Evening guys

Dewdrop - wasn't our weather just perfect today! Sadly it's not to last so I made the best of it and was out every waking minute.
Star - glad you checked in, I worry when you dont :l I hope it went well today, how nice of your step mum to be that thoughtful.
I had a nice dinner date tonight with a guy i met a few weeks ago, he is funny, charming and good company and he trying very hard to win my affections. However having been swept off my feet by the crazy Doc, it's hard for anyone else to compare. I have now started working for the Doc as his dog walker although I haven't actually seen him for over a week. I have keys for the house and this week he has been on call most days. I'm falling in love with Charlie the irish setter and today we galloped on the beach. Tonight Doc called and poured his heart out to me about his pending divorce. He is devastated and heart broken about it and I now see why he is not ready for another relationship. I am totally happy to remain as just friends and hope I can be of some support to him.
After the reclusive life I had in Portugal I'm loving all this new interaction and socializing and as I approach 18 months AF next month I really feel so confident in my sobriety. Any sooner would have been too difficult but now I'm so proud to be ordering my soda water with dinner and would never swap a single minute of this fantastic new life. I remind myself that tomorrow will be Saturday, the day I used to feel the most trashed in the week, only I will be waking up hangover free and very grateful.