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sat 11 june af daily

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    sat 11 june af daily

    yay it's the weekend - 2 weeks af today and no intention of going back - I was meant to be going out with a big group of friends for food(they will be drinking LOTS) - also got invite to an all night poker game.

    I decided instead to stay in and watch dvds and invite a friend here for food - cheaper healthier and no chance of alcohol. Gonna cook turkey chilli enchiladas and a low fat cherry and chocolate dessert.

    OH came back v drunk last night - well this morning, about 4.30am - don't envy him later!

    Well done Jennie for not going - it's taken me a long time but I am now acting on the advice of long time sober people like M of 3 - rather than listening to it and then going ahead with my original plan anyway!!I also like the idea of 30, 60,90 day goals - I may steal that!

    I 'wasn't sure' if I'd crave before event few weeks ago and I went anyway - not a good idea.To me 'not sure' means I will drink! Not had chance to be here much this week - will be here more this weekend and Monday I have the day off - lie in, gardening, spa and house chores on the agenda. I may buy the Jack Trimpey book 'rational recovery' - bit lacking in money but can see what is on amazon cheap.
    Happy AF saturday!
    one day at a time

    sat 11 june af daily


    Have an invite to the beach today but geeezzz, it's SO hot. Not sure I'm going to commit to that and the person is on the fence about spending the night and I really need to get back. Not sounding like much enthusiasm, is it? :H

    Went to a gallery showing last night that was to support of the women's shelter. I met the very interesting director and chatted with her about offering my haircut services. She seemed delighted so I'll get with her next week.

    Off to yoga! Have a stupendous saturday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      sat 11 june af daily

      Good morning Fab Absters! Congrats to Bear for 2 weeks!!! YAY!!!! Beginning of the end of alcohol domination!

      Greenie, its been so long since I have been to a gallery or a play, I feel like a schmo.

      For those of you wondering about the results of my investigation at the explosion and release sites mortality and morbidity Q of yesterday, check the end of yesterdays thread... next assignment is to sort out a long 35 year history of a stinky old emission source using old aerial photos. Started it before I left, and it would be nice if all of them were shot of the subject area, so back to the drawing board on that one. Mercifully finished with field work for a while and can concentrate on my garden.

      I am in a northern city on the edge of the prairie, its 5 something in the morning, my plane doesnt leave till 10, so I am going to take my cam and go off in search of suitable subjects. In the old days I would be nursing a hang over after finishing work and then.... but NOT today.... Whoooo hooo! Gonna catch a visit with the grandkids on the way home too. Everyone have a lovey weekend!!


      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        sat 11 june af daily

        Good Morning Abbers,

        Bear...well done

        Greenie, Yeah I can understand not going to the beach with this heat!!!

        Kaslo, I would love going on one of your trek's with you. What kind of education/credentials do you have? So cool.

        Pretty quiet day here today which is just fine with me.
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          sat 11 june af daily

          Morning Abbers!

          Resting up this morning before a wild afternoon with my favorite BF EB :H

          CONGRATS on 2 weeks AF bear!!!!!
          I don't blame you for blowing off those invitations ~ I would too

          Greenie - who's getting the haircut?

          Kaslo, your life really moves! Enjoy your day & visit with the grandkids

          Hi M3 - hope for some cooler weather to come our way - geez!

          My chickens are awaiting room service!
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            sat 11 june af daily

            Lavande;1129173 wrote: Greenie - who's getting the haircut?
            The women who live at the shelter and in the little community surrounding it (they gradually bought 17 houses). They are getting on their feet after hard times, being homeless, serving time, rehab, whatever. It would save them the expense of going to get a haircut and maybe perk them up a bit

            I bailed on the beach. I'm going to the mountains tomorrow to meet up with friends to do a waterfall hike, spend the night and go on a river trip in duckies (inflatable kayaks) Monday. So I've really got to take care of some things today and she wasn't sure if she was wanting to spend the night. But here's the funny part. When I called after yoga like I said I would, she had left already "since she didnt' hear from me" :H I'm deffinately not interesed enough to drive myself so that worked out fine. Now I'm going to scope out a trail in the Sate Forest with little doggie in hopes that I can manage it on my bike in the forseeable future.

            tally ho!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              sat 11 june af daily

              Hello friends,

              I love hearing about everyone's weekend plans. I'm envious of them all. I love the sound of a day on the hot beach (there is water there to cool of in right?) and hiking by the waterfalls. Never been in a duckie, that might be scary. We are having flooding issues in our area right now. A person could almost go white water rafting in the river near us right now. I feel bad for the people that live in town, they will for sure have water in their basements if they don't already.

              I am diligently trying to get caught up on all my work, so I can enjoy life a little. I worked until 7:30 last night, so I feel like I'm gaining. This weekend I hope to finish planting the garden, get rid of the weeds that are doing quite well in there and start working on my flower beds. I also have a couple of sheds to clean out so I can store some stuff I have for garage sale someday. I also need to clean my house, but don't see much of that happening yet.

              #2 son came home yesterday with a haircut--and his initials and the #1 carved into his hair.:H Guess who I thought of???? Hubby needs a haircut, I told him maybe I could carve #1 dad into his head--but that wasn't really what I was thinking.:H

              Ok, I seriously need to get busy with all of my projects. Wishing you all a great and sober weekend!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                sat 11 june af daily

                Don't feel bad LVT-my oldest nephew dyed his brown hair orange/blond. Didn't mean the orange part of course but they had NO clue what they were doing. Along with the tatoo he got this fall, I'm jus waiting for a body piercing of some sort!! 19 yo so I guess he can do what he wants :H

                Keep up the good work Bear. You are getting it, I can tell.

                Greenie-I hate going to the ocean when it's hot too-Usually the water is too cold to go in so you just bake in the sand and slap the green flies away!! Have fun with your waterfall hike-that's more my style.

                Kas-I just LOVE hearing about your work! When I was younger and starting out in my profession (and not really sure I was liking it) I was living in very stressful conditions and all I wanted to do was go study geese. I guess way back then, that's all I knew-ducks and geese in town ponds but I pictured myself studying them in migration. It was a very strong yearning but one I never acted upon. Then in the late 80's/90's I got very involved with Mass Audubon-went on lots of trips and became an Nat Hist interpretor for a couple sanctuaries. Then I got a dog. Whoops!!
                Anyway, I still love my back yard birds and always have binos at the ready. When I visited my Aunt in BC in 98 I was in heaven!! So keep your stories coming so we can all live vicariously through you!!

                Cold and rainy here today and for the next few. Not what I wanted for he end of my vaca but I guess I'll finally have a chance to clean the house and start the week off right. Weight Watchers was this morning-stayed even thank god after my binging and I did 20 onthe Eliptical at PF. Now I'm out the door for my neice's dance recital and possibly splurging on a pedicure afterwards with my sis. She's had a very tough week-found out yesterday that the guy that owns the bootcamp type gym that she's been going to for over a year and who specialized in training HS athletes (my nephew was one of them) commited suicide on Thursday. She's devastated and very angry and so upset for his wife and young kids. He's the guy that talked to the kids last year after 3 students in my neph's high school committed suicide. So of course my sis is going WTF???
                So, hoping a girls afternoon out might make her feel a little better.
                Gotta run-TTL!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  sat 11 june af daily

                  Hi Ab-Fabbers,

                  Just checking in after way too long...I've been so busy and not struggling much with the alcohol thing, thank God! I am going to SMART meetings once a week to help me stay on track. Today is Day 132 for me. I no longer consider drinking as an option, and that has made a huge difference. Whatever comes my way, I intend to stay AF for it. Lots of good things have happened already as a result:

                  I have become an avid exerciser and am in better shape at the age of 46 than I've ever been in my life.

                  I am far more patient with my kids, and with myself.

                  I am not depressed.

                  My anxiety is much less.

                  I've lost 10 pounds.

                  I like myself much more.

                  I am at peace with what once seemed like such a struggle.

                  Whatever "failings" I have (a less than immaculate house, an occasional crabby mood, a tendency to be disorganized, etc.) they are not caused by alcohol use. That makes it much easier to tackle them with self-acceptance and forgiveness!

                  Thank you all for providing so much support and inspiration! Congrats to all and I'm sending best wishes and strength for many sober days ahead for all of us!

                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    sat 11 june af daily

                    Good afternoon!

                    OMG my head hurts, been doing math all morning/afternoon. 5 more pages of homework and 2 practice test to go, 2 English papers (I have to do at least one) and 3 and a 1/2 hours of work today, grocery shopping, house cleaning, laundry, wow, where is the time for AL. . . huh guess there's not any!

                    Had a bit of a lie in this morning! Felt great. Now for lunch and the market. I think I will do the shopping and the work and the homework today and save the cleaning and laundry for tomorrow!

                    I'll check in later, have a great AF day!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      sat 11 june af daily

                      One day behind you Bear! It is a great feeling is it not!
                      folks have fun plans this weekend - did 30 mins wieght training at gym, then went to Jenny Craig for weigh in - only gained .4lb in Vegas - was happy with that! Laundry, groceries etc now to catch up on my week away and get ready for next week away (obviously putting off the boring work and posting here instead :H).
                      agree with Pmom - I think your work sounds so interetsing Kas.
                      Greeneyes - what a cool thing to do! Helping others makes us feel so much better - but this seems like a really great set up.
                      enjoy your day all - ok, enough putting it off - time to get stuff done
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        sat 11 june af daily

                        Hey Sarah-good to see you and to hear all is well! A little envious of the exercise and weight loss! Why do so many people stop drinking and lose weight when I gained 20 lbs???? Nothing is ever easy with me I swear!

                        SL-keep up the great work!

                        Jennie-sounds like you have a great plan going for tackling all the chores and homework. My head always hurt too when Math was on the plate. Still hurts :H! I will say however that taking an advanced Quant course for my masters showed me that I COULD do math even tho my history said otherwise. The first week was hell-homework that should have taken me 2 hours took 10 and I was in tears. Almost dropped the course. But, I perservered and ended up with and A- in the course. Nothing short of a miracle but because of that course, my mind finally got unlocked and I can now do basic programming. Huh!! Hang in there and just let it flow.

                        Recital was great-long as usual but the costumes were stunning. My neice looked fab up there and nailed the hip hop routine. Not so much the jazz routine so it's obvious what she feels more comfortable doing and likes. This is a kid that has overcome physical and cognitive challenges and for the first time I really think she'll be OK when she goes to high school in 2 years. Looking at her perform today there was no way you could tell what she's gone through. :h

                        Tomorrow I will be flower/veggie/pot shopping (not the kind you smoke-just stop it!!) with my dad and sis for dad's day instead of cleaning my house. Hope I get a lunch out of it and home early enough to make some sort of dent in this pigsty.

                        Greenie-I meant to comment on your offer to give the shelter women free haircuts. That is fabulous!! I wish I had a skill like that I could offer.

                        Oh and in closing, I've decided I want to learn Irish step dancing. Stay tuned.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

