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af daily sunday 15 May

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    af daily sunday 15 May

    hey all - up early - got snored out of bed!
    I am going to potter here for a while then go to the gym (may as well maximise the time as I am up early).

    Apart from that skating,laundry and just loving being AF - I ate no junk food yesterday!
    one day at a time

    af daily sunday 15 May

    Good morning Bear! LOL when I saw todays thread title I realize I was I the wrong date all day yesterday. :H There I go trying to live in the future again!

    Bear, I too am pottering a bit before heading out to Weight Watchers and then the gym for that crazy killer step class again. Can't imagine any of this back in the hungover days.

    WF - so good to see you and congrats on 2 years! :yougo: Hope you can post more often!

    Deter IS buff. Aren't we girls lucky to have such fABulous man candy around here with G-man and Det. Deter, I was behind a truck yesterday with plates that said "Det 1." I wondered if Dx was in town? :H

    Lav, doesn't it feel therapeutic to drop f-bombs sometimes? I can't blame you. FYB and that is all. I like P3's idea to send Deter's picture along with your list.

    I know I am forgetting some other posts from late yesterday. Hello again to everyone!!!!

    Another rainy cold one here. No gardening again today. (small sigh of relief especially from my back) Yesterday instead of holing up all day I went to see my Dad after AA. We had a really nice visit - he was in a good mood for a change. That is a precious moment. The doctors said he would be in the nursing home for at least 5 weeks as that is how long they expect he needs IV anti-biotics. He seems to be accepting of that. I imagine he will turn grizzly bear again if he is not on his way home in 5 weeks + 1 minute. But I'm just going to enjoy each pleasant minute that I am fortunate enough to get with him. Next visit I am going to take him some plants to brighten up his room. I also found out there is a process where I can schedule to have lunch or dinner with him. Meal times are a social time for him that he looks forward too, so I'm hoping to schedule a bit of that with him as well.

    Today I need to get this mess of a desk cleaned up!!!! One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      af daily sunday 15 May

      Hey DG-any chance of bringing one of the doggies to visit him? not sure at all if he even likes doggies but if he does, that might be a super treat.

      Just got up and looked out and the damn fountain was knocked over in my pond again for the 4th day in a row! Yesterday it got knocked over in such a way all the water being pumped went outside the pond hence the rescue mission. This time it was just submerged. I'm thinkin' I gots me a critter lookin' to score a fish dinner!! Hmmm. Not sure how I'm going to fix this one! Fishies OK for another 16 hours.

      cold and rainy here today too. Laundry and work work on the menu after brekkie.

      Cassia is flying "home" today. God speed and safe travels Cass!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        af daily sunday 15 May

        Good morning Abbers!

        Cassia should be arriving right about now
        Unfortunately the weather is not nice here on the east coast for her arrival.

        bear, my husband snored terribly. I could hear him no matter where in the house I tried to sleep. Have to admit - I'm not missing that!

        DG, I strongly advise you to brown bag your lunch/dinner when visiting your Dad in the Nursing home. Institutional food is rather tasteless. I hope his mood holds up for the length of his stay

        papmom, I think there are skunks & raccoons around here that terrorize my gardens at night So far I've been lucky keeping them out of the chicken house at night! Everyone loves a good chicken dinner:H

        Well, I can't even get an email response from YB which makes me think there really is something wrong with his brain. I am determined to identify what's behind his moods & behavior. I am fairly sure it's some sort of dementia. My daughter agreed when I asked her opinion a few days ago. All I do know for sure is that I am not responsible, not the cause of these these changes - that's BS!

        OK, wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af daily sunday 15 May


          DG, having a meal or two with your dad sounds good! I am glad you had a nice visit with him. It is frustrating for those who are stuck in a hospital, or home, when all they can think about is being at home.

          papmom, sounds like you have some pond-nightstalkers out there! I hope your fishies aren't on the menu in the near future!

          Hello to everyone else that has posted or will be posting.

          I am off to have a shower, and head out to my elderly client's house again today. It is pouring with rain here. I swear....... enough already! Last night I took Little AFM out for a bike ride/walk along the river we live beside. It is getting HIGH!

          OK must run, have a wonderful, fabulous, sober Sunday all!


            af daily sunday 15 May

            "The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great o

            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              af daily sunday 15 May


              Lovely morning here! Going to hit the river in a little bit then.... stuff to do before the wake. Oop, call from Japan! Back later
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                af daily sunday 15 May

                (((Jennie))) Thanks for being so honest. Now, what is your plan?
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  af daily sunday 15 May

                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    af daily sunday 15 May

                    Sorry Jenny but that is not a plan and you are setting yourself up for failure. I know you are scared straight right now but that will soon wear off and you will be thinking it wasn't really that bad.
                    You need to figure out something for every day, every minute, not just Friday and Saturday. Why did you go overboard this weekend? What were your triggers? Once you start you can't control it and your behavior just escalates and you're driving too???? Make a plan for just one day, then make a plan for the next and the next. If you start thinking of "forever" or I can never drink again, although that might be true, it will soon be too overwhelming to process. All of us here know that we can never drink again deep down inside but we all take it ODAT. The most important tool I have in my aresenal is to remember how horrible I felt the 2nd day I called into work and how scared I was that I would be found out. Totally not as serious as what you went through this weekend but serious enough for me to do something about it and to finally admit I had a serious problem.
                    Please go to the toolbox and pick and choose what might work for you. There are so many good things in there. I used a number of them in those first months along with ALL the supps and the CD-I didn't use JUST L-glut. I bought them ALL!! They work together. Definitely a high quality diet is important and so is exercise. It's too bad you injured yourself badly enough not to be able to exercise for a while. Consequences of our addiction suck don't they?
                    We will be here for you and look forward to the baby steps of progress I know you can make every day.

                    :l :h
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      af daily sunday 15 May

                      Wow jen, that has to be a wake up call. Will it be your final one? You need to make that choice. What are your feelings about the idea of quitting for good? I think you really need to sort that out. In the mean time, ODAT is probably a good idea. Just don't drink today. Here's a link to a thread on making a plan. Chin up and never quit.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        af daily sunday 15 May

                        Ok my plan for today is I will go to the grocery store, walk the dogs, clean up the mess I have made of my house, go to pet smart and get dog a Male diaper cause if he pees in my house one more time I might have to get rid of him, watch harry potter with my kids, open all the doors and windows cause I need the sunshine today. Today I will keep myself as busy as possible so I can try not to hate myself so much. Tonight I will fix dinner and go to bed. That is my plan for today. There is no AL in the house and I have apologized to every one I hurt on Friday. I have printed out the saying in DG signature and I have also typed up "I wish Friday May 13 had never happened but since I can't change the past all I can do is make sure it never happens again" I have stuck them on the fridge and the bathroom mirror. Now if I could stop crying that would be great.

                        Greene, if this is my final wake up call only time will tell, I hope so, this was by far the worst, I wish I could say yes I'm done forever but then what happens when I fail? I don't want to fail again. I know I never what any of this to happen again. As for stopping forever, right now I never want to drink AL again ever, I'm not dumb though and I know that will change as soon as this depression over the last incident lifts.

                        one of my main concerns is I exercise to shut out the beast, and to keep the depression away, now I can't what do I do.
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          af daily sunday 15 May

                          Jenny-another tool that has really helped me is to see AL for what it is: POISON. pure and simple. It is a chemical that we pour down our throats and for most of us, it keeps the ON switch from turning OFF. Once I realized how my brain chemistry reacted to AL, it became a no brainer. Now when I get cravings or feel so down I just want to get numb, I am honest with myself and know that I will be pouring poison down my throat just to block out what is bugging me. It's not cuz I like the taste or because I want to be sociable it's cuz I want to get numb and AL does that better than anything for me. Then I project into the future what I will feel like 12 hours later and what I will be sacrificing for that 1 or 2 hours of numbness. Another tool I used is that I did LOTS of reading on here and took out lots of books from my library on addiction. One of my favs is Mary Carr's Lit. It really hammered home a lot of stuff for me. The reading corner here is full of great recommendations. So part of my plan was to learn every thing I could about AL's affect on brain chem and what addiction really is.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            af daily sunday 15 May

                            Jenny - I've not got long under my belt but have a history of yo yoing and trying to mod at weekend.Re read posts from when you were successfully af - I find rebt really helpful (book by phillip tate) and smart website. I am still only at 6 weeks AF - but this weekend I stayed in so I wouldn't drink cos I felt tempted - progress before i would have gone.

                            Focusing on the process(day by day - as that is my life - my life isn't just the end goal)
                            Also i used to BS myself by saying sometimes I can mod so I'm 'not that bad' maybe not yet - but I will be if I carry on - it certainly won't get better.I could not stop at just one - and stopping at 2 or 3 was such an exhausting struggle that it wasn't worth it in the end for me.
                            ODAT is definitely the way forward.
                            one day at a time


                              af daily sunday 15 May

                              Hello everyone. Jenny, I'm sorry to read what happened, but I am very happy nothing truly tragic occured (i.e. with the driving) AND I'm very glad you came here to this thread. I certainly did not "get" this on the first try either. So the fact that you have struggled is not an indicator of your ability to get and stay AF.

                              Glad to see you are putting more detail into your plan. The fact that you have an injury and can't exercise as you are acustomed is no excuse. Lots of people stay sober through injuries, illnesses, etc. So....I hope you will figure out some different tools. Even different exercises that you could do from a chair until your ankle heals? Where there is a will there is a way.

                              After I was sober 60 days and then drank, every drinking experience wasn't horrible. But it was VERY unpredictable. Once I start, I really don't know with 100% certainly what's going to happen next. So the only responsible thing for me to do (if I want to preserve my home, marriage, work life, etc.) is to not drink. ODAT is a good approach - it's working for me anyway.

                              Much good advice. You are right that the best amend is to live better today. Treat your family and yourself better today. That means more than words ever will.

                              Lav, I don't suppose YB is willing to go to the doctor?

                              P3, I hope you figure out what is stalking your fishies!

                              AFM, I have had more than enough rain too!

                              Greenie, a "call from Japan" sounds very :crowned:

                              I hope I did not miss anyone!!

                              Jeez that workout kicked my ass! It was not step class today. "Format rotates" means every week I guess! This was one of those "get a matt, a ball, a 1/2 ball thingy, some light weights, some heavy weights, and get ready for some :b&d: I felt like I was 100 years old trying to keep up! :H I better have a totally buff and slender bod by tomorrow morning after all that!

                              I was going to cook salmon for lunch and then clean my office. Instead I bought a pre-roasted chicken and...ummm....I don't think any office cleanup will be happening today.

                              One thing is for sure though. No drinking will be happening either. Not for this girl. Life is too precious.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

