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AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

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    AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

    It's the 20th right?

    Good Morning! How is everyone? I have a doctor's appt with an ortho for my ankle at 8:30 and I have to go get my films from the hospital first so a litlle bit of a late start. . .and I have already identified *H*A*T* in halt and that is bad. . . .however the cause of the problems (hubby and kids) are all gone and I['m eating breakfast so all will be well soon enough. . .

    We has some late night drop ins last night on the Thursday thread, hello to you Greenie, P3, Lav, and Deter! Good to see y'all are getting on well!

    P3 can't wait to see how your diabetes and kidney thing turned out! Haven't heard much about the puppies how are they?

    Deter- how many days a week do you travel?

    I gotta get I'll check back later...oh and Grennie, after dinner there is some shopping in order should I need to kill time before 9, or before for that matter. If I can make it to nine all is well. I may go watch Pirates of the Caribbean. . .Johnny Depp. . .yummmmm. . .my kids and hubby like the movie I just like the actor!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.

    AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

    Good Morning All,

    Morning workout done and kids are off to school. I am on my way to a Memorial service for my neighbor who died of cancer and left a young child behind. It makes me grateful to have a disease that I can do something about, i.e. stop drinking. She had no choice.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

      Good morning Abbers!

      Hope your doc visit goes well jenny!

      M3, very sad about your neighbor. I lost a friend to cancer when our kids were still in Jr High. Honestly, that was the saddest event to witness. It does make you grateful for every healthy day you have.

      I actually have some work waiting for me so I'll get to that now.
      Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

        Morning fabbies!

        Thanks for the start jenny, glad you have things planned out for tonight. You must get in the back of the line here for Johnny Depp. I'm quite certain DG will reiterate that when she comes along. Hope all goes fine at the ortho.

        M3 I remember your neighbor having cancer. The family is fortunate to have kind, attentive neighbors such as yourself. :h It does remind one to be grateful.

        Lav, Work! Yay!

        I'm going to go apply for a new passport. I don't know why, it just seems like a good idea. Need to go look at shower doors too.

        I thought of mstall when I chopped up a pineapple for smoothies. Hope she's well - and pride, and others that were here for a while.

        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

          Morning abbers.

          I am at home just waiting to get the call for treatment. I have my name in at 3 different centres so basically whoever can give me a bed first wins. I'm all packed and ready to go so it's just a matter of them calling and me heading out the door.

          I saw my daughter yesterday (she's been with her dad while I was in detox). Lots of tears but she understands that this is a disease and that I need to get help so that I can get better. Sure did give me some motivation to beat this beast though.

          I hope everyone is doing well, I'll keep you posted. Depending on which centre I go to I'm not sure if I'll have internet access or not so if you don't hear from me for 4 weeks you will know that I don't.

          Take care guys and thanks for all of your support.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

            Good morning Abstinistas! Also preparing for a memorial service in my old home town 5 hours from here on Sunday, for an old friend who died of cancer, yes, WE have a chance to recover, which is largely self motivated, and perhaps that is why its such a shame-filled disease. The one we have that is. I wish you all the best today, especially Universal, how hard is it to talk to your children about this. Mine suffered a lot, and both are adult abstainers now. A little chilly toward me on some subjects, and rightly so. Oh well. Do your best, get better!!!

            I have a long trip from here, after the service, and I will have to drive another 8 hours then fly to a city in the north to present a paper on 10 years of research then back to the field again at the top of my study area 300 kms from here.

            I would like to squeeze in gardening, and laundry.

            Will be pretty tired when I get back, but one thing is for sure.... no alcohol for me.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

              fABbies!!! I love ya Jenny, and will do anything for ya except for one thing. Share my Johnny. He is simply not man enough for sharing. That is probably because of the eye liner. the back of the line you go!! :b&d: (only because the :crowned: has spoken!) I noticed Pirates of the Carib on TV this past week so it's waiting for me on Tivo. Good that you have a great plan for tonight!!

              M3 and Kaslo, I am so sorry for the loss of your friends. Cancer is insidious. I too am so grateful that there IS a way to put my disease into remission and keep it there one day at a time. Kaslo, that picture is gorgeous. Is that another from your home?

              Lav, glad to hear that business is picking up a bit!! Sorry to read from yesterday that FYB continues to enjoy the "air" with his head "up there...."

              Greenie, you will not be sorry you get a passport!! If you ever have a last minute opportunity to go somewhere outside of the US, you don't want to have to decline because you can't fast track a passport in time. Been there done that. Will your bathroom project EVER end??? You are not going to know what to do with yourself when it does, will you? Are the new plumbers eye candy or not?

              Uni...I am just so proud of you for not giving up and for seeking treatment to get well. I hope you get the call soon so you can get this next phase of recovery under way. :l

              I did my business stuff this morning and then went for a walk since I ran yesterday. I took one of the dogs with me. What a PIA decision that was!! Not sure if she will get to go with me again. Squirrels are the biggest problem. And she sees 'em long before I do. She is used to chasing them at will here at home. Maybe Mr. Doggy isn't feeding her enough. Just had lunch and now I need to get my rear end out to the garden and get some tomatoes in. I'm going to JUST DO IT right now so it will be DONE!

              Hello to all fabbies I didn't say hi to yesterday and everyone yet to come today! P3 - I'm glad you sold your camera. You might be surprised what stuff you have that is worth something in e-bayland.

              One thing is for sure...


              ETA: P3, I just remembered Mr. Doggy had an old set of wooden tops. Some guy in France bought them for over $50 + shipping!!! :egad: You never know.
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                hey everybody, day 26 AF here, kind of shocked actually that i am so close to the 30 day mark - actually a little frustrating as not having school or work today I woke up thinking it was sunday and I'd done 4 weeks, got to wait for that now sadly xD Got a nice big challenge for myself tomorrow, spending a little time at a friends 21st, thankfully only at her place before the rest of the party head out to the pubs n such like but definitely going to be a lot of AL around so will have to be very strict with myself.

                Kaslo and M3 - so sorry to hear about your friend and neighbour

                Uni - I wish you all the luck in the world on the next stage of your recovery, hope you'll come back and let us know how you feel afterwards

                Finally guys just want to thank ya'll for your support and advice when I was in my little black mood a few days ago, i feel much better now, seems to have been a bit of a passing cloud, just wonder where the damn thing came from xD

                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                  Grrrrrrr. . .this is getting harder. . .stinkin thinkin. . .I find the beast saying. . . even DG didn't get it right for a year or so and you have only been at this for 6 months. . .(no offense DG I really respect you and value your opinion and everyone else's here but that is what he is saying) stupid Friday's are so hard! Crap!!!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                    hey, know i ahven't been af long so probably not the most awesome of people to chat to, but if you feel the need to talk about things, i'm about
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th


                      Inchains--almost 30 Days. That's fabulous.

                      Jenny--You predicted that Friday was going to be hard for you. It's good that you know that it is your addiction/" the beast" talking. It's also good that you have your broken foot as a reminder of the consequences of your alcohol consumption. And of course, there are your children whom I am sure are watching you closely. I know I was very much aware of my dads drinking behavior at that age. Stay strong and keep busy.

                      Beautiful service for my neighbor today. When I arrived home, I was not in the frame of mind to work so I went to the grocery store, bought some nice flowers for the kitchen table and pizza dough and fixings for the kids to make their own pizzas tonight. I am going to hold my girls close and be grateful for all I have in my life. I am especially thankful that I am over 3 years AF. It was hard but so worth it.

                      Greenie, good timing on the passport. I think the price for a passport is supposed to increase very soon.

                      Hey Kaslo,

                      Good luck this weekend Uni. I hope you find a place that can get and keep you on track.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                        Yummy, make your own pizza sounds better than IHOP. . .
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                          Jen, on one hand it is good that you are aware of Friday pitfall, but on the other hand I think it would be beneficial for your to change the way you "expect" it. Thoughts can be powerful and if you believe Fridays will be hard..... well, they will be. How to change it? Have a schedule so tight you don't have time to think about it. When you said some shopping was in order if you needed it, perhaps it would be better for you to not get to the point to realize some filler activity is needed. You just set it up so you are steadily occupied with one thing after another with no "lulls". Make Fridays take on a different feel.

                          This afternoon was one big traffic jam. I sat in traffic for over an hour for what should have been a 10 minute drive - me and my empty water bottle. Grrrrrr.... However when I got home, the seltzer with cranberry and fresh lime may well have been the best in the universe.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                            Well I made it home, no liquior store and it took and hour and a half but I'm here sans the AL, 3 and a 1/2 hours to go. I think I'll be ok. . .
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              AF Daily ~ Friday May 20th

                              Go Jenny Go! Well done. I found I had a patch with a hump in the middle, if I got over the hump I was home free. That took a while. Your doin' it!!

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

