I think i am at 7 weeks af today - last drank on 2 April? I feel so good - I am also on spark people which is really helping me get head together to eat well and stick with day to day exercise cycling to work at least 3 days a week, continue to not smoke and go to the gym.
Anyway can feel work stress building up on me - need to take action on that and continually monitor my thoughts.I have a lovely 3 day weekend off - realised too much lounging time does not relax me - it makes me anxious. Super positive day - not sure I need my prozac anymore - or maybe it is just working and I am no longer depressed - plan to stay on until at least end of year I think- testing times ahead at work.
Dilemma - How much would you challenge a boss who is not making decisions/supporting you - given that she may be interviewing you against another candidate in a few months time? I feel you can do it professionally - not sure - or do you play a political game?
I'm not good at politics!
Rollerderby has really changed me, focused me to be fit, exercise and eat well, heavy drinking and smoking are just not part of that - it has taught me to fall over,stand up, try again and repeat. It has also meant I have met a 90% lovely diverse group of cool women of all different ages, 90% of whom are healthy, do not smoke, or drink to excess (that often, and their excess is 3-4 drinks)