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sunday may 29 af daily

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    sunday may 29 af daily

    morning all - up early - 7.30 - snoring issues - and cat putting paw up my nose issues.
    Well today is lunch out, gym,bit of pottering and birthday party in evening. I'm looking forward to going as will see people I've not seen for a while - it will be quite boozy though so I will probably leave early.With my fleeting booze thoughts on Friday I need to be careful and will leave the moment it gets too much.

    I am loving my gym sessions at the moment - especially the weight training - forgotten how good it makes me feel.Looking on web to buy some vanilla and amaretto flavoured coffees - I am so into my coffee it's unreal. I really really look forward to it - have got decaff as well though. I feel much better from not eating red meat - I really like quorn- it's high protein,high fibre and low fat!I need to watch my junk nibbling - I have eaten chocolate every day this week but I am not tracking it so I can easily have gone over my calorie limit. I am eating healthy meals though and fruit and veg - it's just a slight tweak to limit how much I have - I plan to allow myself 150 cals a day on chocolate as a treat. I remember the sugar cravings - part of it is pmt but I guess some of it is quitting the alcohol?

    Anyway here's some superstrong rope to Greenie, Lav and anyone else who is in need.
    Off to make some more coffee!
    one day at a time

    sunday may 29 af daily

    Good Morning All,

    Just caught up on the last 2 days of threads. Wow, lots going on!

    Special hugs to Greenie, Lav, P3.

    Bear, big congrats on 8 weeks. There's no stopping you now.

    DG, what's going on with the knee?

    LVT, I can relate to leaving your son alone. I am sending my oldest daughter (who has Aspergers) on a 2 week camping trip with horsepacking, tent camping, rock climbing, etc. I am anxious but I think in the long run, it is a growing experience for her and for me. The thing with worrying is that it keeps me from enjoying the present so I try real hard to keep those thoughts at bay.

    Det, I'm reading "The Paleo Diet for Athletes"

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      sunday may 29 af daily

      Good morning Abbers!

      Almost 9 AM & not a peek of sunshine yet ~ just waiting.

      bear, you are doing so well! Stay on top of your game & you can do anything

      M3, I imagine the 2 week camping trip will be a marvelous experience for your daughter & for you as well. I hope she really enjoys herself & your worries disappear.

      I have the group coming here tomorrow for a BBQ. Today is a work day for me but that's OK. My shop is located in the basement of my home & it it much cooler down there

      Wishing LVT a safe trip to DC tomorrow!
      My son is there today doing his 24 hr shift in the heat & humidity, ugh!

      Wishing everyone a super AF Sunday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sunday may 29 af daily

        Good Morning Abbers!

        Bear *and cat putting paw up my nose issues* love it! So funny! I understand!

        M3 *DG, what's going on with the knee?* I think DG was asking about your knee?

        On that subject anyone have suggestions on how to exercise with a broken ankle or should I just read outside for next 6 weeks until I can walk well? I though about strength training at the gym but I still can't ware a regular shoe.

        Lav - I hope the BBQ goes well and the sun comes out for you!

        Good Morning everyone to come. I think I will BBQ this evening myself! I had a couple of thoughts last night but it was after 9 so they didn't matter, can't do anything about them after nine anyway. I think I will try to mow today. My son is at MIL so I can only do it if I can start the mower and there is a dead rat in the driveway that I need to pick up and the plants need water and the kitchen floor needs mopped so I guess I'll do that too. Well guess I have alot to do, I check back later!

        Happy AF Sunday!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          sunday may 29 af daily

          jennyneric;1122250 wrote: Good Morning Abbers!

          On that subject anyone have suggestions on how to exercise with a broken ankle or should I just read outside for next 6 weeks until I can walk well? I though about strength training at the gym but I still an were a regular shoe.

          Happy AF Sunday!
          Jenny, When I got a stress fracture while training for a marathon, I had to be off of my foot for several weeks. I don't like swimming but started going to the County Rec center to swim in the morning. I started to like it actually. I also did upper body weights and some yoga. I just had to keep some sort of routine going because it is so hard for me to get back into exercise if I haven't done it in a while.

          PS...I'm not have any issues with my knee; I think DG is though.
          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            sunday may 29 af daily

            Good sunday morning, Abstineros and Abstinestas....wrote a long message with salutations, got distracted and when I came back it was gone...poof! Must run, leaving for the field again tomorrow morning crack of dawn, and gotta lotta weedin to do. The gist of my message was I am hoping for P3 to not have such troublesome worries that she might lose her spotting scope, that just made me wince. And Lav, and all others, all the best and improvements needed, for sure. Please enjoy this beautiful early summers day, all. What blessings we have.

            Go Bear!


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              sunday may 29 af daily

              Kaslo, Thanks for sending us all of the lovely photos. I really look forward to them.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                sunday may 29 af daily

                Thank you Kas! and thank you for the beautiful pic of the Cedar Waxwing!! One of my fav birds, esp when you get the rare chance of watching them pass berries down the line!! I'm keeping my scope-I promise! DD will go before it does. JUST KIDDING ALL!! he's actually been very good this weekend. he sure likes having mom home!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  sunday may 29 af daily

                  Hi fABbies! Happy Sunday. Bear, thanks for kicking us off today. :H about your kitty sticking his paw up your nose!!! Sounds like you have a good plan for the b-day party. Exit strategies are critical to me. Seems like when I have a well planned exit strategy, it shores up my AF confidence and I am less likely to need it!

                  Lav, don't work too hard today, and have fun getting ready for the BBQ tomorrow!

                  LVT - have fun on your trip!! I thought of you this morning as I did a 5 mile walk that took me past a cemetery. It had obviously been tended with great care and looked so wonderful for this Memorial day weekend. I imagined you tending your cemetery with such love!

                  Jenny, when I was some degree of 1 - 10 drunk all the time, Mr. Doggy and I would have horrible arguments. I have learned in sobriety what you are learning - cant' fight with someone who isn't fighting back!! I am also learning how to express myself much more appropriately in all sorts of situations. One thing is for sure...if I'm not acting like a 2-year old, it's far less likely Mr. D will act like a 2-year old these days. It's been a very good progression over the last 3 years.

                  Kaslo, I LOVE all your photos!!! When I come to stay with you as your uninvited guest I can help you organize them into photo albums or something. I'm sure there are many times when your work out there is un-glamorous. I sure like keeping up my image of it being glamorous though!!!! Travel safely.

                  P3, I know you love DD more than any other possession you have. That is all. Hope you are having a good day!!

                  M3 - I bet it is scary to think about your daughter going on that trip!!! I can relate to what you are saying. Worry doesn't help or change anything and it sure takes away from my ability to enjoy "right now." And yes it is my knee...

                  Last week I did Week 6 of couch to 5K. Runs were on MWF. Either the Wednesday or Friday run caused the problem I think. Wed run was two 10 minute runs with 3 minutes walking in between. It was raining so I did it indoors at the gym. Thinking back, I'm remembering my hair dresser (a pretty serious runner) telling me she won't run on the indoor track because the corners are too tight and that can be hard on the knees.

                  Anyway, my knees really didn't feel too bad after that, so I walked the 5 K route on Thursday. (Q: should I maybe stop walking in between my running days?) After that, I could feel my knees talking to me a little but nothing remotely like "pain."

                  I ran on Friday - it was my first time running for a full 25 minutes. After that my knees were feeling something, but it felt more like stiffness than pain. Friday night when I went to bed and put my legs up, HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!! My left knee was stinging so bad I had to take a Codeine to be able to rest at all. Also took another prescription anti-inflamatory. Saturday I was especially fine when I was "going." (i.e. yard work) Knee felt a little stiff if I sat for too long. Saturday night I took an Advil before bed and had absolutely no problems.

                  Today both knees are fine. I went ahead and walked 5 miles - no stiffness or anything.

                  When I had the holy shit pain, if I pressed around my left knee, there was a spot on the outside of the knee that really stung. I just pressed it now and there is no stinging at all.

                  I know that is more detail than everyone needs to read but I wanted to give you the full rundown as I remember it to see what your thoughts are. I'm sort of wondering now if the real problem was NOT the Friday run but the Wednesday run on that indoor track with the tight turns.

                  I'm also interested in what you think about walking so much on days in between runs????

                  In case I find myself having to take up swimming instead, () what sort of bathing cap do you ladies wear that will totally protect your hair? I would be a real sissy about not wanting to ruin my color and highlights, don't ya know.

                  CRAZY weather we are having. It got down into the 30's night before last. Yesterday the high was barely 60. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the low 90's. My plants don't know what to do, and we are having storms and tornado warnings daily. Whoever PO'd mother nature, please apologize now!

                  One thing is for sure....

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    sunday may 29 af daily

                    CUCKOO - WHERE ARE YOU TODAY????? Come out, come out no matter what. OK? I know Greenie will agree, and she is queen after all. :crowned:

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      sunday may 29 af daily

                      DG, I'm here and AF but my computer crashed on me yesterday. Had to buy a new computer and I am not familiar with it yet.


                        sunday may 29 af daily

                        Hi Cuckoo! Sorry to hear about the crash, but a new computer sounds fun! What kind did you get?

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          sunday may 29 af daily

                          hey Fabbers-just back from the BBQ at my sisters. Just her, my BIL, my niece and my dad. The older neph is dirtbiking it up in Maine and the younger neph had friends over and for some reason could wait for the meat to cook so they all went to 5Guys instead. When they got back they hit the pool while we ate. Nice and relaxing evening. I sat out by the pool before dinner chatting and reading (no swimming tonite-stepping on the scale before I left was a big mistake!!). I'm almost done with Wicked Appetite(a spin off of the Stephanie Plum series by janet evanovich) and it will be the first book i've finished in months!! except for the audio books of course. I have to say I sort of looked longingly at the bottle of wine sitting in front of me all evening. I think I was bored with plain water-no lemons in the house. However, in my minds eye I saw myself taking that bottle by the neck and swigging the whole thing right down!! Needless to say I didn't even reach for it! No moderation for this gal obviously!! :H Once we ate and I had my cranberry/seltzer to sip I was fine.

                          Before going to dinner I spent the morning mowing and trimming and banishing the ticks if there were any. Yard looks pretty darn good!! I didn't want to overdue it again so after lunch I did laundry and started switching out my clothes. I'm happy with the productivity this weekend even tho didn't get to everything on my list.
                          Tomorrow is house cleaning in the morning, my dad comeing by to look at the camper again-I'm convinced there is a battery in there somewhere but can't find it. Maybe he can. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going with my friend to pick up some agility equipement she bought off a club member. I think she's going to let me "borrow" the weave poles until I can afford to buy them.

                          Cuckoo-good luck with the new puter-how fun!!

                          DG-sounds to me like either a case of acute but mild tendinitis caused by the indoor track or you might have pinched the meniscus a bit, also by the indoor track. Trainer Papmom says stay away from the indoor track!! Glad your feeling tip top again tho! Good luck with Mom nature out your way! We've had absolutely gorgeous weather here all weekend and I am very grateful!! And yes, you are 100% right about DD!!

                          M3-wow, you are brave to let your daughter go off like that-I can only imagine what that feels like but I'm betting it will be great for both of you.

                          LVT-have a great trip! You'll be so glad you went and your son will be fine!!

                          Got home tonite and the willow fencing is pretty much down. Either the dog next door jumped on it or a good stiff breeze took it down. Back to the drawing board!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            sunday may 29 af daily

                            DGs Knee

                            Damn. I lost an entire post. So here I go again, I'll type fast.

                            DG, there is a type of injury called "runner's knee." It is fairly common and they believe it is caused by the knee cap not tracking properly. I had a flare up once and worek a band (made specifically for that purpose) that I fastened just under my knee. Where exactly are you feeling the pain? Is it around the knee cap? On the side? It could also be the IT band (a ligament that runs from the hip to the knee). You would feel the pain probably on the side of your leg the above the knee or higher.

                            I am wondering about your runner shoes and where you bought them. It's a good idea to buy your shoes at a running store. The people there are usually experienced runners. They will look at your feet when you are standing barefoot and they will also have you try on and run/walk in different running shoes that would be best for you. For example, my feet pronate (no arches) so I need a shoe with some stability and lots of arch support. Good running shoes are key to preventing injuries.

                            Anti inflammatories are a good idea (but not just prior to running because if you have pain, you'll want to feel it). Ice on and off after running for about 20 minutes is a good idea too. I think you'll be fine. Don't stop running. It will take your body time to get used to it but it will.

                            P3. I'm so happy that you are keeping that BAD ASS PINK CAMPER!!

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              sunday may 29 af daily

                              DG, Here's an article on running injuries.

                              A Guide to Preventing and Treating 10 Common Running Injuries
                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!

