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Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

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    Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

    now theres a superstar Lav! too cute
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

      6 Smilies Kaz. That's all we get per post. Life is so unfair sometimes! :soapbox: The bum mistaking you for a bum - now that's funny. One of the urban campers I go to AA with has all of his worldly belongings including his little doggy (who is a total princess) on this wagon contraption that he pulls behind his bicycle. He is always in camo fatigues and has a beard down to his belly. There are orange safety flags sticking up all over the wagon thing. Most people (that don't know him) are scared to death of him but I really like him. So any time I see him on the streets I pull over at the nearest place and go give him a hug and pet his little doggy and talk about life for awhile. Come to think of it I haven't seen him in awhile so I better get busy and ask around.

      Lav - Lily is the next Miss America. Well, maybe not the next one. But in her future for sure! :h

      Deter - that's a cool video. I will give you all of my cookies - I promise. Just don't shoot. :H

      P3 - congrats on your weight loss! I forgot to mention that in my last post.

      Not only did Mr. Doggy obtain the antique condom tin because it was IN the "erector set".....are you sitting down??? IT HAD NUTS IN IT!!! Ok - this is totally 4th grade humor but I've been laughing all day. Discreet too. It doesn't say "condom" anywhere on it. Just SHIELD!!!! (the brand) :H

      OK, I'm done now. For now.

      Staked up the tomatoes just in the nick of time I think. I couple were already flopped to the ground. And we are supposed to get more rain rain rain over the next few days. At least it's not 100 degrees so I'll take it!!!

      Hope everyone is having a fABulous weekend!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

        Not only did Mr. Doggy obtain the antique condom tin because it was IN the "erector set".....are you sitting down??? IT HAD NUTS IN IT!!! Ok - this is totally 4th grade humor but I've been laughing all day. Discreet too. It doesn't say "condom" anywhere on it. Just SHIELD!!!! (the brand)

        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

          DG - I saw the listing on ebay!
          Did you know it already has 43 hits?? :H :H
          Sorry - I won't be bidding but I hope a lot of people do

          Deter, I watched your youtube video.........
          I'll send you zucchini breads for target practice if you want. I have the entire bottom shelf of the fridge in my garage filled with zucchini

          Kaslo - here's a pic of my Buff Orpintons - aren't they pretty :H

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

            Fek! Sorry and embarrassed to admit I have been drinking the last couple of nights (and today in between shifts at work). I don't know why. I am in a weird headspace where I'm currently not completely committed to being AF but I can't moderate either and I don't really know where that leaves me?

            I feel exactly like ATLthrash described in her post today. Actually, am not feeling the self-hatred part which is good, but I really can't stand coming back here and posting that I am not being AF when previously I said it was all I wanted. I told a friend recently that I am still reluctant to call myself a non-drinker because I hate liars and it goes against everything I want to stand for as a person. He said that was BS and I was just setting myself up to fail.

            Regardless, I really don't know anymore what I need to help me beat this. I did so well at the start of the year - 3 and a bit months AF, I looked and felt SOOOOO much better in every way. But somehow it has crept back in and I am back to being all secretive about it (which I also hate) but not finding the strength and resolve I had before to stop.

            Just bloody irritated with myself. Argh.


              Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

              Bean, sorry your feeling crummy. if you don't know why your doing it then I think it's time to make the two lists again.

              one list of all the great things AL does for you (I can't think of much)

              and one list of all the things it's fully capable of taking from you

              drivers license
              destruction of marriage and other relationships
              health (in so many ways)

              for me that really helps put things in perspective. I hope it helps you to make the right choice when you are ready. xxxxxxx
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                Hokay. Here it is. Holy cats I am tired...! prob best to view this as a slide show, There are 20 pix here, not fab but ok, dont have my usual lens. There is a pix of the zig zag trail and the basement garden by the river which as you can see is really rough. I came in today looking like I had been in a brawl. Gash on my arm, filthy and wet. Hells bells, gardening is just like drinking! Hope this link works.

                Kaslos Garden pictures by kennstamarack - Photobucket

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                  :wd: Beautiful Kaslo, absolutely beautiful!!!!!
                  All that work with two hip replacements - wow, good for you

                  Bean, I'm sorry you are feeling poorly.
                  What do you want to do? Do you still want to go AF?
                  Have you figured out why you started drinking again & what you could do differently this time?
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                    wow Kas, what a gorgeous bit O landscaping you have! And I want to know more about the little green bird. it's so cool.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                      Just going backwards over the messages... Lav I LOVE YOUR CHICKEN PICTURE!!! Ha ha. So cute. Check out the parrot in one of my pix. Love birds and I wish I could keep chickens. I really do. I think the hub woudl keel haul me, though. Also that is one cute kid, grand daughter I gather? I also have two very young grandchildren.

                      Deter you are a scream. Honestly.

                      Bean, god girl you are in a bad way. Wish I could help? Something is really troubling you I can feel it.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                        Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck



                        God, I am so fed up with this shit.



                          Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                          I'm sorry for the last post. I'm not really a foul mouthed person. Just totally at the end of my rope.


                            Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                            Drink some water and toss the booze out ok? Try harder. You can DO IT.

                            Turn the disgust for AL into something you can put on the shelf, Bean. You are a good person. You are kind, loyal, hard working intelligent, and unfortunately addicted to AL. And you can beat it, but you have to stop drinking the goddam stuff.

                            I will be checking this as often as I can. Try to get some sleep, and start over. Square One for Bean.

                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                              Determinator;1137000 wrote: wow Kas, what a gorgeous bit O landscaping you have! And I want to know more about the little green bird. it's so cool.
                              Hi Dete, thats a Sengal Parrot, a small forest parrot named Toby, with a HUGE attitude. He is bossy, funny, cute, loving, a show off, neurotic, possibly bi polar, and a messy little toot. He has a way of walking which is kind of a Nazi goose-step, when he is feeling a bit like he has something to hide. He sits on my shoulder all day. Alas, he belongs to my 21 year old daughter and she will take him back to University with her. kas

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h


                                Daily Aberoos-Saturday June 25, 2011

                                wow, that little bird is quite the character!

                                Bean, hang tight! I know it's very very hard to make that hurdle into quitting. we think there is something we are going to miss out on. I can honestly say that whatever 'that' is.... it's an illusion. if only I would have realized that so many years ago. sigh... but better late than never eh? xxxx
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

