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Moving thru May - week 3

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    Moving thru May - week 3

    Good morning May Movers,

    Cloudy this morning but I think the sun is due to return later - at least I hope so

    Chill, sounds like you found a good friend already! I hope your visit from McWhatever isn't too boring

    John, my daughter worked for Enterprise when she first came out of college & wasn't impressed with their policies either. Enterprise is one of the most expensive car rental companies out there too!

    Dewdrop, I've done a fair amount of gardening between downpours over the past few weeks. Sometimes you just have no real choice. I ready do love my Kindle! Thinking back, I bought mine as a treat for myself the last time YB had a mental breakdown & ran off for a few months. He was all jealous & asked to use my Kindle when he returned. But I eventually had to take it away from him because he does not understand the concept of sharing! I paid the full original price for my Kindle & the cover. These days the price is way down

    Star, I guess I am so comfortable not drinking these days I just wonder why anyone would want
    to drink - if that makes sense. Funny how your thinking can go from one extreme to the other in relatively short period of time.

    Hello to everyone today!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Moving thru May - week 3

      Good Sunday Morning Friends!

      Cassia and Star-good luck on saying no to AL when you were both vulnerable.:goodjob: Cassia, good luck with the apartment hunting...I'm sure the rent will be horrendously high for a nice place.

      Lavande-You sound chipper this morning. I agree with you on drinking at a baby shower. Is it really necessary?

      John-so sorry to hear about the car problems. Bummer! As much I love and respect our Ms. Lavande, I disagree that Enterprise is the most expensive car rental place. I have rented cars almost every week for the last 13 years and Hertz and Budget are the most expensive. Budget is a really a misnomer because Enterprise ends up being about $20-30/day cheaper than Budget. Our company has a corporate rate with Enterprise and lots of times, I can get a car for under $30/day. What Enterprise doesn't have, and what Budget DOES have, though is Fastbreak, where you don't ever have to stand in line, you just get in your car and go. They also provide roadside emergency service. Congratulations on your 40 pound weight loss and the fact that the man at the pool in Florida recognized such a big change in you.

      Star-sorry to hear about the difficulty with your son. How well I know how frustrating that closest friends' only son continues to be a HUGE source of worry, and my friend has to be on ADs to cope with him.

      Dew- I messed around on Amazon too this morning and time sure got away from me! I missed you when you were on vacation and I'm glad you're back.:l

      Chill-McNotso is going to be with you for 3 DAYS? Girl, what were you thinking?:H Just kidding.

      Papmom-Can't wait to see the Paphut all loaded up with Agility.

      Regarding the subject of alcohol as gifts....I am late posting this story, but at Christmastime, Dear Abby (for those of you in other parts of the world, it's a longtime newspaper advice column) ran a story about a man who owned a company and at a Christmas party several years ago, he gave this employee a bottle of whiskey as a Christmas gift, not knowing the employee was an alcoholic. The man's wife called him in tears the next day and said, "please don't ever give my husband alcohol. He drank the whole bottle you gave him last night and came home and beat me." That boss said that he never gave ANYONE alcohol as a gift anymore. You know, for many years, I brought AL to family gatherings because everybody loved it, and traveling so much, I never had time to make anything. Well, that's changed. Now, I like looking for recipes for simple appetizers or desserts and everyone likes them. I told my family...."I'm tired of always bringing the booze, and so I won't anymore."

      Names for June-hmmm....Jubilant June, Jumping through June, Joyful June, AF Journey through June (that's going to be my mantra)?

      A shout out to Mr. G, Rustop, Sooty, Jolie, LBH, and anyone I may have missed, have a fabulous AF Sunday.


        Moving thru May - week 3

        Hi everyone

        Quick check in from me. Family stuff seems to take over at week-ends. Like some of you I have been trying to get stuff done in the garden. Today is full of sunshine and showers. Cannot believe that we are going into the last week of May. Did we have a jubilant June? or maybe that was some other month.

        Got to run, have a great AF Sunday everyone.



          Moving thru May - week 3

          Hi everyone!

          Just back from PA where cigarettes are 25% less than in njn so I stocked up! One vice at a time eh?

          John - I just rented a car with national so will advise if I have similar issues. I hope you get it sorted soon. There is nothing worse than being without a car. I was visiting my sis in PA. It's a nice wee town Levittown! But I am defo a city chick!

          Chill - your date sounds promising! I take it you are seeing him again. I really admire you taking life by the horns and embracing being back in Scotland. I miss it terribly. Not the rain although it has rained nearly every day since I got here. But at least its warm (well to me anyway). Keep me updated!

          Dew - I hope that last night was a one off. I need my sleep. I bet your new hair color looks lovely. I love getting my hair done.

          Lav -did you get some sun today? I didn't see any. I downloaded the weather channel app for my iPad and practically the whole us is covered with rain. Depressing.

          Star - sound like you had a lovely day doing what makes you happy! Long may your warm weather continue!

          Rusty - good to see you! I hope things are well at your end! You are right! Rent is ridiculous here but I want to live her so sacrifices will have to be made which is fine. I can live without big fancy gym or eating out lots. As long as my husband gets here and he is happy then I will be happy too.

          Rustop - enjoy your family time!

          Well, I tpstsrt my new job tomorrow! I am so excited! Granted its just orientation but still. I just want to get into the swing of everything and start earning money! Then I will feel so much better. I had a lovely day with my sis. She is going through a rough patch. I do feel for her. Also spoke to my dad today. I really miss him. But I am really happy with the move so far and I hope that it all works out. I do feel lonely without my husband but it's not forever.

          Speak to you all tomorrow!

          'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

          "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

          AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

          "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


            Moving thru May - week 3

            Good evening folks,

            Had a good day, got lots of little things done
            The YB cut grass, trimmed shrubs, fixed my shower drain & got it all done quickly too! I told him I was sick & tired of being stuck with these man jobs while he hides & plays the crazy card :H

            Greetings Rustop, Rusty & Cassia! It was cloudy most of the day with a peek of sunshine & a very light & quick shower. Lots of wind too! Honestly Cassia, summer will be here soon & it will knock your socks off if it is as hot & nasty as last summer

            In addition to baby tomatoes I also found my zucchini plants have blossomed already. It must be all the rain we've had here & the chicken poop fertilizer :H

            Hello to John, where's Jolie??

            Good night all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Moving thru May - week 3

              Lav-so glad to hear YB came over and did some of the to do things. Finally!! what was his reaction to your Lavintude?? Love it BTW!!

              Cass- I'm so sorry your missing your hubby so much. Too be expected. but it does sound like you're settling in nicely and starting work this week will be good for you. Stay strong!!

              Chill-wow what a date! Sounds heavenly-a dog and a renovation in progress and a nice guy all rolled into one! Hope your 3 days with Mr. Ehhh won't be too painful!!

              Rusty-you're home right? what are your travel plans for next week?

              John-I feel your pain with the car troubles-believe me!!

              Dew-you are so sweet! I love your posts and all the time you take to bold everyone's name!!

              Star-so glad you had a better day after the trials with your son. I sure hope it all works out. Still enjoying the new job?

              Laav-I swear everything is blooming earlier this year!! Makes me think there will be nothing left for June!!

              OK, here it is..... the Paphut!! Play-Mor_1500 pictures by pamh35 - Photobucket

              Now keep in mind that a lot of the shots are for info gathering purposes so that those who are more experienced than I can help me find answers. I think I have more work cut out for me than I thought but I still think if I had a decent Tow Vehicle sitting in my drive I could take off tomorrow with the camper and not have any problems.

              Oh, and here is a funny story from today:

              Why Stablizing Jacks are Needed on a One Axle Trailer or a Lesson in Physics

              So my sister came over this morning to check out her "investment". Loved it!! I pulled out the bench to show her how it makes a bed and we were wondering how uncomfortable the cushions might be to sleep on so of course we had to sit down to try them out-both of us at the same time!! Well, you all know what happened next! As it tipped backwards we jumped up and moved forward-the rig started correcting itself and then BAM! It went down hard on the front wheel/hitch thingy. We ran outside and I saw the wheel on it's side on the driveway. The post that it goes in was imbedded a bit into the block of wood it had all been resting on. I checked to see if there was any obvious damage and of course tried lifting it myself . No damage that i could see. Later on, my neighbor came over to check out the camper and when I told him what happened he reached down and lifted the whole tongue right up!! I quickly got the wheel put back in place. Whew!! I now have 2 jacks in the rear of the trailer and it's much better but not perfect. Live and learn!!

              so that's it for today. It's been very busy with Graduation, a minor toilet repair and spending way too much time trying to figure out how to get a book on tape downloaded to my Ipod as well as picture taking. Time for zzzzzzs.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!

