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AF Daily, Tues. May 17

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    AF Daily, Tues. May 17

    Good Morning Ab Fabbers!

    I haven't posted in ages, but I have been fighting the good fight and not drinking. Today is day 107 AF for me. Most days it feels pretty natural and I am very happy and grateful for being sober. Some days are harder. Yesterday was one. I was in a lousy mood most of the day...I don't know if I'm in perimenopause or what, but I have these days when I feel like I'm in a premenstrual state...rage just bubbling under the surface for no good reason. Anyway, yesterday was one of those days, and I was meeting a group of friends for dinner. Before I went out I started thinking how much I wanted the relaxing effects of a glass (or three) of wine. I called a friend I know now from SMART and even though all I got was her voicemail, just talking myself through it in a message helped. I knew in my heart that drinking was not what I needed or wanted; I just needed to find a way to access my heart!

    So, going strong with some challenging days. I've been unbelievably busy with work, family, house, dog, exercise...that's why I've been absent for a bit. But I think of you all and miss you when i'm not here. I'm going to try to check in more often!

    Have a peaceful, sober day Ab-Fabbers!

    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    AF Daily, Tues. May 17

    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      AF Daily, Tues. May 17

      Good morning Abbers!

      Reporting in from darkness & dampness again, lousy, lousy weather pattern here.

      Sara, congrats on your continued success & great to see you
      Perimenopuse seriously caused me to wake up each morning thinking I just wanted to kill someone. It didn't matter who it was just the first person who got in my face that day :H:H I know that sounds horrible but true. Getting myself on HRT helped big time with that, thank goodness

      jenny, I hope your peaceful feeling sticks with you

      I have some work waiting for me so I'll get to it now!
      Wishing everyone an awesome AF Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily, Tues. May 17

        Hello friends,

        Just wanted to pop in quick and say I can relate to the urge to bite through nails during pms. The BHRT helped me too, although I've quit using the progesterone creme--got kind of pricey. But I would suggest some GABA supplementation. I can't even remember what all I tried in the beginning of my time here at MWO. But there are several supplements that I feel really help repair our bodies and minds when we get off the sauce. True Calm was one I took. But I still take some GABA (sublingual) once in awhile when I feel like killing someone.

        Which could be this week if the freakin wind doesn't stop blowing! My eyes hurt so bad from yesterday working out in the wind and dirt--the forecast is for wind, rain, cold clear through the weekend--UGH!

        Later! :h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily, Tues. May 17

          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily, Tues. May 17

            Hi fABbies!

            Affirmation: I AM A HAPPY, FIT AND FABULOUS SOBER WOMAN!!!!!!

            Sara, thanks for kicking us off today. It's great to see you!! Congrats on that 100+ days AF time. It's so interesting to me that one of your tools to combat stinkin' thinkin' is to call a friend from SMART. They teach us that in AA too. It sure helps, and is a tool in my box too! Count me in as well on BHRT as a massive solution to my peri / meno problems! (somebody will be prying my estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid meds out of my cold dead hands someday!)

            Jenny, fABulous to *see* you today! Good that you are feeling good AF! Capture that great feeling and embrace it! The tough moments are sure to come, but remembering the times you feel good AF will surely help see you though. How well I remember the dread when having to explain some drunken behavior to a boss, and try to make it seem like something other than drunken behavior. I had many many cringeworthy moments like that along the way. I love that when I don't drink, I never have to feel bad about what happens. If I trip and fall it's just a sincere trip and fall. What anyone else thinks about it doesn't matter to me - *I* know it wasn't due to drinking. And that is valuable!

            Lav, I sure hope your weather improves soon. Last week we were in the tip top high 80's. Now it's low to mid 50's. CRAZY. The normal average temperature this time of year is 70 - right in the middle. LOL we are chugging along at "average" without seeing anything near a 70 degree day so far! (hence my plants are still sitting in their little store containers on my patio!)

            LVT - See? Mother nature is mad at somebody this year....

            Jenny, it seems fABbie schedules are eratic at times! On Tuesdays I go to AA early, and then a business thing at 8 and then some regular errand type stuff.

            Speaking of AA - I should type more on the AA thread about the meeting this morning. It was VERY interesting. Open topic, and ended up being how when back in AL-land, most of us were NOT in reality land at all when it came to relationships. I know I wasn't. It was fantasy / impractical-land all the way for me.

            Well, my lunch is gone and it's time to get crackin'!! I am very sore today (from the Sunday :b&d: still!!! :egad BUT..I'm still going to take this ol' bod out for a long walk.

            One thing is for sure....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily, Tues. May 17

              just popping in - didn't make it yesterday - shattered!
              I was off to the gym but have a bit of an upset stomach so can't make it - planned to go tomorrow and Thursday instead.

              Not much to report here - life is good - cravings have died down but they are never really an issue in the week - lost 3lbs last week!I'm really pleased with myself.

              I am in pjs and have house to myself and the cats - may watch some dvds and have a bubble bath/have a pedicure.Been super busy all day at work preparing for big public meeting tomorrow- hope it goes well.I need to catch up posts and pop out for some milk - will change out of pjs and be back in a bit.

              Coming up to seven weeks AF this weekend!
              one day at a time


                AF Daily, Tues. May 17

                Bear, I'm heading for PJ's and movie night right behind you. I started watching the old (original??) movie about Titanic (Barbara Stanwyk, etc.). Of course I fell asleep well befor the half way point. :H I am a cheap Netflix date - one movie lasts me at least a week.

                Anyway, hope all you fABbies who haven't checked in yet have had a great day!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily, Tues. May 17

                  Little doggie got a haircut today. By me. That was hard work!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily, Tues. May 17

                    A regular doggie hair cut, right? Not an FH or FYB type hair cut I hope??? :wings:
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily, Tues. May 17

                      :H No, only one arsehole and it was already there.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily, Tues. May 17

                        Doggygirl;1116156 wrote:
                        Affirmation: I AM A HAPPY, FIT AND FABULOUS SOBER WOMAN!!!!!!

                        Pooped right out! Baked cupcakes for Little AFM's class for her birthday tomorrow. :day5: . They look fabulous, if I do say so myself. How these people bake trillions and decorate all day long is beside me! Tedious to decorate, the little buggers! Anyway, all done.

                        I also went to a women's group with my new GF. It is for women with children and they sit around a big circle and talk about stuff. Today's topic was 'TIPS' to share with other moms. There must have been at least 30+ women there. They have granny's in another room to look after kids that are too young for school. Well, this group reminded me of AA. Sitting in a big circle and the new women introduced themselves and said how many kids they had, etc... At least I thought it was like AA. I felt like belting out, "MY name is AFM and I am an alcoholic!!". LMAO! Seriously, I came close to wanting to do it!! That would have been hilarious, at least to me, and probably only to me!! :H

                        It was such a beautiful day out today. FINALLY! Not the warmest but in the sun this afternoon I could take my sweater off. So nice. So, I filled up some water balloons and through them at Little AFM in the back yard. Yeeeeeee ha!

                        Well, I am gonna surf the threads a bit and then head to bed. Back to work tomorrow. Have a good one everybody!

