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AF Daily - Friday 17 June

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    AF Daily - Friday 17 June

    Happy aloha Friday ABsterooos!

    Loppy, so good to see you ol friend. I trust you'll be detoxing safely? I'm feeling mostly human again happy to say, about 80% good.

    Mom3, the one thing I have to look out for at parties is being nervous and forgetting to eat. and we know what happens when we get hungry and nervous and there's booze around. I'm sure you'll do stellar.

    Kaz, why are you feeling down?

    shouts out to everyone in the AF 'hood

    enjoy a great clear headed weekend

    be well
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Friday 17 June

      :H 10 pounds of poop in a 1 pound pail Kaslo - ME TOO :H

      M3, wishing you the best for tonight, you'll be OK

      IC, I hope you can work out your troubles & give the AF life another try.

      Well, at least I found my missing cell phone.......that's a start!
      Hope to get at least one other thing accomplished today
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Friday 17 June

        Kaslo;1132450 wrote: Good morning, all. Lots of people here go back a long way together obviously. It must be wonderful to have these connections.
        I am feeling like 10 pounds of poop in a 1 pound pail this morning....but must work. The grandkids are coming with D1 today, for Fathers day. So better get my chores done first. Have a great AF day today. And a happy F day to those of you who are with or are a father. kaslo
        Kaslo, you already seem like an "old timer" to me. I think it's because we all share so much in common on this thread and because we tell one another things that we share with very few.

        I also wanted to say that I am so sorry to hear about your sister. When I was 26, my fiance committed suicide so I know what it is like to lose someone this way.

        InChains. Hugs to you....

        Thanks for the advice Det. I am eating a sandwich as we speak. I also bought myself some cool fizzy nonalcoholic beverages to drink. are a dear person. I wish I could stop by and hang out in the pap hut with you.

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - Friday 17 June

          I think we should all go over to Lav's for a chick flick, popcorn and tea. However, I am feeling rather stabby so, I might have to sit with the chickens. Chick flick... :H:H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Friday 17 June

            10 pounds of poop n a 1 pound pail.....:H:H:H I LOVE that!!!! (((((Kaz)))))) (I'm sorry you feel like that!!!) (((((Lav)))))))(you too Lav!!) (((((((((((((Greenie)))))))))))(you too Greenie!)

            I feel like 20 pounds of BRIGHT sunshine in a 10 ounce roll of toilet paper. I'm going to come visit you all.

            AA, it is so good to have you back!!!!! We're going to send out a search party if you disappear again. :b&d:

            Inchy!! I am always happy to see you post even if you can only say a quick hello.

            Marshy, I was totally hopeless until I connected with other alcoholics right here at MWO. I really think I would have died had I not found you guys.

            P3, I am praying to the universe for a money tree to sprout in your front yard. (((((P3)))))

            M3 - Good luck at your party tonight! Imagine us all there behind the sofa eating popcorn. And sneaking stickers that say "hi, my name is stupid" on the backs of your quests. You will NOT be alone!!!

            Det, what are you up to this weekend? You sound good today and I'm so happy about that!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Friday 17 June

              Everyone feeling poopy or stabby should come over tonight for a chick flick, popcorn, whatever

              All I have to do is walk outside & stand next to the chickens for a few minutes & my mood just lifts. They are funny to watch, their cackling- giggling makes me laugh

              Deter - great to see you feeling better today

              I'm just a bit disappointed that sent two boxes today that are supposed to be my new bed - but they sent the wrong parts. I've already chatted with customer service & they've sent return shipping labels. So I'll drag these two boxes to the UPS store tomorrow & await the arrival of my new bed. Oh well! My daughter & SIL came over excited to help me put this thing together but it wasn't meant to be today.....

              Think I'll go out & take a look at the garden ~ it's not raining at the moment.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                Sandwich Alert!!

                How can I stay down when I'm around you guys!! I can't tell you how much better I feel since reading today's posts.

                (((Kas)))-I love that saying and I'm going to adopt it the next time i feel like walking shite!! I wish you were closer so we could all give you a big group hug. Hope tomorrow feels better for you.

                Deter-so good to have you among the living again. Don't be afraid to think outloud with us on your journey to figure this all out.

                Lav-so sorry about the bed! How disappointing but it will get here eventually and we can't wait to see it!

                M3-I had forgotten that we all like to be proverbial flies on the wall every once in a while. Can't wait for the party to start!! DG-the stickers.....!!! :H. Thanks for the kind words M3-anytime you want to come back to New England the Paphut will be here for you!!

                Greenie-Chick flick!!:H I think we should all take Lav up on her offer one day. Seriously!!

                IC-please choose us over AL!! We're much more fun!

                Floppy-good luck with detox. Will you be able to check in from there?


                AA-I am so glad you are back with us and happy you have recognized the danger signs before its too late.

                DG-well it isn't exactly the money tree but I did come home to a $35 refund check in the mail AND I got approved to transfer my CC balance from a 23% interest rate to a card with 12 months 0% interest and then only 11.9% after that!! I feel like I won the lottery kind of!! They even gave me an extra $700 on my credit limit which of course I won't touch!!

                Today when I left for work I didn't feel much better. I had $153 left in my checking account until next Friday when I get paid again. I knew there was going to be $115 of automatics payments being taken out between now and then leaving me with $38 to buy gas for work next week ($36.50 for 10 gallons), belly band pads for the boys and any food they and I will need. Obviously doesn't add up so I was beside myself. I decided that I was really tired of feeling so low so I decided I had to get creative. I took a chance and drove all the way home today with the gas light on so I could put off buying gas for one more day. I went on freecycle and asked for bladder pads for the boys and someone answered!! They aren't exactly what I use but I can make do until next Friday. I think I can get by without buying anymore food for the kids and me by cutting portions a bit and being creative with what I have left in the house for me(weighins the next 2 Saturdays should be very exciting :H). I could easily dip into my savings account to make ends meet until next Friday but I decided that this is my reality now and I need to learn how to live with it. I also found out today (informally) that job number 2 was offered to another candidate and accepted. Instead of being bummed out, I felt an odd sense of peace. Closure maybe? Relief that I didn't get a job I really wasn't qualified for? No idea but it's finally over. Now that I know I have a $35 cushion to get me through to next payday, I am going to concentrate on getting some books up on Amazon this weekend. One of the reasons I've been procrastinating is the whole shipping thing intimidates me. I've been collecting bubble wrap and boxes and have ordered the Flat Rate boxes from the PO but still, what a hassle. I've decided that I will find out what I might get for the books and if it's less than the shipping, they will be donated, not sold. I'm looking forward to digging them out and doing the research. I'm also almost done with Peter Walsh's new book, "Lighten Up". I'm listening to it on tape as I commute so I haven't been able to do the exercises but still he's given me some great hope that I can get through this part of my life and come out the other side better than ever.
                I've been horrible with my finances all these years and it's time I take responsibility and grow up and be responsible. Some things I can't undo: I can't get rid of my kids (should I have continued to adopt? probably not in hindsite. One dog and the 2 cats were probably enough), I can't undo the home improvements I refinanced the house for. But starting today I can make sure every dime I spend from here on in is for necessities, not wants, and brings value to my life and my kids' lives. I can choose to be depressed over my situation or I can choose to deal with it the best way I know how. I choose the latter.
                Thanks for listening-you guys are the greatest!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                  Hey guys, checking in, been reading and reading the last few days but don't have time to post much. To many things to do. P3 I love your attitude today! I got a 72 on my English paper I wrote and turned in last Sunday, there is another one due this Sunday that I will take more time on as I obviously need it! Don't good here guys. Little confession that y'all might not like. . .I didn't drink. . .but I did take a couple of puffs of weed. . . it provided the relief I needed, I don't like the feeling but if it keeps me from drinking I'm willing to try right now. All the research says that its better than drink, I would never want to do this everyday tho. . . I used to say that about drink too. Well for tonight I'm safe. Don't yell but I would honestly like to know what y'all think of that besides it being a controlled substance. DG I know you have some 3rd party experience with this, I would love to get your comments.
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                    Hey Jenny-I don't know-I think this whole process is filled with figuring out all different things. For you, weed is what works right now. For me, it's (hopefully was) sugar. One is a controlled substance and illegal in 99% of the circumstances. I guess you have to weigh the benefit you're getting from what you're teaching your kid. and when the high and relief wears off, what then? For me, it was another whoopie pie but the only one I was hurting was myself. It didn't alter my mind or my conciousness. Eating right and exercising works for a lot of people, so does counseling. Meditation, reading about addiction, AA, other support groups. There are so many choices out there to make to help us get past the addiction and the habits of living our life around AL. I'm just throwing some stuff out there-no judgement at all. you asked so I'm kind of playing the devil's advocate.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                      Hey Jenny,
                      I'm with papmom on this one addictive substance for another substance (illegal or not) is not likely in your best interest. That's why I kicked the smokes out of my life soon after I quit drinking. I sure as hell didn't need either of them in my life.
                      I've gotten a lot out of Lots of different & interesting shows to choose from - check it out

                      Papmom, I should introduce you to my daughter! That girl can squeeze a buck like nothing you've ever seen :H I don't know where she picked up that skill but she does well & I'm proud of her. Their dog training business has it's ups & downs so they learned the art of living frugally
                      I have faith that you will be OK

                      Time to end this day!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                        well not to get onto a very sticky subject but consider the following:

                        countries where cannabis is legal have approx a 0 percent mortality rate from it. and nobody dies from pot withdrawal.

                        in countries where alcohol is legal (and culturally accepted) tens of thousands die each year and that includes deaths from withdrawal due to it's incredible toxicity. alcoholism is now the 4th leading cause of death the the UK. it's an epidemic! pot is not even on the list it's so insignificant.

                        but if it's illegal where you live....that's a big consideration. so don't say I recommended you do it.

                        now whats really got me laughing is the thought of Greenie on the couch with her chickens watching a movie

                        Doggygirl, to answer your question, tomorrow I'm taking a shooting class I've been signed up for a while to attend. soooo glad I got my butt squared around in time. being on the range is a very healthy and sober place for me to be, and around serious-minded sober folks as well.

                        well, early morning so it's off to snooze

                        be well all zzzzzzzzz
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                          You all make me feel very humble - I hope I can achieve what you have. Taken the decision today that it has to stop but can't count on my family because I am too ashamed to admit what they already know - that I have a problem...... will be counting on your support....


                            AF Daily - Friday 17 June

                            Hi belgium and welcome. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I found it easiest to take things one day at a time - not worrying about tomorrow or forever. Just getting through each moment without drinking was a huge accomplishment until bed time! And bed time came early a lot.

                            I understand what you mean about it being difficult to admit the problem, even though your loved ones already know. I too tried to keep my addiction under wraps but in the end, I had no control over my drinking and I was the last to see it.

                            If we can do it, you can do it too.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

