Good morning gang

Cass - Bon voyage my friend, I can't wait to hear you've arrived later today.
Jolie - I hope you did something nice for your anniversary. If I want to ever be married for 28 years I'd better get a move on :H
Rusty - you are so right about our spirits being lifted by being around people with impairments and disabilities. Its a great way to snap us out of any gloom. I recently read a book called " one step beyond" by a guy who's leg was blown off by a land mine, he ran marathons all over the place included across the desert. Awe inspiring!
Lav - Hope the meditation or NCSI helped....
Papmom - I'm sending you peaceful Chill vibes and hope you are having a good weekend and that the fishes are all ok.
I have been toying with the idea of joining an online dating site and have checked one out which seems to have potential. As I know no one over here and I certainly don't want to hang out in bars it seems like the obvious route. I always seem to stay friends with men I date so I could make some good buddies too. Talking of which, I have been wading through emails, trying to catch up from being offline, McNotsodreamy had sent me several and yesterday I got round to replying. He wants to come over for a few days! Said I sounded lonely and he wanted to cheer me up and take me our for a nice dinner!