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AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

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    AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

    Happy hump day fABbies! Everyone better have their butts firmly strapped onto the wagon today. :b&d:

    Congrats on todays anniversaries whether it's Day 1 or Day 1,000,000. Every sober day is worth a moment of celebration, don't you think?

    I ordered a 2 piece bathing suit (on sale of course!) for my trip to Turks & Caicos next February and it fits. I have lumps on my thighs, but it fits. Now to keep it fitting until the time comes. That should keep me out of trouble with a good goal!

    It's a rainy blustery day. A good day to get this desk cleaned up!

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

    Doggygirl;1131290 wrote:

    I ordered a 2 piece bathing suit (on sale of course!) for my trip to Turks & Caicos next February and it fits.
    What trip to the Turks and Caicos????? (Insert "jealous" smilie in here). I looked at going there to do a diving course a few years ago but went to Egypt instead because it's easier to get to from here. (Totally failed diving course BTW because, no, I am not going to willingly cut off my air supply when I'm on the sea bed :H)

    Taking my girlfriend to meet my parents at the weekend went well but at the last minute my mum cancelled the big family talk about her funeral arrangements. None of us are really sure why except she said she's feeling optimistic about her latest treatment and doesn't want to go over the whole thing right now.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

      Good morning Abbers!

      A very happy humpday to one & all

      DG, I have lumps on my thighs too......lumps other places too :H
      Enjoy your trip, lumps & all

      Marshy, I know how difficult it is dealing with someone's end of life wishes & issues. Have been thru it with my parents, in-laws & others :l I'm sure your Mom will talk when she feels ready. Glad you have GF's support.

      Well, I've made an executive decision - I'm throwing out the 38 year old bedroom set that I shared with YB & replacing it with something of my own
      If it's OK for him to throw away our marriage then it's OK for me to remodel myself & my surroundings as well. Actually, this is an attempt to stop the nightmares & restless sleep & bring some peace into my life.

      Wishing everyone a happy humpday! Heading out to look at furniture this afternoon!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

        Gooooooood Mornin!!

        Today is the last day of school for daughter #1. Daughters #2 and 3 get out next week but have early release for the remander of this week. Let the Summer madness begin!! Uggggh. I am feeling anxious about it but it's going to happen regardless so there ya go.

        Lav, I think it is an excellent idea that you are getting a new bedroom set and making the house your own. I can really relate to the "restless" energy in the bedroom but in a different way. When I used to travel alot for work, I could not sleep in hotel rooms, (get ready, the next part is weird). I felt like I could feel the presence of all of the people who had been in and out of the room. After I got up the nerve to share this experience with a friend or two, one suggested that I do a little smudging ceremony. So, after that, I would burn a little sage or incense whenever I was in a new hotel room and I would say a few words. It really helped.

        DG. Yeah for 2 piece suits. I purchased 2 from Athleta last year on sale. I even have a pair of board shorts to go with one. I got sick of tankini's and one pieces! Thanks for thinking of me yesterday (re stress over oldest daughter and ongoing issues with DH). I saw this article from Martha Beck recently about loving others unconditionally.

        Marshy, Hugs to you. My dad really "labored" over his own passing. I can't imagine how it would feel to leave your loved ones behind as you move into the next world. It sounds like your mom is an amazing lady.

        Det, check in when you can to let us know how you are doing.

        Happy 4 years to AA.

        Still feeling like crap mentally and physically, but I am just trying to be with it no matter how uncomfortable it feels. As a person who drank most of her life to stuff down those feelings, it makes perfect sense that this would be a hard thing to do.

        Saw a quote yesterday from Baron Baptise (a well known yoga instructor) that I really liked. "Be a pitbull for possibility."

        Love it!!!

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

          M3 - "Be a pitbull for possibility." I love that! You should put that in your siggy line. Before I steal it. Yes - feeling our feelings instead of stuffing them continues to be a new experience. Years of drinking through crap doesn't change over night. I really do believe that some people have a connection with a dimension that the rest of us are oblivious to. That must have been a relief to smudge and get some rest.

          Lav - I am SO HAPPY that you are going to remodel your bedroom. I hope you make it into something that you find incredible and soothing and fABulous!

          Marshy - It must be so hard going through this with your Mom. So glad you have XNGF. How does she get on with your family? Turks and Caicos is the winter Sober Recovery vacation next year. You and XNGF and a bunch of fABbies aught to go too!!!! Sober Vacations International - since 1987 It's a splurge (probably too much of one!) for Mr. Doggy and I. We havent' had a "real" (aka non-camping) vacation in 10 or more years so we are due I think.

          OK - I'm done procrastinating. Desk Cleaning ho.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

            Hello friends,

            Just checking in quickly to say hello and that I am thinking about you all.

            Jenny, congrats on 30 days. I think it will help if you tell yourself the next goal is 60 days....and go from there. After about 90 days it should feel a whole lot easier! Our brains are still used to coping with stress by using alcohol, you're doing great by showing it that a Frosty will work just as well! Good job!

            Mom3--I've been having my ups and downs too. The stress of raising 2 teenage boys is so difficult at times. And, I have some pretty major concerns about my marriage a lot of the time. I was thinking the other day about how different things would be if I still drank. How different I have become. I think I would be absolutely miserable! We are in charge of our own happiness--right!!!? You do inspire me as well (So does EVERYONE here btw).

            I can't tell you how much better and energetic I feel since the sun has been out and I have been working in glorious weather this week! The bugs are about to drive me crazy--but I just know that my body runs on sunshine!!!

            Tomorrow I have a meeting for the coalition in our area. They are having a speaker in to talk about the effects of alcohol on the brain. I'm not too excited to be indoors at a meeting all day, but it should be really interesting!

            Have a great sober day everyone! I'm praying for all my friends here that are struggling right now.:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

              Good morning Abstinistas! Starting on Month #5 here.

              DG and Lav, I seem to have lumps too, I especially dislike the tiny ones on my face, whats with this getting old stuff anyways? Turks and Caicos sounds wonderful. And yeah what a great idea. All the Club Med and all inclusives have AL as a central theme, something for AF people would be great.

              Marshy, too bad your mom decided to avoid the discussion. Hope she comes around. Maybe having the entire crew was too intimidating for her. So you didnt get past the old off again on again at depth, eh? THat always struck me as kind of dumb. IF I ever had to take another apparatus up to surface I would not discard mine, Id just carry the friggin thing. ??? dunno. And why would I? Robbing the dead, down there? Somethings remain unexplained about diving. Still, wish I could dive again, last time was 2 years ago when hub had a barotrauma.

              Lav I can totally see getting a new bedroom set. Shake out the Ex-cobwebs!

              Mof3 wish I could cheer you UP .... I struggled with depression for years. I dont know if that is your thing or not. My sister was a suicide, and when ever I see people going through a bad patch I am always wondering how and if I can help. I missed it with her, was away in Univ. .... Feeling bad, if you want to call it depression or what, is really a terrible burden.

              LVT are you a gardener? I too am having a struggle with my marriage, after 25 years, and I am not sure I want to struggle any more. Its been a long negative thing, and it used to be booze that made me cope, everyone knows how well THAT works.

              Well, the DH came upstairs, handed me the parrot (dont ask) and kissed me goodbye. Having done all the weekly garbage and recycling FOR A CHANGE. So hanging up here with you lot has not just the benefits of being connected with a wonderful international group of like minded people in recovery, but also got me out of a chore I always seem to get stuck with because I work at home. But I must now go to work..... have a great AF day everyone.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                DG - the holiday looks good!

                momof3;1131308 wrote:
                Still feeling like crap mentally and physically, but I am just trying to be with it no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
                Sitting with feelings is a bugger, isn't it? Hang in there.

                Lav - great idea to change your bedroom furniture!

                Kaslo;1131345 wrote: So you didnt get past the old off again on again at depth, eh?
                No, my survival instinct just REFUSED to let me do that :H

                Kaslo;1131345 wrote:

                Well, the DH came upstairs, handed me the parrot (dont ask)
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                  Good evening all - I am late checking in here - catching up.
                  M of 3 - sending you some strong feisty rollerderby girl vibes - you can get through whatever is going on - you are incredibly strong. It still is shit sometimes though hey?:l

                  I struggle with the depression/anxiety as well - feeling blue and de-motivated this week - no real reason. I know that I need to stop ruminating - be aware of when I am starting to brood and DO something - anything - even a small cleaning task. I remember reading -not sure where 'is this action taking you closer to your goals?If not don't do it'. I need to remember that.

                  I love that pitbull for possibility line - I will remember that. OH gone out for drinks with friends tonight - me I am lounging - reading rational recovery which has already arrived and will have a bath with geranium essential oil. Usually cheers me up. Two more days at work this week - friends house for dinner tomorrow and off to see band on Friday. Up really early Saturday for more skating fun.
                  Night night all - Det hope you are with us.
                  one day at a time


                    AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                    Afternoon everyone - hope you day is going well!

                    DG, good for you on working hard to get into your 2-piece, and I hope you enjoy your vacation! Speaking of lumps, does it count if I'm 46 (almost) and still get a zit every once and awhile?? Don't know that it will ever go away completely, as my Mom still gets them too.... Sigh....

                    Took today off to get my drivers license renewed and to change the oil in my car, and now it's time to take a break. I think the saying 'a body in motion tend to stay in motion' rings true sometimes, as I'm trying to think of other things to do now!

                    Hang in there M3, things will get better. Remember to keep exercising and eating right - it plays a huge role in our daily outlook on things... Det, hope things are going okay for you as well..
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                      M3, world Punja Radio had a broadcast today by Rick Moss & Gary Richman about relationships. If you're interested. Hour long. World Puja Network - Benefits of Membership You join up for the free membership to listen.

                      AA WOWEE!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

                      BIZ-EEE be back later, but first... :rockon: Lav!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                        so I'm looking for some inspiration right, but thing is i had a bit of a revaltion last night/today and well frankly i'm not sure what to do about it. Fact is i don't think I'd be makign any attempt at being sober if ti wasn't for the disappoitnment of those who know of my recent issues and the need to keep up appaearances around others. I also relaised i probably wouldn't do veyr much at all if it wasn't for keepign up appearances. I like being alone, away from people, playing music... well thats really it. I don't know what decision I'm goign to make, where I'm goign with this, I probably shouldn't be in thsi thread really but you guys always seemt o ahve something usefult o say, anyway, sorry to bother you all

                        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                          AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                          Hello all, been lurking all day and just wanted to say hi, haven't really had time to post just read. Hope y'all have a good night, its dinner, math homework, and class for me!
                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                            InChains, it's been my experience that this is something that you really have to want for you - if your doing it for others it may prove challenging. I had to reach the point in my life where the pain I was causing myself and others was greater then the satisfaction I was getting from drinking.

                            I would say to really, really think about the reasons behind why you are drinking. I was much like you - I preferred to be alone and not really interact with others. The thing was, it was a hell of a lot easier to sit and drink by myself then to take the steps necessary to not only get sober but to enjoy it and actually enjoy being around others. Getting sober takes a HUGE commitment - getting drunk is easy....

                            Best of luck to you in figuring out what you really want out of life. Just know that we are here for you if you decide on sobriety!
                            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                              AF Daily - June 15 Wednesday

                              AA -

                              You are such an inspiration with your calm assessments and level headed advice plus just your longevity with sobriety. I'm glad you've come back tis week so we can celebrate with you!

                              DG-the Paphut is grounded for the time being. No $$ for brakes or a new car. In the meantime I'm continuing to paint the stripes and my friend came by today to pick up the new material for the cushion covers. In return for her sewing the covers and for giving me the bulk of the agility equipment we picked up on Mem. Day I am giving her 2 days of helping her clean out her clutter, probably in the fall. I think it will be an exercise in futility but she was sooo excited when I proposed the barter. Of course her first question was: "You're not going to make me throw anything away are you?" Sigh.

                              Jenny-how did the exam go and everything that you had to do today? or was that yesterday and I missed it?

                              My heart just breaks for all of you going through marital problems right now. It just doesn't seem fair that you put all this effort into getting sober and becoming a better you and your SOs don't appreciate it or feel threatened. What I do know is that however everything shakes out it will be for the best.

                              Bear-are you SURE you want to go out to see a band this weekend?

                              Lav-what a great idea to get rid of the old bedroom suite and get a new one! How exciting! I hope you post pics when it's all finished!!

                              Marshy- hugs to you for what must have been an emotional weekend. Getting all geared up for the big "talk" and then it not happening. Hang in there. At least mom and family got to meet GF and i bet they LOVED her!!

                              IC-I think AA said it all.

                              Well, I'm laying here with da boyz watching Game 7. Better than reruns I guess and it is pretty exciting. Stopped at the library on the way home and picked up Suze Orman's new book "Money Class". Something has to give. I got denied the loan modification (Arses) so I'm hoping Suze will have a rabbit or something up her sleeve that I can use to make ends meet. Also took DD (WHOO HOO B'S JUST SCORED!!) and mick for a walk when I got home so I'm 2/3 of the way through my goal of 20 min of exercise 3x this week.
                              time to feed the kids and get back to the game.

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

