I don't think the BB is suggesting there is no right & wrong. People to unkind, stupid, thoughtless, etc., stuff. We're all human, including the 2 people who I feel "wronged" me. To me, the BB wants us to see what our part is & to move on. It's so much easier to feel "self-righteous" than to forgive & move on. This doesn't mean we have to condone bad behavior. This just means I have to get free of the resentment so that I won't drink again. M
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Weekly AA Thread - June 13 - June 19
Weekly AA Thread - June 13 - June 19
I don't think the BB is suggesting there is no right & wrong. People to unkind, stupid, thoughtless, etc., stuff. We're all human, including the 2 people who I feel "wronged" me. To me, the BB wants us to see what our part is & to move on. It's so much easier to feel "self-righteous" than to forgive & move on. This doesn't mean we have to condone bad behavior. This just means I have to get free of the resentment so that I won't drink again. MWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Weekly AA Thread - June 13 - June 19
Hi everyone :-) x
when i went through my steps i did go through the bb way, some people do it quick or slow....i did mine slow..... my sponsor did say to me a few months ago if i wanted to do my steps again but this time it would take 10days am still thinking about it.
It funny thinking back at my first meeting in AA was a step meeting going back over 4years ago i saw the word powerless put me right off and god, thinking to myself they are going to brainwash me.... I had to write a lot of things down for myself and to look at it in black and white.
Resentment,,,,,, i thought i had no resentment i had a lot of fears, not realizing most of my fears turn into resentment it had to be pointed out to me, i drank on all my back log of feelings and fears. See i can see how much fear i lived with most of my childhood and into adult life , i didn't see or feel it all the time but it contolled most of my actions.
So true Mary, WE have to move forward, i thought it would work if i buried all my past, but today i have not sweep it under the carpet i have roll-up the carpet and throw it out of the bloody window and dealt with all the shit that was under my carpet.
DG so glad you had a awesome day...
PP. doing step1 Once WE accept powerlessness, that when we become empowered to take care of ourselves, and when life starts to become unmanageable that when we stop owning our power.....going through the steps is a wonderful thing we learn a lot about ourselves and get honest to move from denial into acceptance.
Catch22 xXxFormerly known as Teardrop:l
sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !
Weekly AA Thread - June 13 - June 19
Mary, I love how you put that - the whole purpose is framing things so we CAN let go and move on.
Catch, I love reading everything you write about fear. I am still figuring out the ways that fear drove me, and sometimes drives me today. This is a continual growth and learning process for sure.
I went to touch chicks meeting today. I haven't been there in a long time. It was great to be back in that particular room with these particular women. Many familiar faces and a few new ones. This groups works from "A Woman's Way Through the 12 Steps." Today was the workbook part of Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."
I remember when I first looked at the steps, the term "character defects" really bothered me. I felt as though someone was calling me a defective person. I am so glad I no longer believe anyone (the founders or any AA members) are calling me defective. I am so grateful to have a better understanding of what this step means. I like the terminology used in "Woman's Way.." it mentions "willing to let go of the destructive behavior." I can be OK with the term "character defects" by understanding that it means "destructive behavior."
As one example I have mentioned a lot lately, I am working to let go of gossiping. That is destructive behavior for me and also potentially others. I am willing to let it go. That doesn't make it easy. Sometimes I hang onto it. But my willingness to let it go with HP's help is what this step is all about, I think.
This step also helps me understand the term "dry drunk." If I give up the destructive behavior of drinking (which for me, always equals getting very drunk), but I am NOT willing to give up the other destructive behaviors in my life......well....then all I have done is stopped one destructive behavior when there are many others too. Dry drunk. (been there, done that)
I love these women and this meeting because we REALLY talk nuts and bolts. Soul baring stuff. Stuff that requires a lot of trust and honesty. I always feel a bit tired after this meeting but I also always feel like I grow from it.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Weekly AA Thread - June 13 - June 19
I don't feel offended by the terms "character defects" or "shortcomings." Those terms tell me that I'm human & have some improving to do. Improvement & growth (as you put it, DG) should be my life's work...especially now that I'm retired.
I'm still learning to recognize the simple, sober fun that I have now. Last weekend we had the g-sons overnight & did a lot of laughing. I had a deep sense of relaxation that I never had when I was a parent. I remember the times I drank while I had them (I'm not proud of that) in order to get that sense of relaxation & fun. Now, it happens spontaneously...not all the time but occasionally. Yes, there are times when I feel tired & pressured, but for a good while last weekend, it was great!
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012