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AF Daily - Monday May 9

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    AF Daily - Monday May 9

    I don't know what a stone is exactly, but 3 of them sounds ambitious!

    LOVE that piccie, lav!!!

    croucs, I HIGHLY recommend the supplements. Especially with the mood swing you were talking about. I recently drug out some old supps I had from Pain & Stress Center for some anxiety stuff that has been popping up every now and then. The aminos simply are a must! I happened to read in there that caffeine cravers are probably low in catecholamines and..... I have a few catecholacalms left! Who knew! Anyway, you get the idea. I still take the All-One powder every day in a smoothie. Oh, I think that was inchy who had the scary mood swing.... but still.. you can read about supps in the MWO book.

    There is a runner's high. But I only experienced it in the time period I raced (in general, not races themselves per se). I used to dream about it after I had stopped running. BTW, where the hell is AAthlete?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Monday May 9

      Wow! I can't believe I found you guys! I feel better.
      Kaslo, you are so funny!
      Thanks to all of you for this help! I think I can do it.
      I don't know what my goals are. I think I want to learn to mod. I'm going to take everyone's advice, pray more, and take a day at a time. I had no trouble not drinking today. Didn't want one. I just felt sad all day, and I only drink too much when I'm feeling happy and "up," never when I'm feeling down. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

      Irony? When my kids were growing up, hubby and I decided to set a good example and not drink at all for any reason. It was easy. We didn't even keep it in the house or serve it at parties. I was blithely AF for ten years or more. And now I'm in this awful state of regularly knocking them back like a sailor. Ugh! Well, tomorrow will be day 2. I hope to check in and tell you how I did NOT go to the liquor store.


        AF Daily - Monday May 9

        crocus, even if you think you want to mod, RJ recommends 30 days AF to start. We can help you with that as we are an AF bunch. We can't mod. Some of us know that from miserable experience. But, there is a Moderators section where people can give you advice if you decide that's what you want. Put on your PJs and brush your teeth. Go to bed if you have to. But STAY HOME! Just today!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Monday May 9

          Morning all.

          Been lurking lately. Was in a dreadful mood last week and didnt feel like posting but feel I am missing out on something when I dont. Strange for me to want to "talk" to people!!

          Welcome Crocus - I can so relate to how you are feeling. The fear kept me drinking for 31 years. But now I am trying to face the fear by working out what makes me scared and dealing with that rather than trying to numb it out. Alcohol numbed me since I was 15 when I couldnt handle things in my life. It continued to numb me up until just recently when I finally realised I had had enough. It's not an easy journey but I am realising it is so much better than living with AL constantly telling me how to live. Now I even get days when I dont think about having a drink at all. I dont want to have to rely on anything - AL, anti-depressants, chemical stress relievers - I want to be able to deal with the things life throws at me by actually facing them.

          Doggy - you are in a very chatty mood. Love it!

          Kaslo - thank you for posting that gorgeous photo of the mountains. One of my lifelong wishes is to get to Canada and seeing that picture makes me want to work harder on getting there.

          Lav - great photo too. A real mixture of old and new! Just the sort of thing we see on TV.

          Everyone else - have a great day. Keep posting - there is always someone who wants to hear what you have to say.

          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            AF Daily - Monday May 9

            Evening Abbers!

            Almost 11 pm & I'm still winding down after a long & busy day!
            Think I will sleep OK tonight

            Kaslo, that was a picture of an Amish woman aka Pennsylvania Dutch. They are mostly farmers around here but they also build & sell handmade furniture, crafts & work for contarctors in the building trades. There is also a large community of Menonites here who have similar beliefs but drive cars & use electricity, etc. I find it strange to see them in horse & buggy pull into a drive-thru ATM at a bank :H

            Greetings to all & good night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Monday May 9

              what a horrible painful day this has been. so sorry to parade my pain. I waited too long to get in to the dentist to pull this infected molar and went into convulsions/shock on the way to the hospital. they were worried I was going into cardiac arrest on the dentists chair but managed to stabilize my heart and I'm home after quite a scare. I'm looking forward to a much better day tomorrow!

              great pictures you guys and gals.

              Crocus nice to meet you! fellow vino binger myself.

              AFM try a whey protein shake, they are must more digestible for me as well.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Monday May 9

                Ouch Determinator!! I am so glad that you are on the mend. What a scare...
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  AF Daily - Monday May 9

                  Hi fABbies! Crocus, yesterday you mentioned some challenges getting used to nagivating the forum. In case you have any trouble finding the new AF Daily thread for May 10, here is a link!


                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Monday May 9

                    Thanks to you, Green and Hippy C. I will take your advice. I am doing some AF days with Sunshine in another forum. (I'm just learning my way around.)

                    What do you think of the fact that I never desire alcohol when I'm down. I don't seem to use it to address stress or problems. I didn't drink at all when my husband was going through stage 4 cancer treatments. And he had it twice. (He's well now thank heavens!)

                    I desire alcohol when I'm feeling on top of the world! What do you think? My husband says I'm not human. He says that's why I also have no trouble leaving a single fork full of chocolate cake on the plate because I'm just not hungry anymore.

                    Anyway, thanks. I'm going to the gymn now to listen to Eic Clapton and "dance" on the eliptical machine.


                      AF Daily - Monday May 9

                      Hi crocus. Good taste in music by the way. For me, I believe what is more relevant than WHY I started drinking is WHAT happened when I did. When I would start drinking, I had a very very difficult time stopping. That seems to be a very common thread. Some of us who cannot safely drink were daily drinkers. Others were binge drinkers - only on weekends or whatever occassions. BUT...we can't reliably stop if we start. I think that is a better guage for the problem than why we start in the first place. At least that has seemed more relevant in my own history.

                      I'm very sorry for all you and your husband have been through with cancer. So glad to hear he is clear now!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

