Good Evening Moving Mavens and Men,
Star-I so can understand your anxiety with your job and worrying about the future. I do the same thing....even though my sister always tells me worrying is a waste of time. Her favorite saying is "don't borrow trouble." I can't help myself, though. I'm a prolific worry wart. Regarding spirituality, I was raised Catholic and although I am not always consistent with going to Mass, my faith is very strong. Meditation is not something I have practiced but I really don't have any interest in it either. I have wonderful relaxation tapes that a friend gave me years ago that I like before I go to sleep. They help me get to sleep and get back to sleep when I need them. His voice is so soothing to me....he used to give smoking cessation and weight loss seminars, and used his tapes in the treatment of his clients.
Chill-I hope your date goes well and glad Mr. McNotso is on his way were very, very sweet to entertain him, though.:l
Rebirth-I miss you and it's great to see you. What's up with your BF? How is your cute soon? Any new pics?
Lav-You were up at Rusty O'Clock this morning?:h Sorry to hear YB's visit still cause you angst but I can totally understand.:l
Cassia-how is the apartment hunting coming?
Dew-who is having the birthday party? Is this your niece or granddaughter? Sorry if you posted earlier and I missed it.
Pagiy-Where are you, friend?
A shutout to Rustop, Sooty, LBH, G, Determinator, Jolie and anyone else who comes by, have a wonderful evening.