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Moving thru May - Week 2

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    Moving thru May - Week 2

    Good morning gang

    Cass - Bon voyage my friend, I can't wait to hear you've arrived later today.

    Jolie - I hope you did something nice for your anniversary. If I want to ever be married for 28 years I'd better get a move on :H

    Rusty - you are so right about our spirits being lifted by being around people with impairments and disabilities. Its a great way to snap us out of any gloom. I recently read a book called " one step beyond" by a guy who's leg was blown off by a land mine, he ran marathons all over the place included across the desert. Awe inspiring!

    Lav - Hope the meditation or NCSI helped....

    Papmom - I'm sending you peaceful Chill vibes and hope you are having a good weekend and that the fishes are all ok.

    I have been toying with the idea of joining an online dating site and have checked one out which seems to have potential. As I know no one over here and I certainly don't want to hang out in bars it seems like the obvious route. I always seem to stay friends with men I date so I could make some good buddies too. Talking of which, I have been wading through emails, trying to catch up from being offline, McNotsodreamy had sent me several and yesterday I got round to replying. He wants to come over for a few days! Said I sounded lonely and he wanted to cheer me up and take me our for a nice dinner!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Moving thru May - Week 2

      Good morning to all...

      Jolie, Happy Anniversay!! It is really is a day to celebrate, wow 28 years.

      Papmom, you have been going through alot,:l I liked the advice of giving a counteroffer on salary. You have absolutely nothing to lose. Regarding your money issues, yikes, what a stressful situation. Is there any way you can get some help to figure out a way to get your finances manageable? Money stress is so difficult. Currently, I am on a budget and a bit concerned but have a plan in place. Looking back it makes me ill to think of how much money was wasted on booze and cigarettes.:upset: Just the necessities for right now for me. Sending you support and encouragement.:h

      Lav, sorry the weather and not being able to count on people has brought you down. Do you think he does that stuff on purpose or does he just, "forget." That is real bullsh**.

      Cassia, have a good trip. It will be a relief to be on the plane. After a time, goodbyes are exhausting. Have you and your hubby lived in the US before? You are really courageous to move so far. How exciting.

      Chill, loved your pictures. Wow, you are so lucky to be so close to the water. I think the online dating site sounds like a great idea. You are right, to meet someone in a bar would probably mean they are a drinker. How sweet that Mcnotsodreamy wants to come visit. Any luck on the job front?

      I was so busy yesterday, family in town, had to clean after morning exercise. I have been tempted to not only drink but smoke. However, there is something that will not let me follow through.....the thoughts of the outcome. I do not want the burning feeling and nasty taste of a cigarette and the alcohol would be fun going down but the after affects would not be worth it. Plus, I thought, were would I go from there? Would I then want to drink the next day and the next? What if I couldn't stop or go AF for a time. I have just come too far. And, again, I had a good time. Laughed loud and hard and often, enjoyed great company with integrity and respect, and realized that I DON'T NEED IT! AF and SF is the only way for me to live. As tempted as I get I just do not want to go back to that dark place again. Putting chemicals in my body makes me feel pulled down, burdened, heavy. I look at my Dad and think of where he would be if he had not stopped drinking thirty-eight years ago. What would his life look like, would he even be alive? I am focusing on feeling light and free today.

      To all, have a great AF Sunday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Moving thru May - Week 2

        Good Sunday morning all -
        Wow, I missed alot in 2 days -- no rest here, just more work, tying up loose ends for my client and getting ready to leave for a trip on Tuesday.

        Cass - I hope that you are having a good flight across the pond -- you have handled all your goodbyes and move stress with such grace. Welcome to home, I hope you have a good rest on arriving.

        Chill - I am ready to move in and be your neighbor!!! You have no idea what bliss it is to see water - I am going to stare at your pictures and send that vision out to the Universe for our new home -- you have lifted this desert-dwellers heart. So glad to hear you are feeling better.

        Mr G - HOLD ON - that is you in the picture?.....

        Newgrange, what a beautiful post, thank you for writing, and congrats on 65 plus days. So good to hear your words.

        Good luck everyone who is struggling, Lav I concur with PMom (also sending you good vibes, girl) that you are in such a better place this year...see you on the bright side of the moon. Take care all --
        to the light


          Moving thru May - Week 2

          Good morning May Movers,

          Another dark & damp morning - UGH!
          Just heard on the news that this weather pattern will hang around until next Friday :upset:

          Chill, it is hard not knowing anyone where you live. With the exception of my brother-in-law & his wife I knew no one when I moved here. I feel very fortunate that the kids landed here - sometimes I can't believe they did

          How's the handsome Mr G today?

          Star, I still daydream about pouring a glass & firing up a smoke & then reality kicks in - You don't do that anymore Lav. We need to keep our sub-conscious thinking from taking control

          I'm going to spend the day working on an embroidered baby gift for my niece - baby shower is next Saturday.
          Trying to get out of yesterday's pissy mood, really. I need to figure out why YB behaves the way he does or I'll never get any peace of mind. My daughter was here the last time he stopped in & I asked her if she thought he was 'confused' & she said Yes!
          If he is truly confused & forgetful ~ that's one thing.
          If he's just trying to piss me off ~ well, that's another thing

          I'll figure it out! I will!
          Have a good day y'all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Moving thru May - Week 2

            It is good to be at MWO this morning, it helps me sort things out. I read once that alcoholics often can?t read their emotions very accurately and I know in my case strong feelings of any kind are my primary trigger. I loved your question Star about how our ability to make choices can change with abstinence, and you could have written about me, Newgrange when you talked about discovering yourself. There are times, not all the time of course, but times now when I feel completely different. I don?t know how to express it very well but I feel very alive and ?full? (no jokes about what I might be full of); I feel the being that is looking through my eyes. As I lost my family when I was young, I have felt enduringly separate and isolated, and what sounds really crazy is that in those new moments I don?t feel alone, its as if I am filled with something intriguing and curious. I don?t want it to go away and I am afraid if I drink it will and not come back. Drinking is the most desolate world.

            I am glad you rescued your fish, dear Pappy. You will be pleased to know that I am getting a new dog. My big dog Teddy died last August and I thought our little dog was OK on her own but she was recently busted by the parrot. It seems when we both are gone Isabella moans, whines, and yips, pathetic wrenching doggie sounds particularly when coming out of an old African Grey bird:H. As such I am going to Arizona to pick up Isabella's little two year old cousin who is being retired early as a show dog because she is too timid and ?reserved? for the roar of the crowd. She will get to be a proper house dog with utilitarian hair and ?rides in the truck?. I have never had a small dog in my life and now there will be two little buddies.

            Hope you have a fine flight home Cass; lovely photos of your new home, Chilly, I so miss the water; I join in the hoards who are completely smitten with you, G.; thank you Rusty for juxtaposing a test setback with the wonderful spirits of the deaf blind community, how interesting one can become when information is not filtered through the usual sensory channels; must be off now but a quick hello to our own Lavie, PA of the swift feet, Dew, Jolie, Dill, Sooty, Shelley, Cyn, Rustop, et. al. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              Moving thru May - Week 2

              Morning everyone!

              Oh LBH-that was such a cute story!! Busted by the parrot! I think I need to get one now-I need to know what is going on in my house when I am gone :H!! I am totally sure that Izzy's little cousin will fit in very nicely with your household. Izzy will have a buddy and as yet unnamed doggie will finally be able to be a dog!! I have nothing but respect for the breeders who take conformation seriously but it does take a special dog to withstand the rigors of the competitive show world. Good for your breeder to recognize that little doggie is not cut out for that and to seriouisly find her/him a great new home! Can't wait to see pics of the new addition! What breed is Isabella?

              Lav, I have no doubt you will get to the bottom of YB's bizarre behavior. Now that you have your family on board and agreeing that something is off, perhaps medical assistance can be sought. :l to you.

              Today is a cold and rainy one. The pond fountain was knocked over AGAIN this morning but luckily was submerged so fishies were safe. There is definitely something coming around at night either gunning for my fishies or taking a swim :H! but it must stop! Hmmmm...... not sure what to do!

              I must get down to business and get some work work done today. I need to be in good shape for the countdown to Orientation (1.5 weeks). Gosh I hate this job and hate that I have to take my spring weekends to get it done!

              OK, no more whining or moaning or I'll be ratted on by LBH's Amazon!! :H
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Moving thru May - Week 2

                Hi Pappy. My dog is a Yorkshire terrier and while tiny, she is very quiet and calm and steady. Small and thoughtful. The new one is supposed to be similar in temperament but perhaps shy. She has a big show dog name, but is called ?Lollypop? which I think is really funny and easily inspiring of further silly names, you know how they evolve. I hope you don?t have a raccoon fishing in your yard. They are so strong and smart. Even though I live in a city, they have established themselves here and there and killed nearly all of my fish in single raid on Thanksgiving of 2009. The sort that inspire legends and songs about the ?massacree?. Four tiny fish survived and now I have nine of the most beautiful babies in the their second year. Black, blue, red, and white markings. I hope your finances settle into something less scary soon, sometimes with external stress, I just have to get tunnel vision and remember to take care of what I can. There are so many things we can and do take care of and I am shocked at how easily I lose sight of that. All the best with your salary negotiations tomorrow, you are the prize. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Moving thru May - Week 2

                  Oh Yorkies! Love them! Must be quite a change for you after Teddy tho. I hope Lollypop settles in nicely without too much trauma. My pond fish are generic orange goldfish type and while not flashy at all, I do love them and was so happy to see they had survived the tough winter in the pond. I'm hoping my maurader is just a neighborhood cat and that the pond is too deep for it to be successful. I've only seen racoons in my yard once in 16 years and that was before dogs when I had holes in my fencing. They were 2 young ones probably after the birdseed.
                  Pouring rain here and I'm procrastinately badly about doing my work. I started cleaning out the china cabinet and packing away dishes but had to stop when I ran out of packing material. How did my dad pack all these dishes up when he moved? There must be another box up in the attic that I'm missing. But, I won't go looking for it. Transfer evals are calling.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Moving thru May - Week 2

                    Hey all! That's me home! Good flight but very emotional goodbyes! I did it though! I am grinning from ear to ear here! x
                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      Moving thru May - Week 2

                      :yay: Welcome home Cassia!!!!
                      I hope you can relax this week & get used to being a crazy American resident again :H

                      LBH, no doubt your parrot rules the roost!
                      Good luck with your new doggie

                      papmom, I think you take after me when it comes to procrastinating :H
                      So far today I've done everything except what I planned to do:H

                      Oh well
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Moving thru May - Week 2

                        WELCOME HOME CASSIA!!!! :yougo::yougo:

                        So glad you made over here safely. At least you'll have time to get over the jet lag if there is any! Can't wait to hear all about your Joisy exploits! :H
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Moving thru May - Week 2

                          Thanks everyone for your good wishes and welcoming me home.

                          Star - I was actually born here and lived her until I was 17 - moved to the UK to go to uni and my professional qualifications and then stayed on as I have dual nationalities. Decided to move back for a better quality of life for me and my husband and any potential little Cass' that come along many years from now. All in, I was in the UK for 12 years 8 months and 22 days. Can hardly believe it! My hubby will join me in a few months once his visa comes through.

                          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                            Moving thru May - Week 2

                            Hi Friends:

                            Cassia - Welcome Home! I am glad you made it 'across the pond' and managed the emotional goodbyes. I, too, was very touched by your comments about how you visited your mother's grave. My mom passed on 5 years ago and I miss her so much.

                            LBH - Great to see you here and always enjoy your brilliant insights and stories. Plus, I loved your reference to my 'swift feet' - I'll have to remember that one the next time I am running!

                            Spent most of the weekend indoors as the weather was not cooperating . Although, we did have some blasts of sunshine this afternoon. Lav and Jolie - Our weather has been most unusual this spring, hasn't it?

                            Today was massage day! I really like my therapist. We seem to have alot in common and share stories back and forth. The right side of my back and neck has been really knotted up due to my running so she had her work cut out for her today. I feel great right now.

                            Just working 3 days this week and then I am heading to Florida for an extended long weekend. I enjoy FL this time of year and am looking forward to a few days in the sun and relaxing by the pool.

                            I think I mentioned that I attended a 50th birthday party last weekend. After drinking water all evening, as I was saying my goodbyes, I mentioned that I had to get up early on Sunday to run a 5K race. At that point, someone said, "Oh, that explains why you weren't drinking. We thought you may have had an 'issue' and were working the 12 steps!" I couldn't believe someone would say that to me!! I was too tired to think of a witty comeback so I just said something stupid like "Yep, 5am will be here quick enough."

                            Well, friends, hope you all have a restful evening. Greetings to all and here's to a wonderful AF week ahead of us..
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Moving thru May - Week 2

                              Hey paguy,

                              What a jackass that person is! Unfortunately so people have no edit button when they open their mouth. Never mind them, they must be pretty bored if they spend time watching what you were drinking! How did your race go? Do you get a sports massage regularly?

                              I know what you mean about missing your mom. I lost my mom over 24 years ago and there is barely a day goes by that I don't think of her. She has had a hand in how my life has turned out, I have no doubt about that!

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                Moving thru May - Week 2

                                Greetings in the midst of another thunder storm. Why am I so lucky???

                                John, isn't it incredible how rude some people are? I hate it when I can't come up with a quick, sharp remark to just bite them right back :H
                                Enjoy your weekend in Florida you lucky dog

                                I guess I'll just sit here in cow country & watch the weeds grow after all this rain :H

                                Good night all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

