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AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

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    AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

    So...what happens when a new month starts on a Wednesday? Is it "Happy Rabbit Humping" or something like that? I can't keep it straight.... :H


    The train is rolling down the tracks at high speed this week, so I haven't been around much. Just wanted to say hi.

    Bear, love your attitude about not wanting AL in your life.

    Jenny - congrats on starting school!! A new chapter indeed. How exciting!

    M3, I would love to read what you wrote about your DD if you decide it's right for you to share.

    Greenie, the saying around AA is "you spot it, you got it" with regard to characteristics in others that make us uncomfortable. I was HUH???? When I first heard that but now I get it. Thank you for the barraccuda (sp) info. I'll get that brand just because it sounds like that cap would give me power in the water. :H

    Marshy - I hope your Mom's treatments go well for her. :l Guess the viewing as we eat popcorn and follow you around Greece will be X-rated in public this time?

    Lav, YB would make a good science project for someone. Glad you are able to let his bizarre stuff just roll off. I'm sure it hurts inside though. I think with him, one cannot take it personally. Not when there appear to be missing screws.

    SPECIAL HELLO to Scottish Lass - keep it going girl! Cuckoo - where are you? Get on the wagon girl. TDN - what's going on? More important than ever to stop drinking. All other people new or struggling - sending you some strength and hope vibes!!

    Hello to ALL FABBIES!!! I hope everyone has a great day.

    Zoom zoom - I have to fork over my plastic and buy new tires today. I will remain grateful that my 1999 vehicle is still in good condition. Whatever my maintenance costs, they are far far far less than car payments. And I :h my Explorer, even though it's a gassy piggy. A pedicure, yard work, etc.

    I am 14 days sugar free. Finally cracked the code on an L-Glut program that is working. P3 - FWIW I'm also following Simply Filling Technique and mentally that is working for me. (Dear Det - it's whole real foods and you would approve over half of what I'm eating!! )

    OK - gotta rock and roll. One thing is for sure. If AL comes knockin' he's gettin' :b&d: from me.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

    Good morning Abbers, Happy June & Happy Hump Day!

    Today is also the first day of hurricane season
    I don't think this great country of ours needs anymore Mother Nature inflicted damage

    LVT is sweating her butt off in DC not doubt :H
    We're into an early heatwave here in the mid-Atlantic. I saw her mention on FB it was 104 degrees yesterday!!!!

    Wishing everyone a good AF Wednesday. I have some potential cutomers to attack by email

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

      Quiet in here today!

      DG - did you get to meet up with your brothers?

      Lav - hurricane season - eek. I suppose we're lucky with our weather here, although everyone complains about it obviously :H

      Well, it looks as though I haven't been lucky with Olympic tickets. The deadline for allocations was yesterday and they haven't taken any money out of my bank account so I haven't got any. The next step (it's a complicated process!) is them offering me some that haven't yet been sold which will be the most unpopular events - possibly shooting and handball. Hmm. Dunno if I'm that desperate to go.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

        Where have all the Abbers gone????:H

        Marshy, I had no idea it was so difficult to score tickets foe the Olympics - of course I've never tried either

        We are currently under severe thunder storm warnings AND a tornado warning to boot.

        Who the hell needs this?
        I'm coming over Marshy
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

          Hi everyone.

          DG, stilll here. Thanks for your concern.

          Lav, we have the same severe thunder storm warning. Hopefully, it will break this heat wave. It's been very unpleasant the past couple of days.

          Marshy, good luck with the tickets. Do people who have tickets sell them on e-bay or Craigslist?


            AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

            I'm here I'm here, good afternoon DG, Lav, Marshy, and cuckoo!

            I've been lurking here and there. I'm very busy with school starting yesterday. Initial reaction was "this is scary and hard" after some time to think about it and figure it all out I think I will be ok. I am thinking about decreasing my load in the fall from 4 classes to 3, however I can't let summer classes be an indication of what semester classes are like because summer classes are so much shorter!

            Today is day 18 guys! I'm really doing it! Feels so good!
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

              :toohot: I've still not bounced back from yesterday. I really should get some gatorade. Ick.

              Well, my friend made it through surgery; thank you for prayers, pings, etc. Whether it was successful remains to be seen I guess. She smoked and it was for lung cancer. So if you're a smoker and reading this, yes... it CAN happen to you. That is all.

              I'm just tired and really don't have anything to say. I wish the tundra didn't need to be mowed and it isn't going to happen today. I think I'll wallow on the couch with the sunday paper I never read.

              Jenny - OSAT (one semester at a time)
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                I'm still here aiming for june month free alchol


                  AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                  Yahoo - here comes June - I so want to do this, but already worried that I won't!
                  Today is day 4 and am hanging in, but wish that I wasn't so full of doubts about managing to hang! ODAT - over and over again, but the sneaking doubts keep jumping in!
                  well done eveyone, we will do this...............won't we
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                    Just up from the basement after 5 hours of a Tornado warning. Watch still in effect until 11pm. 2 confirmed tornados touched down this evening-one in the Springfield area where 3 towns were hit hard and one along the Mass Pike (both were southwest of me by about 1 hour's drive time) where at least 3 towns were hit. The second one missed my brother by about 30 sec as he was driving past the exit where it hit. Cars were overturned as they were stuck in line at the tollbooth. He got huge hail hitting his truck and he said the sky was just an unbelievable color but there was no wind whatsoever (calm before the storm). He thinks he was 30 sec or so ahead of it because if he had been behind it the mass pike would have been all jammed up from it hitting the toll booths on the exit. My whole family is fine. A twister touched down about 5 miles from my house as I was on the way home from work but I don't think there was any damage. This one wasn't confirmed by the Nat'l Weather service but people have video. 4 people are confirmed dead so far in 3 separate towns, all west of me. We had horrible shaking thunderstorms roll through from 7-9 but all is clear now. A pap friend of mine lives in one of the towns badly hit. I just found out that she saw the tornado roar through right before she and her family and 10 dogs jumped into the basement. Her neighbor's house across the street is demolished as is the historical church in the center of town. Her house wasn't touched and she is OK. We're still waiting to hear about a couple of other pap friends who live in the hit areas. The local weather stations counted 41 separate storms over 5 hours including the 2 tornadoes. This is unprecedented in this part of the country. We did have the killer tornado in 1953 that took out the neighborhood I now live in-up until Joplin it was the deadliest tornado in US history so it can happen here.
                    Somebody pissed of MN bad and I'm betting it was all of us on this earth. We need to smarten up.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                      Hi All Abstinistas and Abstineros! I do hope the bad weather in the US comes to an end soon. We watch with trepidation in Canada. We get a lot of brutal cold weather in winter, but nothing like the summer to fall storms of the US. I have just got back from working on the beaches, its a veg study. I did some plots with my crew then set them up with a bunch of work and came back (5 hour drive) because i need to get month end invoices done, or we will dry up and not be able to pay staff, etc. Here is a particularly pretty sandy beach in the northern section. The vegetation crumbling down into the water is my subject. One thing is for sure... four and a half months as of today, and I am not looking back, although I know I could crumble just like these big clumps of Phalaris arundinacea. Hope you all have enjoyed your day.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                        Make that 7 confirmed tornados
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                          Good grief papmom! How scary! Down here in Texas we have only had one or two scares this year, however we don't have basements so on the last one we hid in the bathroom. Two kids two cats me and 3 dogs. Hubby was outside watching to see if we were gonna get hit, no that is not safe but try telling him that!

                          :l ((((papmom)))) I know it's so scary! I hope you will be ok, physically and emotionally!
                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                            better late than never

                            thanks for the great start DoggyGirl.

                            big welcome to Merry! hang tight. post often!

                            Papmom, yikes! hope you're wearing a helmet when you venture out of the basement.

                            Kaz, how do you get those colors to 'pop' like that? wowsers

                            well gnight all zzzzzzzz
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Wednesday June 1

                              Hey DG-what's the L-Glut code you unlocked? I took a look at the Simply Filling Technique and it's doable. I'm going back this Sat after a almost 3 month hiatus. Have gained over 10 lbs. Yikes!!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

