Cyn and LBH it?s lovely to hear from you both and we hope to hear more, in the meantime it?s really nice to know that you are both well and life is good. You have both added so much to this thread since I joined and I miss you both. I also miss Dill and Shelley and wish that they would get back in touch with us just to let us know they are okay.
Cassia so sorry that you are feeling lonely but it?s just to be expected really, and you know it?s not going to be for long, and you know it?s the right thing to do for your future, sometimes ?change? hits us in unexpected ways. Truck on Cassia and you will achieve your goals before you know it. Good luck with the interview Chill it?s great to have choices but I still think you could make a business out of Dog Walking especially if you get a few clients like the doc.
Hi to everyone else you are all doing so well and |I?ll catch you all tomorrow.