Me too M3! Me too! I feel a new Tow Vehicle in my very near future just because I'm sick of the bad things happening. It's time for good things again!!
No announcement yet.
sunday may 29 af daily
sunday may 29 af daily
Me too M3! Me too! I feel a new Tow Vehicle in my very near future just because I'm sick of the bad things happening. It's time for good things again!!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
sunday may 29 af daily
hido ho ABenators near and far! home a tad early after a totally grueling sub-freezing pistol shoot in the snow, rain and hail (good to have variety) my hands feel like ground meat and I'm operating on willpower more day to go.
Jenny, having broke both my ankles in the last two years I can relate to your pain and frustrations. Just workout whatever doesn't hurt and be creative. you can isolate a lot of body levers (arms, legs) from a weight bench too. core muscles, back etc. and maybe even hamstring curls.
be well everyonenosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
sunday may 29 af daily
P3, I keep forgetting your are a PT!!! Thank you for the assessment. It took me a while to put 2+2 together but I think you are right about the indoor track.
M3, the pain was only at the knee and off to the left side. I can't believe how bad it hurt Friday night, and how totally fine it is today.Thank you for the link!!! I will read that tomorrow. I think I'm going to run as planned - outdoors this time and no sharp curves.
I got my shoes at a place called The Running Company. All the runners around here seem to recommend it. I tried on a zillion shoes and they watch you walk on the treadmill, etc. to make sure everything is as it should be. So I think I'm OK there.
LOL - I asked my hairdresser if she keeps close track of her miles on her shoes (to know when to replace them). She said "you won't have to. You will know." Is that how it is? You can definitely feel it when the shoes need to be replaced? They are pretty cushy. I definitely notice it, especially when I take them off and put my house slippers on which have no cushion left at all!
Det - RAIN, SNOW AND HAIL??? All in ONE WEEKEND???? Sheesh. Are you the one who POd Mother Nature? Please apologize NOW!!!Have fun tomorrow.
Jenny I hope you get the exercise thing figured out!!
Still hoping to hear more about swim caps and hair protection.
Thanks again for your help fabbies!!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
sunday may 29 af daily
Hi all, starting again - day 1 all over aginWas doing well, but went and ruined that - this is a great thread, lots of wonderful positive energy - I will try to post daily and get sorted out.
I am a bit worried as I have two conferences to go to in June and they will be HUGE temptations - I think lots go to these conferences just for the socilaising - I hope to get a good week AF before I go on these trips, then will post as I can in the hope all your wonderful positivity rubs off on me!“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
sunday may 29 af daily
Scottish Lass, I've found that often I do well on the really huge challenges for some reason. it's like I get really psyched up for it and use it as a way to proving to myself I can maintain sobriety even in the lions den. where I get in trouble is complacency when I least expect it. or if I'm very sick or in pain. be strong and catch you here tomorrownosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)