camper P3. It's all pretty exciting isn't it? The travel possibilities with it, etc...

          All the best with your dad DG.

          POETS day translates as Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday.

          L8tr Abber's. Yo!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily ~Friday May 6

            Best wishes with the camper P3. It's all pretty exciting isn't it? The travel possibilities with it, etc...

            All the best with your dad DG.

            POETS day translates as Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday.

            L8tr Abber's. Yo! :goodjob:

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              AF Daily ~Friday May 6

              Hi Lav, DG, Papmom, Guitarista (x3) and all to come,

              Phew, I've just cycled into work for the first time in ages and am sweating like a P.I.G. My colleagues must love me. :H I cycle all the way in along a canal (when it's daylight) and there were lots of wild yellow irises growing by the water and little moorhen chicks bobbing about. A gorgeous spring day.

              DG - I know how hard it is to sit back and not say "How about doing what I THINK?" :H It's tough but I think it's so important that people make their own decisions about their healthcare. It's great that you can talk things through with your brothers too. God grant me the serenity...

              Papmom, the camper sounds great!

              Better do some work now I'm here. Have a good day all!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                Where's Greenie? Has she run off with the painter guy? :h
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                  Yes, where is Greeny?

                  Hi everyone. My husband does not believe that I didn't drink yesterday because I was just a tad stoned by taking the extra clonazepam. I have tried to explain to him that I wasn't but he doesn't trust me. He is trying to take my word for it but he is having a hard time. It's upsetting because we have a hotel room booked for tonight and we were going to go out for a nice romantic evening and now it has this looming over it which is spoiling the excitement. Ah well, I can't make him believe me, I can only tell him the truth. And I do understand why it is hard for him. Just makes me frustrated and sad because I know tonight won't be the same anymore.

                  Best wishes out to everyone - G man I love the poets day acronym. Made me smile! LOL

                  All right, off to tidy this place up.

                  Love and hugs for an AF Friday,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily ~Friday May 6


                    I was wondering where Greenie is as well.

                    DG, sending strength your way!! xo

                    Pap, the camper sounds like so much fun. Sometimes we need to 'splurge' to make our hard work worthwhile!!

                    Uni, sorry about the Hubby... I have been in your shoes a many of times. Mostly now when I talk to my mom or my Nana... they think I am sitting here day after day drinking. When I am not and haven't been. I have slipped a few times over the last year, but they think what they think... and I am not wearing it anymore. The only thing you can do is be honest. I hope your romantic night away is great.

                    I am taking Little AFM to the Theatre tomorrow night. (Oh, how very cultured I am ) LOL! I got tickets to see Murray Hatfield & Teresa tomorrow at 7pm. It is a magic show and he is suppose to be awesome. I have never gone to a Theatre. I laugh, because my sober life is definitely making some changes in myself that make me laugh - good laugh, at times.

                    I hope it clears up today. It is a Pro D day for Little AFM and my GF and I want to take the kids out to a new park today. her son is in my daughter's class and we are becoming friends. That is another thing that makes me laugh from time to time. I haven't had any friends in a VERY long time thanks to the isolation drinking put me in. I am still totally out of my comfort zone doing things with other people, because of it, but I am forcing myself out there and feeling proud when I do.

                    Anyway, must go and get ready for the day. Have a great one everyone!!


                      AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                      Hello Everyone,

                      Wow, busy threads today.

                      DG, I am sorry to hear about your dad. It was a very stressful time for my brother and I when my dad was dying of cancer. My brother was a in no uncertain terms but I refused to let it get in the way of allowing my dad to die an honorable death. It is such a stressful time and all of the family tensions come out. I have seen it happen so many times to friends who have lost their parents. Hang in there. I am going to take Lav's suggestion to tatoo DNR on my chest.

                      Papmom3...It sounds like a camper is in the works. Good for you. Don't listen to Suzy Orman. She doesn't look like a very happy person to me so there! Fyi,,,I used to do career counseling and I could pretty much predict when someone was close to getting a job because they were getting lots of interviews. Hang in there!!!

                      AFM, you sound like you are doing really well!!

                      Uni, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's suspicions but I think we alkies have to earn their trust. My husband was suspicious of me for a long time everytime I left the house in the evening.

                      Marshy, I love that you cycle to and from work. Lots of people do it here in the Washington, DC area. It's a great way to get your excercise in and beat the traffic.

                      Hello Mr. G and Lav,

                      As Mother's Day approaches, I am thinking of and honoring the memory of my mom. It is hard to believe that she has been gone for almost 22 years.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                        hey all - I am staying in tonight - first Friday after being back at work- shattered!
                        Plan an evening of dvds, cats and pjs and a little bit of cheap Easter egg from the sales - maybe a bath.

                        I'm 5 weeks AF tomorrow - i am absolutely loving it - no intention of going back - just been to water my veg and flowers - another thing that wouldn't have happened a few years ago.

                        Possibility maybe made redundant as soon as September - or may not be - you know what it's fine - I can live cheaply if I need to - I am going to try to save as much as I can each month until then as a challenge to myself.I save ?300 a month but am going to try to double that - have been conscious of how much I buy and don't NEED recently.
                        Not smoking and not drinking saves LOADS - as does quitting red meat and eating more vegetarian meals (still eating poultry and fish -for now - we'll see)Not buying clothes for a few months and not eating at spa when I go in evening will save money.

                        Marshy I LOVE cycling to work - drove today but in this weather it is the best. Cycling all next week apart from Monday as I have to bring in 8 pints of milk for the team(could end in tears!) Hey ho - got plans and goals - finally - feeling good.
                        have a lovely Friday evening all - I'll pop back to read on phone and catch up.
                        Big hugs - especially to DG.
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                          Hello again all. It was a gorgeous spring day today so could not resist the urge to finally go get a bunch of flowers, etc. for porch pots. Got way too much stuff as usual. I picked up a "container gardening" book this winter. Was looking through it while hanging out at the hospital yesterday. It had all kinds of sample pictures with both vegetables and flowers in the same pots! I never thought of that! So I have some very strange looking experiments started! :H

                          I also shopped today to get a card and gift for my Mom for mother's day - but from my Dad. Picking out a card was I'm sure it will work out fine. It was just strange.

                          OK - here is a question for the chefs among our group. I made a crock pot concoction including:

                          Soy sauce
                          Coconut oil
                          Fresh pineapple

                          It is too bland but I'm not sure what to add to it. Hot is fine with us but I'm not sure what sort of hot might go OK with the pineapple. Looking for ideas if you have any!

                          Thanks to all of you for your continued well wishes. It helps to remember that this is a part of life that all of us go through at some point. I'm trying to view it all as another good reminder to take life one day at a time and get the very maximum out of each and every day here.

                          One thing is for sure...I can't get the most of anything except a hangover if I drink. So I'm not gonna.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                            Dg ~ your crock pot mixture sounds interesting but the garlic vs coconut/pineapple confuses me. Does that give you a sweet-sour effect? Just not sure

                            bear, you sound verry happy right now at 5 weeks AF - CONGRATS

                            M3, I've been thinking about my Mom a lot too. It is nearly 25 years & I still miss her every single day. She was also a good friend, patient & non-judgmental. No wonder I've continued to miss her so much - I've never known another person like her.

                            It's just after 9 pm here & a thunder storm is rolling in, one of my dog's is trying to hide in my shower - she's strange!
                            Had a nice dinner with the babies tonight. My new grandson is 1 month old today & is already weighing nearly 12 pounds. He is as big as Lily who is now 10 weeks old. They look like 'Twin Cousins' :H My DIL took pictures so I'll try to get one to put up soon.

                            Hope everyone has a good night!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily ~Friday May 6

                              Hello friends,

                              I know it's late, but just had to check in. I really enjoyed reading the posts about grief. This is the first time I've done this sober, and let me tell you, it's not easy. I like the idea that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks--we will go through it our own way. I find it interesting how others handle me right now too. Some act like nothing happened (well I think she was drunk) and others give their condolences with a hug (which makes me cry) some act like I am invisible, and others avoid me. I know the feeling--they care, but they don't want to be the ones to make me cry.

                              My hubby has been really great through all of this. This morning I could tell he must have thought it was hump day......and I just really wasn't into it. So I actually told him how I was feeling and told him I appreciated him and don't know what I'd do without him.

                              I managed to get grumpy though as the day went on, both my sons did stuff that made me angry, now the whole damn family is pissed off!
                              I think I'll take a shower and go to bed! Maybe I'll color.
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

