Good morning all...
I have an interview on Friday, I talked to the human resources person and the job sounds interesting, but probably not for me. I would be chained to a desk all day on the phone. I had a job like that in the past and after a year thought I would lose my mind. However, regular hours and benefits are a perk, and maybe a necessity?
Another topic I would like to bring up this week is risk. Most things in my life that I have that I treasure, were the result of taking a risk, not playing it safe. Going out of my comfort zone, trying new things, new experiences. Maybe failing at first, or changing the original path, but continuing till I got it right. Some things worked out, others did not, or not the way I expected. Being in a relationship, getting an education, having kids, moving, changing jobs, going AF, quitting smoking, even trying a new hairdo. It is all a risk. How about you, what risks have you taken that have panned out or not?
Lav, I too am left handed and feel proud of it, as it is part of being unique, who I am. I wonder about your view that everyone just got As without studying. That has not been my experience at all. I though that only about 2% of the population is that smart, the rest of us have to work our butts off too. Look at Rusty studying for her exam for weeks, I did the same for my work too. I feel that it is our view of things that is so important. I decorated my bedroom in 2008, spent about $600 dollars on stuff and it was sooooo worth it. I am enjoying the decor to this day. I love the colors and comfort. So have fun creating a new space for yourself. I feel that this is a risk and a big step for you. Creating your own space and accepting or making the decision that your husband is out of there and you are moving on. How wonderful that your daughter wants to be part of it, I think that is symbolic in some way.
Chill, how exciting for you, remember, everything is working in divine right order. Can't wait till you have more time to tell us more.
Dew, I really appreicate your comments about your views, I feel close to you in that I also need time to recharge and reconnect during my time off.
Mylife, so great to have you on this thread. I agree that exercising in the morning is the only way for me too. I just cannot exercise at night. Indulge your musical gifts with a guitar. I love the music and find it a great comfort and necessary part of my life.
Papmom, it is fun to watch sports games and root for a team.
To all, have a great AF day.
