I'm very grateful this morning for all the new clients that are coming my way. I feel like God is really watching out for me these days and helping me along on my path.
What is really really nice is that the less worried I am about money, the more it helps me not to drink. When I was really worried about money, the more I had urges to drink to blot out that worry, even though I could ill afford that money. Paradoxical, but true. Now that I can afford it, I don't need it the same way. I'm not saying I don't have cravings, because I do, but they're not driven by the same desperation as they used to be. That is a blessing for me.
I read an article on happiness the other day that was interesting. It was a study on depression, and it said that people who made a mental list at the end of the day of several things that they were grateful for or happy about regarding themselves found benefit that helped with their depression, and that people who continued this after the study found that the benefit continued after the study.
So, even if you're struggling, taking the time to think about what you are feeling grateful for might be a big help. Not a sermon, just a thought......
Hugs to all,
PS: I guess you can see I'm back on a more even keel after last week!