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AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

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    AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

    AFM, that was brave and kind of you to share. :l

    DG, check this out!! CamelBak® - 2011 Delaney Plus?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

      thank you Uni!

      ok, that camelbak product is groovy but I must ask: what's a gel pouch?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

        greeneyes;1113259 wrote: AFM, that was brave and kind of you to share. :l

        DG, check this out!! CamelBak® - 2011 Delaney Plus?
        Yeah...what the sam hill IS a gel pouch??? That looks cool though! Who knew there were so many accessories out there! Thank you Greenie!

        Hi Deter!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

          I don't know, but my guess is that the bottle has a gel liner so you can put it in the fridge/freezer so your water stays colder longer. Nice wide-mouth screw top so you can use ice cubes. My bicycle bottle has some sort of liner for that purpose although it doesn't work that well. Luke warm water in a bicycle bottle is gag-worthy. :yuk: They didn't have this fancy gear when I was racing back in the dark ages :H I never could drink water while running. It gave me a stitch in my side every time.

          Wellllll... no. Apparently gel is some product you ingest. DG, I'll let you go ahead and try that out. Let us know how you like it. If AA was around, I bet he'd know. I bet Techie knows.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

            The gel pouch could also be for products such as "Cliff Shots" "Powergel" or "Gu" which are little packets of gel composed of complex carbohydrates, etc that you use for an energy boost during long runs. Some taste pretty good; others are pretty gross. See for example...

            Energy Gels - Energy Gels and Energy Chews for Long Runs and Marathons
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

              AFM, that sounds a LOT like what happened to me to make me stop, yes, I was scared straight! I too woke up in the hospital, I didnt even know they had a catheter in me, my wife told me.

              Crazy as it sounds, Im glad it happened to me
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                momof3;1113299 wrote: The gel pouch could also be for products which are little packets of gel composed of complex carbohydrates,
                They should make squeeze packets of Reeses!!! :H:H:H

                Hi nelz. I understand what you mean.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                  The neighbor, hospital, and IV thing happened to me too. Amazing we are all still alive with the things we do to our poor bodies and minds that impact our very essence.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                    I have to say I am very grateful I have never woken up in the hospital or worse not knowing how I got there. AFM that was the scariest story evah!! Lesson learned now right??

                    DG-look at you being the running woman!! I'm very proud of you for sticking to the program. You'll be running a 5k in no time!!
                    I have no experience with hydration tools for running so all this is very interesting!

                    Got call I missed from one of the jobs=-#1. I'm pretty sure when I call back tomorrow I'll be offered the position. Salary is going to be a huge consideration. Then I'll need to call job #2 and find out what the status is. I''m hoping when I tell them I have another offer they'll get their arses in gear and either tell me to tak the other job or offer me theirs. Then I get to choose!! In a perfect world.

                    The other exciting nerve racking news is that I spoke with the RV guy yesterday who was checking out my camper. although the insid is in mint condition, he said in order to put brakes on the rig I would need a new axle along with the wheels, tires and bearings. Quoted me over $1k without the labor. I almost fainted!! Was ready to put the thing up for sale right then and there. He said he would call the axle company for prices and when I called back today he had the best news!! Turns out they found one drum/brake in the shop that would fit the axle I had AND when he called the axle company they said they actually had 2 brakes left that would fit my axle. No need for a new one! AND he says my wheels are good-no need to replace yet. Tires will be looked at tomorrow. The electrical set up that runs the running lights etc was cut and not hooked up so that needs to be fixed but other than that I'm good! I'm now hoping I can tow that thing out of there Mem Day weekend and only be out around $500. That leaves me with more than enough to get it painted at some point and buy the material to girlie up the inside as well as maybe even buy that portable AC unit!! My car goes in tomorrow to get the tow package installed and new brakes. So this is really happening!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                      hey Lucky! nice to see you floating round the fun pond

                      Nelz, yes I can relate to the strangest things have a silver lining

                      I think power goo would scare me straight. eeeeeek!

                      Papmom, you should take your super barby vacation wagon to burning man this year! well, before you clean it up too much.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                        Hey everyone! Popping in with love and good wishes on day 101 for me. I am ludicrously busy and feel I am drowning in laundry, paper work homework and basball games for kids to get to...But not booze, thank GOD!
                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                          way to go Sara! excellent. don't forget you need some positive stress management too. gotta look after our Super-Moms
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                            Hey Deter-Super Barby Vacation Wagon!! Love it! What the heck is burning man???
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Wednesday May 11

                              Thank you all for allowing me to feel 'safe' to share this story. It was very scary, but in many ways, I am glad that it happened. I kept testing the waters; drinking every few months more than ever before. Faster than ever before. Who was I kidding?

                              This was truly a blessing in disguise for me.

                              Nelz and lucky - thank you for sharing.... seriously. Much love to you both.

