I need my peeps, kick my ass please................
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Hey guys.............DG you have said how hard it was for you to get bacik to AF once you relapsed. I'm having the same hard time. March and april was one day on, one day off. etc.............I am still doing the same thing..............but now it is more lide 5 days on. 5 dqays off..................help me guys, I don't want to continue the pattern.
I need my peeps, kick my ass please................Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
:hTags: None
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Uni-I hope that by now you are waking up and feeling like shite. yep, shite. when are you going to stop the insanity girl? You have every tool at your disposal and you don't use them! You had your meds upped yesterday. How in the world are they going to help you if you keep using AL? The 2 just don't go together and you know that!! Get the gosh darn AL out of the house and if for some reason it is within 2 feet of you, you have a choice-let the poison pass through your lips or don't. Simple. I know you have serious anxiety problems, and depression problems and past history problems. I'm not at all saying they aren't significant issues with you. All I'm saying is that no one is forcing the AL down your throat and no one is saying AL will solve your problems. You KNOW it won't!! Please give yourself and the meds a fighting chance!
I need my peeps, kick my ass please................
Now pull up your TBGPs and start treating yourself like the worthwhile human being you are!! Everyone else here does.New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
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Hi Uni. Here to help with requested ass kicking. Is it time to go back to the basics?
Do you have a written plan?
Do you know what you will do the minute you get an urge to drink? (I used to keep a LIST of stuff to do!!)
What P3 asked - where is this AL coming from? I hope there is none in your house!!! Don't make it THAT easy to drink!
Do you need more structure to your days? I'm not saying "get a job." But do you make a schedule for your day? I need structure!! I don't have a regular 8 - 5 job either, but I have a calendar and each day is organized. Would that help you?
I know you go to Women for Sobriety. I'm not familiar with their program - what do they suggest when strong urges come?
I don't think there is anything that makes this easy. For me, I just go so sick of the mery go round after my big relapse - the pain of keeping that up became harder than the pain of white knuckling it.
Do you use the hypnosis CD's or any of those tools?
I would love to see you go through the tool box thread and then write up a plan. That's an order. :b&d: (well, it's not really an order but I think it's important. If the Queen agrees, then it might become an order!)
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
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Uni, yesterday I thought you were drinking. I even pondered why you might be - lovely weekend, new puppy, med change to bring possible relief, etc.... So I wonder... What were you thinking when you decided to drink? Good, bad... trigger? Are you keeping a hidden stash or going to get it when it hits you? I think a written sobriety plan incorporating toolbox strategy is essential too. The active witing part helps imprint in your brain and it provides something concrete you can go to. And so it is ordered:crowned:
I unequivocally agree on the structure. I do believe that planning your days in writing and in advance on a day calendar as DG suggested is something that may be of great benefit to you. By planning, I mean filling with activities. They may not get done, but they need to be there for you to try to push through. Can you commit to a writing course? That might be a good start.
Pull up your BGPs!!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
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You just had your anxiety med dose changed, right?
If you are drinking because of the ongoing unrelieced anxiety then get back to the doctor & say so!!!!
Don't keep doing this to yourself!!
You butt has been kicked with love
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
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Hi Uni,
I was thinking of you today. As you know, I am dealing with my anxiety problems at present. I searched the net and came up with a site about anxiety and panic attacks. There are books there you can either buy, download or download the audio to play on either your computer or put on an ipod/MP3. There is a book called Taking Back the Power by Bronwyn Fox (an Aussiewho suffered from agrophobia - which I am trying to deal with at the moment.)
The way she explains things makes so much sense. There is a bit about using AL as an avoidance mechanism for coping with anxiety and panic attacks.
To buy the audio version was only $18 (Aussie). Might be worth a look.
The website was Anxiety Panic Hub Assistance for people with an Anxiety Disorder - Home Page
We need to look at the reasons we drink before we can heal ourselves. I tried all last year to just stop without doing any hard work but it simply didnt work. I was a dry drunk the whole time. As I was told when I first started "if all we do is change the contents of our glass, we set ourselves up to fail". And I really do believe that.
Get some help to get you on your way to healing. Dont just rely on antidepressants and other prescription drugs. You are just treating the symptoms not the problem.
Good on you for asking for help (and a kick up the bum which we are more than willing to give :H)
Take care Uni and dont give up giving up......
HippyI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
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:l Uni!
I, too, suffer from anxiety and depression. I have found from past experiences that if I have the time to dwell on the past and present overwhelments, I would drink to try to numb out those thoughts and feelings. I honestly feel keeping busy is essential to my well-being. I use to have the tendency to isolate and then I would brew up some shite in my head... then I would say 'fuck it' and then drink. I would work myself up and put myself in that unsafe zone.
For me, I needed to start 'believing' I was worth more than the self destruction. I was killing myself for what? Because I suffered as a child? Because I have social anxiety? Because deep down inside, everyone knows that I am a drunk, and I will never change? Fooowy! I have a Dr. that affirms I am a beautiful, loving, productive person who deserves to be loved and get the most of this life. I tell myself that every day now. I am not less deserving of anyone else to be happy, and healthy. Neither are you.
I would suggest to get rid of all alcohol out of your house. Have a nice HOT bath with some Epsom salts to detox your body. Then go out with your puppy for a nice long walk. Eat nutritious foods. I found not eating breakfast would set me up for those nasty drinking thoughts. Seriously! Eating breakfast has been a saving grace for me. Also, keep telling yourself you deserve to be well. It took a long time before I started to believe it, but I honestly feel positive affirmations really help.
Getting stuck in a rut has happened to all of us. There is light at the end of the tunnel. One foot in front of the other. Baby steps. Make sure you do something nice for yourself each and every day.
Sending you strength and love, my friend.
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Hi Uni,
I hope you're feeling a bit better today.
Ditto what everyone else says, plus Spiritual River has some of the best advice I've ever read about starting out, progressing and sustaining recovery.
Spiritual River | How to Stop Drinking Alcohol and Get the Addiction Help You Needsigpic
AF since December 22nd 2008
Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman
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I love all of the posts here. People are so caring toward you and offer you lots of good advice.
I ditto what everyone says here. You have to get beyond your past and live for today and the future. You deserve it and your daughter deserves it. Stop sabatoging yourself. Alcohol is only going to make things worse.
Many here have faced similar or worse issues in their lives. It is really up to you to break the cycle. If not for you, then your daughter. Provide her with an example of a strong, capable mother who can overcome anything.
I just finished reading "The Glass Castle." What a tragic life this woman lived as a child. Today she is happy and successful. Anything can be overcome but the Al has to go.
M3AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart: