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AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

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    AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

    Affirmations from Papmom3:

    I am a Bad Sexy Ass Papmom!!

    The Universe continuously tests me and and I pass with flying colors. I am excited to see what it will throw at me today.

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily Friday, 13th May.


      I have no doubt that you will be able to work it out challenges associated with the trailer and you will most definitely pass with flying colors. The most important thing is that you are living your dream!!!

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

        Good morning Aberistas! Son of a gun! Writing and gardening here, and perhaps not in that order. Hub (who does not resemble G) is having a knee operation so I will be hoping he does well.


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

          quick pop in to say hi - staying in tonight bath and early night I think - so will pop in properly later - you are my friday evening!Thanks for lovely posts yesterday - feeling wobbly - but it will pass - riding it out.
          one day at a time


            AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

            Happy belated birthday Kaslo!!! I hope you had a wonderful day! I hope your hub's surgery goes well!

            Mornin' to y'all!

            Beautiful, sunny day here. Not the warmest, but at least dry!

            Going to a birthday party for my new GF's 1 year old tonight. Gosh, this 'new' life of mine makes me chuckle. I am amazed at how much I am enjoying being social. God, sobriety is the best. I may have relapsed a couple of times over the last year, but things are getting so much better for me both emotionally and spiritually. It's amazing how interacting with others with no shame, or embarrassment, can enhance and enrich someone's life.

            That is all. Happy Friday the 13th!


              AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

              Hidy Ho ABeroooos!

              ok then....

              I'm a Bad-ass garlic-infused, Paleo-powered gun slinger with my darling Dx under my arm and a sharp sober brain

              Mom3, I'm so impressed, that's a US Navy SEALS type course. hot dang.

              I'm supposed to be taking a two-day advanced tactical team shooting course this weekend but I'm still too weak from being sick so I've relegated myself to photographer. oh well, at least I get to hang out with my SWAT buddies and learn by observation.

              Kaslo your so bad LOL Hub (who does not resemble G)

              hmmmm, I havent posted any of my pictures since I've been on the PALEO dietary lifestyle. must find a pic and post it today someplace.

              Sober weekends ROCK!

              driving is no sweat
              no passing out on your date
              better odds of even having a date
              no days lost to painful hangovers and regret
              you can taste your food

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                I particularly like making and keeping solid eye contact with people. I wasn't willing to do that during my drinking career.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                  Thanks Accountable....have fun yerself at the BD for the one year old!

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                    Bear, you are just doing so great. I think it's awesome you have decided to stay in tonight since you've been feeling a little wobbly. This sober journey will have ups and downs just like everything in life! Wise to hunker down during times like this. All the social activities will still be there next weekend, and the one after that, and the one after that, right? GOOD JOB you sexy bad ass derby woman!

                    AFM, what a fabulous post! Have fun tonight with your new friend! Life out from under the haze and fog and guilt and shame of AL sure is good. Greenie, I never looked people in the eye either. Today I do!

                    Kaso, I hope Mr. Kaslo surgery went well! You fit right in ogling G and all. :H

                    Det, we definitely have enough dirty (29) old women on this thread for TWO hunky photos. So bring it on please. Love your affirmation today, and also your list of AF benefits!!! I hope you share some photos of the event. Sorry you won't be shooting though. :upset: When is that police dog event you are going to?

                    The 3rd run of the 4th week of Couch to 5K is behind me. That was sure a lot easier than crawling around in my rocky soil garden planting strawberries this afternoon! I do officially have my first strawberry patch though. Dang thing better PRODUCE after all that crawling around! We'll see if I can get tomatoes and cukes in this weekend. The weather is not looking favorable. Cold and rainy is the forecast. I will be OK with it either way. If it ends up nice I will garden. If it doesn't I will goof off here. Oops I mean clean up my office and catch up on administrative piles of work.

                    One thing is for sure..

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                      BTW, I have a wake to go to on sunday. The guy couldn't ever get a handle on sobriety and it was basically a slow suicide in that respect. He was my age. (29) I'm wondering what it will be like in terms of alcohol consumption. I've already gotten wind of a conga line.

                      What distance did you cover, DG?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                        nicely done DoggyGirl!

                        my K9 show is next Friday and Saturday. going to be fun then I have a martial arts seminar on Sunday, then home to crap-out and do laundry. yikes, I better go get my camera fixed. forgot about that.

                        zooom zoom
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                          greeneyes;1114424 wrote: I particularly like making and keeping solid eye contact with people. I wasn't willing to do that during my drinking career.
                          I was the same, never looked people in the eye because I knew I looked like crap. Of course, they could still see I looked I crap even if I didn't meet their eye. :H

                          Just in from work and watching a bit of telly before :bedtime:

                          DG, I hope your strawberries work out. I've got summer bulbs coming up (don't know what exactly because I bought a mixed job lot) and I sowed some salad leaves and basil the other day in pots and see some tiny little green bits poking through already.

                          Night all!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                            [QUOTE=greeneyes;1114450]I've already gotten wind of a conga line.

                            Yikes. Back when I was a swimming chimney with my drinking and smoking, I used to say I wanted a big party when I died rather than a funeral. I think that was my twisted way of saying with false bravado that my vices were going to kill me. "Slow suicide by AL" is a sad way to go.

                            What distance did you cover, DG?
                            The only distance I keep track of is the total route. It's about 3.2 or 3.3 miles - just over 5K. I do the guided walking / running for the 1/2 hour that takes, and then walk the rest of the route and end up back home. Based on my current pace, I end up with 16 minutes of running and a total of about 30 minutes of walking. Slow pace I think but it's also pretty hilly. And I am totally not worried at all about speed right now. I'm mainly worried about my knees.

                            Deter I hope you are also taking (and sharing) piccies from the dog event? I seem to remember you sharing some last year? Yes - get that camera fixed!

                            Marshy, I've got some mystery stuff in the garden too. I should know what it is but I don't. :H I swear I'm getting senile! How can that be at 29???

                            Well, I had an early dinner of home made veggie soup with LOTS of HOT peppers and I added some turkey. I'm going to kick back now and watch a movie or something. Good activity for this rainy weather! Secretly hoping it really does rain all weekend!
                            One thing is for sure...

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                              M3-that course looks wicked but loads of fun if you're into that sort of thing. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

                              Good job everyone with the gardening and planting this week! I managed to get my tiny front yard mowed and trimmed tonite but that is all. Bad weather moving in tomorrow for us too. Well at least the front of my house doesn't look like the slums anymore although the grub ravaged lawn looks pretty crappy even with the tufts of long grass gone.

                              Deter-PLEASE be taking it easy this weekend after your scare! I wish you weren't even going to the event as the photographer. I think you should be on bed rest but that's just paranoid me talking.

                              Kas-did you DH's surgery go oK today???

                              AFM-have a great time at the BD party!!

                              G- :h that is all!!

                              It's been a rollercoaster of a week that's for sure and today was the worst. I told you all that yesterday I got the offer for Job #1. 5k lower than what I'm making now. Very disappointing. Today they told me that supposedly the VP of HR will be calling me on Monday(he was out today) to discuss the salary but I have absolutely no hope they will negotiate. That's too bad because I think it would be a great position and a lot of fun. I wish them luck with choice number 2. I'm not confident at all that I can actually afford to buy a different tow vehicle. I may have to scrap the camper :upset:. I also found out today that Job #2 has not made any decisions but that they are bringing in 1 more person to interview. That tells me I am no longer in the running. So, back to the drawing board.
                              So, not only do I have mega car expenses (even if I don't tow anything this work has to be done, just not all at once), no more new job possibilities but all extra expenses have to be slashed. I can't buy the used agility equipment I was going to get tomorrow, I can't do any more nosework classes with LM and I have to quit agility classes which is what hurts the most. I probably can't even enter any more trials this summer especially without a camper as I totally can't afford a hotel.
                              It's been so painful today that I wanted nothing more than to dive into a bottle of Pinot Grigio. I just couldn't tho. I've worked too hard to throw it all away on one lousy drunk. I'd feel like crap tomorrow, wouldn't get any work done and might relapse big time because of the vicious circle. But still, even as I write this the beast is banging at the door and trying to tell me that I might as well drink as life sucks right now, I'll never get a better paying job, I'm a fat shite and I'm teetering on possible bankruptcy. Why not drink? thank god I'm in my jammies, have no energy to go out and have some Rocky Road in the freezer. It may be my dinner.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                AF Daily Friday, 13th May.

                                It's late here, but I wanted to give you a hug Papmom. :l I'm so sorry you have had such a crappy week. Keep your chin up though--I'll bet things will turn around in your favor real soon! If I still had my airstream I would let you use it, but it was so heavy to pull. Good for you for pushing away the drinking thoughts! Hang in there my friend! :h

                                Mom3--WOW! That is all.

                                I think we should all go to Australia to see G sing and play...yes?:h:h

                                More tomorrow. Thanks for thinking of me Greenie!

                                Nighty nite
                                NF since June 1, 2008
                                AF since September 28, 2008
                                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

