Hello friends,
Didn't want you to think I've abandoned you all.
I would love to respond to each and everyone of you--but sigh...too little time. I love you all, and I hope everyone's mojo returns--as well as mine. I know a lot of my problem is that I have been running my ass off trying to do too much in 1 week, but that couldn't be helped. I also wonder if it isn't hormonal, because I quit the BHRT progesterone--to save money and hassle. I decided since I should have a good paycheck coming to bite the bullet and get it refilled, but alas the prescription expired, and I won't get it in time for my trip. So, i went to the local health store and bought some progesterone creme--we'll see if it helps. Also I have been more than slightly stressed out about leaving my son, what to do with him etc while we go to DC. I have been doing lots of praying about it, and had what I thought was a discussion with my hubby about it in which he said, lets just leave him home, he'll be ok. So, he will be alone 1 night and with friends 2 nights and we'll be home super late the 4th night. When DH heard me discuss the plan with the friend he was staying with he asked me what the plan was with this shocked look on his face. I gotta tell you guys I am so sick of him drinking to the point where he obviously doesn't remember conversations, or he simply forgets to have conversations with me. I need to find a new friend to talk to. And not that I would ever consider this, but I can understand why some women look for friendship with men besides their husbands.
This situation may add to my feelings of sadness I guess. I am so fearful of menopause, because I remember my mother saying, she never felt quite happy after the change. I was about my son's age at the time--I wonder if I had something to do with her sadness?
Anyway, the cemetery looks great--my son was a huge help in getting that ready. My boss (friend) with cancer, had chemo this week and wasn't feeling very well, so we did it all. I was out there today and the flowers are beautiful. I will try to gets some pics to post.
We leave Monday am at 2:00. Yeah, I know. We take a bus to Denver and then fly to DC getting there at 2:00 their time. We are off and running on tours the first day and finish with a dinner cruise and dancing on the Potomac. I am starting to get excited, but still get a little anxiety when I think about it. I did subscribe to the family locator so I can track my son's where a bouts while we are gone. He is ok with that too.
Ok, I've rambled enough. I have a ton of laundry to do, the house to straighten, bills to pay, packing, repacking :H Pap--can I have some of your energy????
Stay sober everyone. Have a great Memorial Day weekend. :h