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Moving thru May - Week 2

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    Moving thru May - Week 2

    Morning all,

    Well - today is my last day in scotland. End of an era but a great era at that. I wouldn't trade the experience I have had or the friends I have made for anything in the world. This is the place where I qualified as an accountant, met my wonderful husband and became the person I am today. I will miss it terribly but I am ready to go home.

    So, one last hard visit before I leave. I am off up to the cemetary this morning to leave flowers on my mom's grave. At least I know that wherever I am, she is always with me, guiding me in the right direction.

    P3 - I am sorry about the job and the car. As far the job goes, there is always negotiation around salary. They expect you to negotiate. Hold firm, be strong on what you can bring to the organisation and explain why you are worth more cash. When I got my new job the salary they offered originally was not great. But I successfully negotiated a $6k uplift. You can do this!

    All my love to you all and thanks for your support.

    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


      Moving thru May - Week 2

      Cass - beautiful what you said about your Mum, she would be so so proud of how strong you have turned out. Do you fly to NY tomorrow? Is hubby going with you or joining you later? Do you go straight into your rental when you get there and when do you start your new job? sorry for all the Q's (I'm not nosey, just curious:H)
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Moving thru May - Week 2

        Hey Chill,

        Yep - fly at nine am tomorrow. My hubby isn't coming with me buy will join me in a couple of months fingers crossed. I am staying with my mate for a couple of days and then off to the rental. Starty new job a week on Monday so at least I have some time at the other side to relax.

        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


          Moving thru May - Week 2

          Hi all,

          Papmom, if they're (job #1) going to be calling you to discuss the salary, then isn't this them expecting you to speak up and negotiate? Sounds like it to me. You are worth it, they want you, and you will kick ass. Especially since you say that you would like the job? Don't get negative, get positive, and see what they say. When we feel overwhelmed, the lying, addictive mind drinking thought's try to creep in. It's a classic, and very common, so don't worry, your body chemistry etc, is still under repair.

          Refresh your page my friend. Recharge, regroup, and go get 'em!

          Strength, peace, and clarity to everyone, particularly to folk's struggling. :h

          Edit: Safe travel's Cassia!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Moving thru May - Week 2

            Good Morning Friends,

            WOW, where do I start?

            Papmom, I feel so badly about all the frustration with your future job situation. I think like Cassia and G said, .Job #1 is EXPECTING you to come back with a figure...and I would not lowball your requirements. I would simply tell them that the salary they are offering is $5K less than what you are making now and that would be a financial burden for you. If you tell them that figure is not acceptable, I am betting they come back with a counteroffer. I have done this 3 times and it's worked every time. I did not appear overanxious for the job. I let them think that I had many other options (of course, I didn't at the time ) "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." And you ARE of the strongest and sharpest people I've "met" at MWO. Dig your heels in and go for it, woman. YOU CAN DO THIS!:h Lavinitude! I am so sorry to hear about your financial worries...I know from experience they are the worst, and I cannot imagine how your sobriety was tested last night. I admire you so much for not giving in! You have so many decisions to make abiut your camper, agility, and I'm sooo glad you're doing it with a clear head.

            Cassia-I choked up when I read about visiting your mom's grave.:upset: I so admire your fortitude in moving back to the States and all the planning that went with this all the friends and family you are leaving behind. I'm so glad you have a nice husband. He sounds like a real gem. Please travel safely and let us know when you get there. Thinking of you at such an emotional time.

            Chill-what beautiful pictures! I've never been to Scotland and would so like to visit sometime. Chill, maybe you can meet one of the owners of one of those boats in the harbor. hahaha!

            Newgrange....congratulations on 65 days AF, and for fighting off the cravings like a real trooper.

            G, I truly thought your avatar was a picture of Bruce Springsteen from 1985! I saw him perform at Soldier Field in Chicago, and you look JUST like him. Thank you for posting it. G, will you marry me?:H

            Lav-your evening with your family sounded like're lucky to live so close by.

            Star-you asked yesterday if there were something that we wouldn't have had the courage to do if we were still drinking, and after much thought, I would have to say no. What I can say is that when my drinking became almost a daily habit and a weekend bingefest (over the period of 3.5 years), I was arrogant enough to think that the fact that alcohol is a depressant didn't apply to ME. The more I drank, the more depressed I became, and then I didn't have the motivation to do anything more than what I absolutely HAD to...for my career, my family, etc.

            Paguy-I bet your dog was glad to see you. I bet his bionic tale never stopped wagging. Are you traveling this week?

            I am off to the gym for a lonnnnggggg workout....ate too much yesterday. OINK OINK. Mom and I had a lovely dinner together, and today, we are off to the Harley Museum.

            Have a great AF Saturday, everyone!


              Moving thru May - Week 2

              Mornin abbers!

              Papmom- so sorry to hear about all of this but keep your head up! I'd most definitely ask Job#1 to bring that salary up to where you want it to be - what do you have to lose right? Job #2 may surprise you as well - don't give up hope. Just look at all of this as a temporary setback and know that AL is only going to make it worse - right? Sending you hugs and good wishes - hope you get some positive news real soon!

              Chill - ummmm - love those pics! How beautiful - I love the ocean and any ocean I get to see around my part of the woods is surrounded by tons of people, condos, doesn't look anywhere near as beautiful as yours. Enjoy!

              Lav - tried doing some gardening (really just bought stuff) potting and hanging of the baskets. Returned to an amish place just outside of Oxford that is always quite reasonable. Can't remember the name of it but think it's on Cullen road? Thought of you as I was in that area.

              Still have more potting to do but yikes - the weather isn't pretty - huh?

              Good Saturday morning to Mr. G, Cassia (good luck with the move!), New grange (Congrats on 65 days - good job!), PAguy, Star - anyone I missed.

              Should attempt to get some cleaning done and then maybe a little more potting on the deck. Today is my 28-year wedding anniversary - hoping hubby has something nice planned! (who am I kidding - if there's planning to do, I usually do it so we'll see
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Moving thru May - Week 2


                Happy Anniversary! 28 sure don't see marriages lasting that long very often and I'm so happy for you! Hope you and Mr. J. do something romantic.


                  Moving thru May - Week 2

                  Good morning May Movers!

                  Cassia, you will be arriving in damp weather I'm afraid but I wish you a safe trip. The entire east coast is damp right now - it is Spring. Best wishes to you as you begin your new chapter here in the US

                  Greetings Chill & Mr G! Enjoy your weekend

                  Rusty, Harley's are a big thing around here. Lots of dealers in the area too, have fun visiting the museum today!

                  Jolie, I should give you directions to the Amish place near my house. You can buy all sorts of hanging pots, fresh veggies, canned goods & fresh brown eggs there And we all know where some of those eggs come from :H
                  Happy Anniversary to you! Can't remember the last time we actually had a 'happy' anniversary ~ not possible I guess when people are chronically depressed. Next month will be the 38th anniversary since the date of my wedding

                  Weather will force inside activities this weekend - guess I should chase some of the dust & do hair out of here :H

                  Have a good day all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Moving thru May - Week 2

                    You guys are the best!!!

                    I slept in late today but when I got up my fish pond was almost waterless! Oh nooooo! Out I went in my jammies and a severe case of bed head to rescue my poor fishies! 45 min later I have a cleaned and filled pond. Just waiting for the temp to stabilize and then the fishies can go home. I do have 8 still-just hoping the trauma of the transfer didn't do them harm.

                    Cass-very safe travels my dear! I'm taking it your scottish by birth? Yes, your mom will be with you whereever you go so take solace in that. I hope you have a blast exploring and getting settled during your week off. I think you'll definitely need to find Lav's Amish farm and buy some of her eggs!!

                    Jolie-Happy 28th anniversary!! That is soooo fantastic! Maybe he will surprise you!

                    Lav-:l :l :l. Time to celebrate your first year of being free, right? I have to tell you, I know this year has been wicked hard and you are still dealing with a lot of YB crap but you definitely sound so much happier than a year ago!! Your Lavanitude has paid off!

                    Chill-thank you so much! You are my role model, you and Cass in these turbulent times. You are proof that everything happens for a reason and it all works out for the best.

                    Rusty, G (how about bigamy G??? :H) your words were brilliant! I will be keeping them close all day Monday and will be very prepared when he calls back.

                    Boy I can't beleive how late it is! Lots to do thank goodness. now to go put fishies back in their home!

                    :h :h
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Moving thru May - Week 2

                      Hey everyOne,

                      Just a quick wee check in from me. That's the goodbyes done, just my dad and my husband at the airport tomorrow so will be hard but I will get through it. I can't thank you enough for your wishes and support. I will check in tomorrow when I land and possibly before i fly out. P3, I actually have dual nationalities but I was born in new jersey. I guess I will always be torn between two homes but I am lucky to have them both.

                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        Moving thru May - Week 2


                        Good to hear from you! Safe journey. You'll be home soon.



                          Moving thru May - Week 2

                          Thanks rusty! It's good to be going home. X
                          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                            Moving thru May - Week 2


                            Still choking up about putting flowers on your mom's grave. She is smiling down on you right now and incredibly proud...and well. she should be! I cannot imagine how you miss her. Our mother is the center of our universe....and life without her seems impossible. What a courageous soul you are....


                              Moving thru May - Week 2

                              Wish we had sunshine & cloudless skies to welcome Cassia back home but I'm afraid not.
                              Dark, damp & chilly here this weekend - Ugh!

                              Rusty, our mothers are the center of our universe. I've been very lonely these 25 years since mine passed. Your mother is the only person on the planet who really knows you & loves you unconditionally. Now I'm choking up.

                              Two days of this crappy weather is already getting on my nerves. I thought about Cyn this afternoon as I was driving home from the feed store. She would say I'm dancing on the dark side of the moon today - I really am & I'm also pissed that I had to go to the damn feed store & lift the 50 lb bags of chicken feed :H The YB fell short on his promise to do do that job for me AGAIN!!! Curses on him

                              Think it's time for a meditation CD - either that or watch more NCIS reruns :H
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Moving thru May - Week 2


                                I just got home from my mom's. I'm watching NCIS right now. Since G has not responded to my marriage proposal, I guess I'll keep hoping that Mark Harmon breaks up with Pam Dawber so I have a shot!:H:H

                                YB didn't show up AGAIN?:bang:flush: I'm sorry....I don't know what to say other than, he has some "splaining to do." (Ricky Ricardo, circa I Love Lucy)

                                I wish your mom were alive still, Lav. You know how to sew because of her, bake, cook, you're educated, good mother, great nurse....I know you got those qualities from your mother.

                                We had a great time today at the Harley Museum. I'll PM you more about it later. These people who are both deaf and blind treat me like I am so special because I love love love being with them. They are smart, thoughtful and they are dually impaired and they are glad for every minute they are alive. Every time I start whining about some flippin' stupid test that I didn't pass 100%, I just better shut the f*ck up because I am so so lucky to be able to see and hear.

                                I have to admit....I was in a blue, and pissy mood today. But just being around these people lifted my spirit right out of the pity pot.

                                Ok, back to NCIS. I'll be back in a minute.

