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AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

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    AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

    Hello abbers!

    Beautiful sunny and breezy morning here. I had a nice lie-in after a long day at work yesterday and am raring to go (grocery shopping :H).

    Papmom - does that mean it's your one year celebration TODAY? :day5: :goodtime: :jumpwow: :cheering: ointup: Doesn't time fly?

    The alkie brain is a funny thing and still occasionally makes me think I could handle one or two after all this time AF. Thing is, I never had "one or two" in my life and never could.

    BTW, I have a Photobucket account but for some reason couldn't upload this pic. I'm sure DG will be able to do it.

    Welcome back Greenie!

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

    Morning Marshy, and warmest greeting's to FabAbber's everywhere!

    Marshy, thanks for the warning. I shall be on the lookout for an 'all fired up' trolley in aisle 5, and will stand clear!

    Congratulation's on 1 year AF papmom! Absolutely magnificent.

    Speaking of organic foods. I've just thrown together some organic vegies in to a pot of boiling water, threw in a 4 bean mix, heaps of garlic, a couple of herb's, and voila! Simple, bloody tasty if i say so myself, and good for you. Well, i'm impressed.


    Have a great one out there folk's.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

      moring all and a big huge super well done to Papmom!:goodjob:
      It's really inspiring for me for people to make the long term changes that I am aiming for.
      How much better is your life now Papmom?

      I'm up early had a lovely strong coffee and was planning to work out finances online - I aim to save a lot of money per month until Sep in case job goes (?600 per month) - instead have just spent money on derby gear online!!On sale and I do need it - and it's not booze.See how good I am at justifying shopping...

      In terms of plans - planting some flower seeds - maybe more laundry and there was talk of lunch out today. We had lots of rain over night but that's fine by me for my plants. Had a great day yesterday - our team won - and everyone was so nice. I plan to hit the gym as well - didn't go yesterday and had curry late at night. Could also do with some bathroom/kitchen cleaning going on too - off to see a friend tonight at 7 too - busy busy!
      one day at a time


        AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

        ROCK ON P3!!!! Congrats on 1 year!!! I'm SO HAPPY you did not cave. This gig is largely mental that's for sure. :yougo:

        Marshy and XNGF are THE CUTEST COUPLE EVAH!!! That is all.

        For those new to our thread, a long long time ago, Marshy became friends with someone we began to call GF. We of course were thinking of GF in the romantic sense. Marshy INSISTED this was a strictly platonic thing. So we started calling her NGF (non-GF). Then there came a time when Marshy went for some sort of extended trip to some sort of exotic sounding place with NGF. Still the whole time insisting on this platonic business. :H When Marshy FINALLY came home, it was quite clear that there was :h in the air, hence XNGF - Ex Non Girlfriend. Or, you can just call Marhy Knicker Ripper.

        My dear Marshy, that last paragraph was the price to be paid for posting that piccy for you.

        Hi Bear! Congrats on the win yesterday! Sounds like you are enjoying all of life a lot more these days.

        Hi G-Man!!! The stew / soup sounds really good!

        Mr. Doggy is trialing this weekend. He ended up by a fluke doing his obedience portion yesterday evening. I was so nervous even though I'm not there. (it's a good thing I'm NOT there with my nervousness - enough for sharing!!) He passed with an 83 score. That is good! Last time he tried for Schutzhund 1 he only got 70 on obedience, which is the lower limit to pass. (a gift from the judge perhaps???) Ferguson was anticipating the retrieves which cost him about 10 points so if he can fix that, he will be able to score in the 90's which is a massive achievement for him and for this dog!!

        Here is a youtube of a 100 point obedience routine done under the sharp pencil of a judge at world championship level competition. So this is REALLY good but what Mr. Doggy aspires to someday.[/video]]YouTube - WUSV 2010 DANI RUANO B 100

        Deter - a lot of the foundation work in Schutzhund is very similar to police K-9 foundation work. The end "jobs" take a different direction, but there are a lot of training similarities. A lot of K-9 officers will also have a sport dog for Schutzhund work (some train with Mr. Doggy). It's a very rare K-9 that ALSO does Schutzhund work. The rare dog that can do all that is one special dog. I've been fortunate to see a couple in my dog related travels.

        Mr. Doggy is probably laying Ferguson's track right now. (For Schutzhund 1 you lay your own track - at higher levels someone else lays it and your dog has to track on that). That should go fine - he's a good tracker.

        Here is a youtube world class protection routine - this is what Mr. Doggy and Ferguson will have the most challenge with today. This test involves so much courage and also control for the dog. Ferguson is not nearly as courageous as the dog in this video!!![/video]]YouTube - WUSV 2010 RONNY VAN DEN BERGHE C 98

        Well, I gotta run. Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out there. Hello to all fABbies yet to come. ONE THING IS FOR SURE!!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

          Thank you everyone for the wonderful congratulations!! The sun is shining and it's going to be very nice out today-perfect for my celebration!!

          Marshy-OMG you guys are the cutest!! You look so happy and I LOVE the sign above you! I bet Deter is drooling right now :H!!

          Bear-congrats on your 5 weeks! You are in a much better place and mind than you were a month ago-it's very obvious a shift in your thinking has happened! Before you know it we'll be celebrating YOUR one year anni and you'll be telling us how being AF has transformed your life! Oh, and I totally get the shopping justification! I find that when I am at my lowest financially is when I spend the most money (that I don't even have!). Something to work on for this next year.

          Greenie-welcome back! Your mini vaca sounded AWESOME! I'm so sorry you didn't get the job but i's out there for you when the time is right. :l

          G-Yummo!! I wish I could throw stuff together like that!!

          DG-WOW!! I had no idea schutzhund training was like that! That first dog was fecking amazing! The focus was brilliant! Hmm, I wonder if DD might be a good candidate for that? Do you ever see any other breeds in this sport? Give my best to Mr. Doggie today and I hope they come home winners!!

          I've just finished brekkie-an asparagus, onion and mushroom omlet (ok, I wouldn't exactly call it an omlet but I tried :H-it was still good) and english muffins with butter only. Today I am aiming for a no sugar day for once in my life. I am also going to wash up and take Mickey for a nice walk. I would take all 3 to the rail trail but I feel like a nice calm walk, not one frought with stress because the other 2 are acting like idiots. So too bad for them. It's Mom's Day after all and I can do what I want LOL!!

          I am feeling so much better today thanks to you guys and whatever happens with the jobs is meant to be. If I don't get either of them, then I will need to explore other ways to increase income and to save. I will NOT be a victim of the economy here!!

          I hope all you moms out there have a fabulous Mom's Day and are showered with love and hugs!

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

            Good morning Abbers & Happy Mother's Day

            CONGRATS PAPMOM!!!!!
            ONE YEAR AF - awesome
            Enjoy your day, do something fun

            Marshy, glad DG got your pic posted

            Greetings DG, bear, Deter, G & everyone who pops in today!
            Heading to my son's for a BBQ this afternoon.

            Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

              Congratulations Papmom! An important milestone for sure. You have been a wonderful asset to the thread! :l

              Still feeling quite blue and unsociable. I've gotten tons of lovely cards, notes and hugs. When people hug me, they cry--then I cry. I will be glad when the tears aren't so close to the surface. Today will be difficult as well at church. Oh well. Life goes on.

              I hope to get a little work done in my garden and flower beds. A friend gave me a lovely rose plant. I hope I don't kill it. The heat and the wind are so hard on flowers here.

              Hubby fell off the wagon at 3.5 weeks. We branded our calves and I commented that it would have been the first time ever that we did that without beer. Another friend that helps quit drinking a little before I did. Anyway, the other neighbor helping did want a beer, so I brought him a couple, and hubby decided to join him. They proceeded to drink all day. Didn't bother me too much, just glad it wasn't me.

              I hope all of you moms out there enjoy mother's day. I received a couple of very nice compliments about my boys yesterday so I'm feeling pretty good about motherhood today.

              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                Happy Mother's Day to you mothers. :H Really. (I really toyed with comma placement there) And Happy Day to you non-mothers, including moi. I started my day with coffee and the paper at the fire pit. I love that fire pit. That is all.

                Fabbie piccie Marshy! XNGF looks like bunches of fun - we already knew that about you!

                :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 YEAR AF, P3!!:yougo::yougo:

                LVT, you are awesome ~ handling yourself with such grace...(unallowed smiley)

                Always nice to see you G (unallowed heart throbby thingy) ~ your foodie pot sounds lovely!

                DG isn't it time for garden talk for you? (unallowed smiley)

                Lav, I'm glad to see you go to the KID'S house to eat for a change (unallowed smiley) I'm sure you are a way better cook, but the switch-up is nice!

                Bear, you're sounding really good these days as I am sure you FEEL good!

                Shout out to det, jen, sara, jolie, AFM, and a few new faces I saw - kaslo?, duncan...

                Chores becon. Ick. (unallowed frowney) Then perhaps the river? One thing's for sure!!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                  Congrats Papmom on your Annus Nonalcoholis!!! What an achievement! I aspire to your greatness! And all of the best for a great Mothers Day for everyone else here! I am in a hotel room waiting for the eldest to call, (didnt want to 'sleep' on her couch with the neighbours hip hop thumping next door) so I can join her, daughter two and gks for Mothers Day breakkie. Then a bit of a tour of the garden centres, and then back to Revelstoke for a meeting tomorrow. Traveled the entire eastern side of British Columbia this trip. Saw three dif blackbears, bald eagles, ospreys, white tailed deer, Rocky Mountain elk, marmot, several kestrels, and have made enough money to afford the garden projects.

                  LVT you are not too far from me i think. Good luck with the Hub. I completely see how you might say you are glad its not you. Marshy you look very happy, this sure is a nice place to check in. I still feel very new here. HAPPY MOMDAY!!

                  Here is my garden....wish I was going home today instead of a stinky old meeting 600 kms away...


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                    P3!!! So glad you are here to celebrate your anniversary!!! You are keeping a GREAT attitude about the jobs. One of the very valuable things I learned in AA (and try to put into practice - some days are better than others ) is to concern myself only with right action. I can control my actions but I cannot control the outcomes. At some point we have to have faith, I think, that if we keep doing the right things, good things will happen. I know that will be true for you too! Yes - the required focus is really something. Other breeds that commonly do Schutzhund include Malinois, Rotties, Dobies, Bull dogs. Not so common breeds include a black lab (very uncommon from a typical personality perspective), a border collie, and I heard of a jack russel terriier getting a Schutzhund 1, which I cannot imagine!!! The best way to find out if a particular dog will do some or all of the work is to find a club or trainer and take your dog out to see! A lot of "what it takes" is genetic. I didn't used to believe that until I've just watched it over the last several years.

                    Mr. Doggy just checked in and he got an 83 in tracking. :yougo: The trainer is trialing a dog and he got an 88. One other guy from our group got a 70 (judge gifted perhaps) and one other guy failed. Mr. Doggy said conditions this morning were a little tough so I'm really proud of him for that 83 score!! The dog our trainer is trialing is a full older brother to Mr. Doggy's younger dog Cooper.

                    Back to MWO...

                    Lav, a Mother's Day BBQ with all your family sounds fabulous! Is YB going too? Is he courting at all this weekend?

                    LVT :l I can't imagine how long it would take for the tears to stop coming. I'm sorry Mr. LVT threw in the towel but you are right - it's not you. Be glad for that!

                    Kaslo, your garden is SPECTACULAR!!! Not to mention the view. When will my room be ready so I can move it? I'm not much for cleaning bathrooms, but I will cook some, and maybe run the vacuum to earn my keep. WOW.

                    Greenie, welcome back!!! I read on yesterdays thread how ACTION PACKED your vacation was. Awesome!! I know that a company TRULY capable of appreciating the depth of your immense value will be in your life very soon. Keep the faith!!!

                    Well, I'm off to make a little lunch and then go see Dad. And Mom.

                    One thing is for sure..

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                      Kaslo-better make that 2 rooms :H!! I can help with gardening and other chores. Not so good with cooking tho. Seriously, what a spectacular view and garden you have!! We are all green and pink and blue and red and purple and yellow with envy!! More pics please!! I'm sure all that traveling is tiring but you do traverse some gorgeous country with some neat wildlife sightings!! We love having you here on this thread and hope you will stay. You won't feel like a newbie much longer-I promise you that!

                      LVT-:l :l. I echo Greenie's sentiments-you are the epitomy of grace under pressure. Please be kind to yourself today and do something to special. I'm glad it wasn't you too!!

                      Lav-have a great time at the cookout. DG, may todays visit with dad and mom be sweet and stress free.

                      Went for my walk with Mickey today-beautiful-lots of birds singing and I realize how much I miss birdwatching. Stopped for ice cream on the way home (yeah, so much for sugar free!) but they only took cash so went to S&S for a lobster roll for lunch. Yumm! I might go back out later for that ice cream cone-we'll see.

                      My camper is in my friend's driveway so it's officially mine! Getting some opinions from other TTT people that have me very scared that I may have gotten a TTT that is too heavy for me to tow even tho I thought I did my homework. Trying not to worry about that as I can't change it now. I do have to think seriously about puttng breaks on this rig which I originally wasn't going to do and that is an expense I hadn't counted on. Lots of questions for the RV guy this week. I'm hoping to go up there Mem Day weekend to pick her up.

                      Now I'm going to do some house cleaning as an unannounced T-storm looks immenent and if time and weather permits, maybe some yard work. Wish I had a YB. That is all.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                        3 rooms! I'll be your gardner!

                        P3 that is SO awesome you got that FABBIE camper!!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                          Yeah Greenie it is pretty awesome. Good thing too as I may be living in it when I go into foreclosure!! :H (not that that's a laughing matter but somedays it seems all too possible....)
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                            WOW Kaslo, what a beautiful picture! Pictute perfect

                            Congrats to Mr DG! Back in another lifetime I had a friend who trained German Shepherds for tracking, search & rescue, etc. He used to go all over the country with his dogs when his help was needed. Sorry to say his paranoid schizo mind & dual addictions put him out of business.....don't even know if he's still alive.

                            I'm leaving in a few min to go to my son's house. YB was just here, cut grass, took his fishing boat & left without a fecking word, fecking asshole :HHe is the loser, I finally get it!!! :H
                            I'm glad he will not be attending today's festivities
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF daily - Sunday, May 8th

                              Did you see that? Lav said "fecking". Twice!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

