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AF Daily - Friday 6/24

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    AF Daily - Friday 6/24


    It's atually kinda nice nice out and my walking friend is back from vacation so it should be a nice walk at the river. Yesterday evening was gorgeously breezy and mild. Kaz, I am sending you weather mojo for the whole weekend! I enjoy your photos so much I think a video tour of your garden would be awesome! Inchy - looking forward to your guitar playing!

    Friend's procedure had a good report! She thanked me over and over for being there. Actually she repeated EVERYTHING multiple times coming off the drugs they gave her.
    Bathroom guy had left when I returned home 5 hours later (whew!) I think the drain gets finished and the shower liner goes in today and some drywall mud sanding (advance moaning and groaning from me over the dust film yet again)

    Loppy WELL DONE on the week! You're really fighting the good fight!

    Jen, what is your (detailed and overflowing) Friday plan?

    M3 you still alive after this week?

    Det, that roadside attraction you put on was gruesome!

    Eek! It's almost time for the bathroom guy - gotta bail out! Hey ho to everybody!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Friday 6/24

    Morning Greenie - thanks for kicking us off this morning, even if you are bailing out for the bathroom guy! :H Great news about your friend, and that is one of the benefits of sobriety that 'normal' people take for granted. Being able to be there and make a difference in someone's life is amazing.

    Off this weekend to my BIL's cabin in Wisconsin for some fishing, jet skiing and good old fashioned relaxing. Course this is the first nice weekend in awhile, so all I can think about is all the house projects that I could be working on! Oh well, all in good time....

    Need your guys opinion on a new roof we just put on (obviously a little late to be soliciting opinions but oh well). Wanted to do something a little different (imagine that) so went with a slate look that is called 'Fieldstone.' The house is a stock image but is pretty damn close to ours, and the siding, decking and shutter color is dead on. I wasn't quite sure when they put it on, but it really has grown on me.... Thoughts? 2017920342994

    Happy Friday to everyone, and hope you have a great weekend planned!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF Daily - Friday 6/24

      Good morning Abbers!

      Good news for your friend Greenie - nice to hear good news
      Hope your bathroom continues to take shape today!

      AA - love it!!!
      I have always loved being just a bit different. Why look like everyone else in the neighborhood when you can stand out - just a little ;H
      Have a fun weekend in Wisconsin.

      Nothing super special on my schedule, just a little work this morning then odds & ends to fill in the rest of the day

      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Friday 6/24

        G'day Greenie, AA, Lav, and all Fab Abbie's to come,

        Bathroom guy and moaning and groaning Greenie?!! Whaaa?


        Have a great day everyone. And just remember, you really can do anything, and you can start today.


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily - Friday 6/24

          Bonjour les Fabinstiers, comme ce vas? Ce vas bien, ce matin, aussi le jardin il fait beau, malgre les RAIN AND POOPY WEATHER.:upset: Goddam it. Excuse my French! Lol!

          Greenie, your friend was lucky to have you. I have let people down, as my first priority was you-know-what a lot of the time. But no more. Now that everyone has wandered off and found something else to do.

          AAth, that roof looks very sharp. I think the stock image house needs some color, i.e. flowering shrubs, windowboxes with geraniums. Something pink or red or yellow somewhere. (Focus on the roof, kas. ) But yeah, nice color and sharp looking appearance.

          Lav have a great day, work and odds and ends sounds good to me.

          Hi Greg, good point, but what do the feet mean? Lol!

          I kind of wish I was done the garden thing myself, its become a chore, but it is looking good. If it dries out long enough, I can mow the lawned sections, then it will be finished for Sunday. I have built some steps going down the zig zag trail on the cliff, but they are not very stable so how do I have people tour the garden but also sign a declaration they waive all right to sue if they fall down the cliff and break thier arses ???:H:H Right now there is a string across. I will likely be the only garden on the tour with police tape. :blush:

          be good all you Fabbies.

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily - Friday 6/24

            Kaz, I would agree that both the stock house and my house needs a little work in the landscaping area. I've got knockout roses in the front part of my planting bed that give decent color, but behind them (right up against the porch) are your standard evergreen juniper shrubs. Hate those damn things, and am trying to figure out what to replace them with. The challenge is that in the winter all the snow comes sliding off the roof right onto them, so they need to be sturdy and hardy at the same time.

            Any suggestions?
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              AF Daily - Friday 6/24

              AAthlete;1136150 wrote: Kaz, I would agree that both the stock house and my house needs a little work in the landscaping area. I've got knockout roses in the front part of my planting bed that give decent color, but behind them (right up against the porch) are your standard evergreen juniper shrubs. Hate those damn things, and am trying to figure out what to replace them with. The challenge is that in the winter all the snow comes sliding off the roof right onto them, so they need to be sturdy and hardy at the same time.

              Any suggestions?
              Hi AA,

              Try a bit of this, :naughtfeet:

              then some idea's may flow.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                greeneyes;1136085 wrote:
                Jen, what is your (detailed and overflowing) Friday plan?
                Thank you for thinking of me on Friday. I have a paper due so I will be reading the material today then Saturday is the ruff draft and Sunday the full paper. I have had papers due every Sunday for the last 2 weeks and that in it self keeps the vodka away. I want to do well so badly and I know that I will blow it off if I have a hangover. I still get bad cravings on Friday but I eat a lot and get plenty of sleep Thursday night to I'm not tired and I try to get to the gym and get outside. I need a Friday with a pool badly!

                I'll check in tonight. Hope everyone has a fab Friday!
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                  Hello All,

                  Just a quick hello. It was a long and challenging week. It humbles me when I hear what people are up against in their jobs.

                  Saw this quote from the Dalai Lama today that I wanted to share.

                  I am convinced that human nature is basically affectionate and good. If our behavior follows our kind and loving nature, immense benefits will result, not only for ourselves, but also for the society to which we belong. I generally refer to this sort of love and affection as a universal religion. Everyone needs it, believers as much as non-believers. This attitude constitutes the very basis of morality. --Dalai Lama

                  I'm doing a yoga workshop this weekend. 6 - 9 pm tonight and 8 am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

                  Jenny, Fridays used to be my absolute worst days too. You are on the right track. Stay busy and keep focused on your goals and your children It gets better. If I can get through it, you can get through it.:l

                  Love love the roof tiles AA.

                  Greenie, so nice that you could be there mentally and physically for your friend. It's the most important thing isn't it?

                  Hugs to all
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                    hey all whizzing in curry and sopranos tonight - blowing off rollerderby - team politics and injury. fancy night on sofa - cycled to work today so feel i have done something - half hour at gym yesterday as well. Killer week at work too- 4 day week next week - woop!

                    I will be 4 weeks AF on Sunday - up early off to parents home tomorrow until Sunday pm with nice af drinks and yummy food

                    as rational recovery says ' I never now drink' - I bought the 'taming your feast beast' book - similar approach to weight loss- need to stop buying self help books online - getting almost stressed/confused/too much money. I have put them all away for a while - good night all - got diet dr pepper for a change from 7up. I saw ad for rose and strawberry cordial - mmmm
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                      Istead spend money on OJ and sprite half and half with a twist of lime on ice. Mmmm good. Cheap like borcht. Also good for you, sorta.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                        OK Kas-my old HS french is pretty bad but did you say the garden is looking beautiful despite the horrible weather or that it is looking horrible because of the horrible weather??
                        I sure hope the garden tour turns out great. Is there such a thing as Pink Police tape? :H

                        Greenie-so gald your friend is OK and that you were able to be there for her. Hope the moaning and groaning was good for you too .

                        AA-I LOVE the roof tiles. Great choice!! What about Ornamental grass in place of the junipers? Bring them out about 2 feet from the roof line and maybe they will survive the avalanches. You can plant colorful annuals in front of them in the spring/summer and yet they give great winter interest.

                        Jenny-good job with the focus and studying-keep it up girl!!

                        Bear-can't wait to celebrate on sunday with you but I'm even more excited to celebrate the next 4 weeks with you!! Why aren't you looking for the self help books at your library or the digital library where you can download Ebooks or audiobooks onto your Ipod? Over here library systems share with each other so what I can't find at my library or regional system I can get from another library or regional system and they will ship the book to my branch at no charge. Might take a few weeks but I've only had one book never make it. Any chance you might have something similar over there? And just in case you think libraries only have outdated books, nuh uh. I'm reading Suze Orman's brand new book "Money Class". Just came out this year. can you tell I'm big public library fan???

                        M3-so glad to hear from you and to hear that you survivd the week! I'm sure the yoga workshop is a welcome respite.

                        Mr G!!! Thanks for stopping in!! You are naughty you know!! Any CDs out yet or new videos on YouTube?

                        Lav-I so wanted to call in sick today and just putter around doing inside work but just couldn't make the call.

                        So today was quite eventful. It's very cold and very rainy. I got into my office this morning to find a text from my sis. I don't know why I can't hear the damn thing beep when I'm walking . Anyway, she was asking if I had heard from my dad which I hadn't. We hadn't heard from him since Sunday at her house for FD. She had sent an email around late Wed nite telling us all of the unexpected passing of her husband's sister's SO so it was quite shocking. My dad and Bob always had great conversations at family gatherings because they are both avid sailors, and we thought it was odd my dad hadn't replied to the email at all yesterday. So around 9:30 this morning I tried calling my dad and only got his ans. machine. Tried his cell phone-went straight to VM. Hmmm. Tried to get ahold of my bro-maybe they went golfing but it was raining so I thought not. Couldn't get ahold of my bro. Tried my SIL-no answer. While I'm making these calls my sis and I are texting back and forth. Of course panic sets in. I call my dad's neighbor. She hasn't seen him in a few days but noticed his car was in the drive since about Wed instead of in the garage. Oh boy. That doesn't sound right. My sis then remembers that he was going to put a lot of stuff from the winter's storm damage in the garage so the condo assoc could cart it away when the repair guys came to fix the gutters and privacy fence that was torn down in the storms. OK, that sounds a little better. But we still can't get ahold of my dad and it's only 10:30 am. Now it's full blown panic and its agreed we need to get over to his condo and check things out. I leave work and head to her house and on the way I call the retirement community where his "girlfriend" has just moved to. I explain the situation and they call back and say GF isn't in her apartment but they've left a message. Finally get to my sis's (i'm calling my dad every 5 min by now) and we head over. My brother finally calls back and says no, he has no clue where dad might be. My BIL meets us over there (leaves a funeral to do so) and we notice the trash has been put out for pickup. OK, good sign but car is in drive? We go in and my sis won't go upstairs to check the bedroom. I do and everything is all clear. Whew!! Now, where the heck is he? Oh yeah, he keeps a detailed calendar in his office. Bingo!! Power Squadron event. Whew again!! Mystery solved and we resolve to yell at him for not replying to the email in the first place!! Went back to work (boo hiss)-not pleased about using all that gas! Boy did our imaginations run wild on this one!! I'm so glad I was unhung and ready to go at a moment's notice and able to prepare myself for whatever I might find.

                        So it's home finally and a very quiet nite. Fell asleep at 7pm but I'm up now and prob will be for a while. WW tomorrow and then FOOD SHOPPING!! I might have to splurge on some ice cream-I'm happy with my food choices this week but it's been boring! Pet food shopping as well, housecleaning and laundry are all on the menu. Sunday is supposed to be a very nice day so I will spend it outside. I have someone from Freecycle coming over to help dig up the perennial garden and I've decided to move my veggie garden to the front yard. Gotta put all that Sun to good use now!! I also have to get a mowing of the back tundra in somehow. Jeesh, I'm tired already!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                          Cheap like borscht - love it Kaslo :H
                          Hope your garden turns out fantastic!!!!

                          papmom, my grandmother lived with us while I was growing up - we even shared a bedroom for a long time. On Christmas morning, just six days after I turned 4 & also thirteen days after my baby brother was born - my grandmother had a heart attack. She woke me up by calling to me from her bed & telling me to go get my mother (my Mom was a nurse too). They didn't hospitalize people for heart attacks back in those days, They were kept at home & on bedrest for six weeks! Just what my Mom needed after giving birth & having to take care of the rest of us! SO, I was put in charge of my grandmother's care - honest to God. I took food up to her room, I was sent up to check on her every couple of hours................I know the feeling of being afraid to walk into someone's bedroom too see if they're alive or not. I did all that at the age of 4 & remember it well She lived until the year after I was married but claimed every year she would never live to see another Christmas :H
                          Glad your Dad is OK

                          My daughter & Lily spent this hot, humid & stormy day with me We had a lot of fun! Among other things I baked 4 more zucchini breads. My bed arrived, my son-in-law stopped over & helped me get it together ~ I'm happy I've decided on a paint color for my room so I will get out one day next week to buy paint. Sherwin Williams is having a 30% off sale & if I go to the store in Newark, DE ~ no sales tax! Moving right along!!!

                          Wishing everyone a good night!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Friday 6/24

                            a very late Alooooha Friday ABland!

                            Papmom, what a scare, glad all are accounted for

                            Mom3, that's a lot of yoga, very cool. I really miss doing that. maybe I can find a youtube video to help remember some of it.

                            AAth, your house looks like a mansion, wow! and entirely too clean and neat. you need an appliance or two in the front yard eh?

                            Lav, how about zuzzhini pancakes? I used to love those as a kid. although I covered them with peanut butter and honey. sounds kind of sickening now come to think of it. hmmmmm.

                            new camera came today! but by the time I figured out how to use it it's dark. d-oh! pictures soon I promise.

                            be well everyone

                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

