I don't have a lot of time, but I thought I open this thread up to you. One of the lines in last night's BB story really struck me: "It 's not how much you drink...it's what drinking does to you." I know from listening at speaker meetings that there are people that drank way more than I did. Probably my age & physical condition had a lot to do w/that, as I couldn't cope w/huge quatities of alcohol. I drank plenty, but not as much as some. I could use that as a rationale for drinking again. "Maybe I wasn't so bad."
I definitely was bad. As I said, I drank very abnormally.
-Once I opened a bottle, I couldn't stop...a sure sign of alcoholism.
-I hid my drinking as much as I could.
-I did things when I drank that I'm not at all proud of.
So, it's not how much but what it does.