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AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

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    AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

    Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

    Back from bootcamp and I just finished completing my application for yoga teacher training. If I was still drinking, I would be wrapped around a cup of coffee with a hangover. NOT!! I'm superexcited about starting teacher training. It will be very intense for six months starting in September: 1 Weekend per month (Friday 6 -9; Saturday and Sunday 8 am - 6pm); every Wednesday evening and one Monday evening per month. Lots of reading/homework. Plus, you have to get in at least 60 hours of yoga practice over that time. I'm a bit intimidated by the physical and mental challenge but I'm ready and need to get "unstuck" in some areas of my life that I've been stuck for a long time.

    Greenie, I have the dirty dozen list on my refrigerator and I adhere to it pretty strictly. It means more restriction of veggies/fruits during the Winter but that's okay. I buy locally as much as I can. Next year I want to start my own veggie garden. One thing that really struck me was when I saw footage of strawberries being treated with pesticides. The workers were wearing HAZMAT suits and masks, Berries are particularly vulnerable to pesticides because they soak them up like a sponge and you can't wash the pesticides out. Sorry to hear about the BR tiles; it's a real bummer when things are installed and don't look the way you intended. I had a few of those experiences myself with our recent renovation. I am thinking that the lighter pain color will be just what you need. And fortunately, paint doesn't cost that much!!

    Jenny, I read your post yesterday with a big smile. It is great to be on the other side of the struggle with alcohol isn't it? It is incredibly empowering and I'm so happy for you!!!

    Kaslo, I want to come sit in your garden and have a cup of tea. I hope you take time to sit in the beautiful surroundings you have created and enjoy it.

    DG, I read your post about the exboyfriend in jail. First of all, let me say that I am happy he is in prison versus out of prison. I'm glad you shared the story. It makes me even more proud of you and impressed that you came out of the other side of so many difficult experiences shining like a star.

    Papmom3. Are you still in the job search process? I lost track.

    Lav/P3 We have foxes in our neighborhood. I hear them in the early morning and sometimes run into them at 5:30 am when I am leaving for bootcamp. They are pretty skittish and I don't think a danger at all to cats and dogs. They go after the smaller things such as mice.

    Det, Here is a link to EWG's review on sunscreens. Thought it could be of some use in helping you find a sunscreen suits you. Are you back on the road again? How are you feeling?

    Sunscreens Exposed | EWG's 2011 Sunscreen Report | EWG's Skin Deep

    Where is AFM? Cinders?

    Will be back later to check in.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

    Good morning Abbers!

    M3, you are a super busy lady
    I wish you the best with your yoga teacher training plans. I'm feeling way too old for that kind of stuff these days ~ the joints seem to have limited ROM.
    It's so sad to think about our foods being loaded up with pesticides. When I pick a bowl of raspberries I bring them in the house & float them in the kitchen sink - the few little buggies float out of the berries & all is well. No need for chemicals

    I'm meeting my friends for lunch today & plan to just ignore the overcast skies & threat of T storms this afternoon. These girls play a big part in my 'stay sane' plan

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

      Hello friends,

      I sure seem to have trouble getting going in the mornings after a late night at baseball games!

      Mom3--I am so happy you are making such a great life without AL! What wonderful success stories we have here on the daily thread. It's bound to inspire someone! :goodjob:

      Thanks also for the link. I have a friend that makes skin products from all natural ingredients and sunscreen is a difficult one. She recommends just the zinc oxide which I do use on my face. I always forget there are other alternatives out there (have to order where I live). Yesterday I picked up a big bottle of cheap sunscreen because I go through a lot since I work outdoors. It says right on the bottle "recommended by the skin cancer foundation." I looked it up and it scored an 8 because it has Oxybenzone AND Vitamin A. UGH! I feel like I am pretty much screwed at my age, but I'm so glad they are coming out with more information and safer products for the younger generations!

      I need to get to work. Our weather has straightened out for now, the forecast is for 100 degrees tomorrow. I love it! Have a great sober day all! :h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

        Good morning Abstinecias, one and all. Dull day threatening to pour, again. Oh well.

        Mof3, I really admire you taking on this huge challenge. Like Lavande I have to many ROM issues and Im too old, I think. But yes, please do come to my garden, its very peaceful. Perhaps you can teach me some of the Yoga exercises that can be done by a 57 year old with orthopedic issues broken a lotta bones from the waist down, so it all kind of doesnt work too well. Will some Yoga help????

        Lavande, enjoy your lunch out with friends. I am feeling a bit isolated here, came here to work on a tox issue, and have few friends here, but I am trying.

        DG you are such a brave person to make those changes. I know what you mean about the shock of a mugshot image. I remember telling you all here that my eldest daughters husband took her to the states, seperated her from her family and friends, became more and more abusive and finally tried to kill her then himself, then dissapeared. She is now in protection, and he....has a mug shot, but the law in the states is odd, he can live with impunity in NY but in WA he is wanted. That brush with destruction and finding your way out of it and being stronger by it shows just how much amazing strength of character you have. I often wonder what drew my daughter to this guy, he obviously wasnt overtly psychotic when she met him, but she seemed to want to FIX him. Your ex and my SIL need help, they are in bad shape, but we dont have to be the ones to do it. Thank goodness for that.

        LVT25... Dont you hate having to put sunscreen on your face? I worked outside pretty much from February to November every year, up until recently and I still have to be in the field about a third of the year, and I started wearing a hat when there wasnt even such a thing as sunscreen, I have fewer wrinkles than lots of women my age (because I dont wear make up, usually) but the rest of me looks like HELL. Ha ha. Would love to post the photo of self covered and mud and crap from before the garden show.

        And the remnants of the garden tour keep hanging on. yesterday it was all the other tour garden owners went through my garden, some of them without knocking on the door or announcing themselves. Sat up from getting changed post shower and three of them were right outside down in my gardne poking around in a flower bed. I had to hit the deck and put my clothes on on the floor. It was either that or display myself to the gentle gardeners below.... I found them, gates left open on the pool deck by the cliff. Dunno about the rest of yez, but i grew up on a ranch where range law was very strong. DOnt go on anyones land unannounced unless you want to get shot at. I am just herding roses and lily of the valley here, though, so no need for the fireworks.

        I am off to do year end for the co. Crappy job of entering all the cc expenses from VISA and MC, etc. Yawn. USed to fuel it with AL. Sober prolly no less dull, but no hangover to contend with. A plus! HAVE A GREAT DAY OUT THERE IN ABSTINANCIA, LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE!

        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

          chose to drink - back to day 3.
          I just wanted to forget my worries - shockingly enough they were still there.

          I need less thinking and more action - in my life in general - I have stopped clr appointments, need to take more responsibility for taking action and less thinking e.g. chores/diet and exercise,not drinking. Been cancelling friends and missing gym sessions lately too - usually a sign i am getting bluesy - means I need to do the exact opposite.

          Been reading too much self help - 3 books in a week.It's becoming a distraction I think and I am trying to remember advice rather than rely on myself/common sense.

          I like elements of rational recovery and AA approach - think overall SMART works best for me in terms of feeling in control/having a plan.
          one day at a time


            AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

            Good Morning!

            I think the people in my life are playing the "let's try to overwhelm Jenny" game. Or the "look at Jenny dance" game. Whooo! I have not stopped since 6am! My son forgot his homework, my hubby can't find the homework, then he couldn't find his keys, then he needed gas, all this crap is blowing up at work. My lord hold on a sec please! Lol it's kinda fun though, I like being the know it all but a little slower it's only Tuesday!

            DG- wow, thats all

            Lav- love the chickens!

            P3, easy up on yourself!

            Hey Det you never answer my do you go to burning man question from the other day. . .do you?

            Kelso- you garden is beautiful!

            M3- I would love to do yoga training. There is a yoga master here in Dallas that trains, he is said to be one of the best, Kurt Johnsen, he has a radio show on 1190am 11-12cst you can listen on the I heart radio app on you phone. Hes really good.

            LVT- you like it 100 degrees outside?

            Have a great day all, I'm gonna go dance now.LOL
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

              Hello all. Deter, have you checked out Dr. Mercola's sun screen? (I have no idea how it stacks on the EWG list...) Summer Survival Kit - Natural Sunscreen with Green tea + Dr. Mercola's Bug Spray

              M3, thanks for kicking things off today. I get so ENERGIZED just reading your mentions of your new yoga endeavors. Me thinks you have found your passionate work! Whether it ever is your sole $$ source or not, I think it will be your primary passion. I don't think I've found mine yet. I need to be out and about in this world so when it's revealed, I will see it. BTW I think you will love having your own garden. I started a strawberry patch this year.

              Lav, have a wonderful time at the girly lunch! (I suspect you are there now!) I too have limited ROM in my joints. All the more reason I should hunt down my Yoga for Inflexible People DVD, I think.

              LVT - good to know you love 100 degrees. Next time we have that, I'll send it your way. We are finally having some beautiful weather here today. It was about 65 this morning and sunny and gorgeous. It will get to 80 today, but reasonable humidity. YAY!!!! I've got my walking shoes on.

              Kaz - I am so glad your daughter survived. I wanted to believe the fantasy that ConMan wove. So I ignored all the (many) red flags. I have a friend who is a Psychologist. She spent a bit of time with him and unofficially diagnosed him as a sociopath. He feels absolutely NO remorse for the lies he tells or the damage he inflicts. He sincerely believes his own bullshit. That what makes guys like him so very effective at what they do. My red flags were going up all over the place, but he was so BELIEVABLE. And I wanted to believe. Anyway..... I'm :H at you hitting the deck and scrambling into your clothes on the floor. Anyone helping themselves into our yard would be greeted in an unkind way by a German Shepherd or 3. And a loud Beagle just to create some additional confusion.

              Bear, funny you should post what you did. I was just thinking yesterday that there is some reading I've been doing that I might back off on. I think it's hindering rather than helping at this particular moment in time. Worth a try anyway - what can it hurt. Action rules.

              Jenny - you sound like you are ROCKING IT today!!!! I love moments of clarity when I feel I am handling whatever is coming my way and doing it well. YAY!!! :yougo:

              Condom tin update. It's up to $432 with 6 days to go. Who collects these things anyway? I was in a meeting that was rather boring this morning. I was looking around the room at the various men and it you? Is it you? :H:H I'm going to try to convince Mr. D that this should go into special savings for a trip to Alaska. Maybe in a couple of years he can sell enough crap oops I mean collectibles out of the basement to finance it....

              I am very grateful to be sober today. One thing is for sure.....I'm grabbing my walking shoes this afternoon - not a wine glass. (or vodka glass, or any other AL glass)

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

                top O the Tuesday ABerooooos near and far!

                Jenny, I've been to burning man twice (yes indeed it's a trip!) and while I really enjoyed the night life (everything lights up and is amazing) the days are so hot and dusty that I was pretty miserable. I even went to an AA meeting at burning man! no kidding. also an Ekhart Tolle book discussion which was cool.

                Mom3, thanks for the link and kudos on your training, most inspiring.

                Doggygirl, I haven't tried Mercolas sunscreen but really enjoyed his discussion on the subject.

                in the interim I guess zinc is a good safe and simple solution, although usually I just wear a big hat.
                (no not a cowboy hat LOL) I can just see everyone trying to visualize that one....including me.

                well, going to be a loooong day. have a night shoot so won't be done working til around midnight and then to my hotel room. I'm strong, resolved, AF and ready for anything.

                Bear, so glad you are here. sound it out and stay close

                off to pack up the car

                be well family xxxx
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

                  Hi Everyone

                  Bear, I totally identified with your post. I have reached the very same conclusions recently - you CAN do too much of the self help, introspective stuff and personally, I find that it can feed the same obsessive thinking that goes with drinking. Also that, when I 'navel gaze' for too long, I start to get all anxious about my life and the world and that's a really strong trigger. You're right that action is the more powerful tool in these situations.

                  I woke up feeling pretty low yesterday after a weekend of drinking and not having much fun or social interaction. I was supposed to go to an exhibition with a friend but she wasn't well and I don't have a car so I couldn't make it. This led to almost an entire day reading on MWO, feeling intensely lonely and sad. I know it's just the depressant effect of the AL but it was still crappy. Late afternoon I dragged myself out for a walk, visited some friends and then my ex came over and we went out for dinner and had a nice visit. It's amazing how when you do good things for yourself, you feel good about yourself and the trend continues positively upwards. However as we all know...when we do bad things to/for ourselves, the opposite happens. It's nipping that in the bud that can be the really tricky part. Well done for recognizing where your head's at and where it will take you if you let it get out of hand.

                  Everyone are such an inspiration in your many different ways. Thank you for your regular presence here.


                    AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

                    Hello all!

                    LVT, you are welcome to all of my hot & humid weather as well. I've lived here all my life & I still don't like it - slows me down, big time!!

                    Kaslo, I did have a nice lunch out today. When you get 3 retired nurses together ~ there's a lot of giggling & no AL involved Sorry your garden visitors weren't more courteous

                    bear, focus on your sobriety & let the rest go for now, OK?

                    jenny - some days are just like that :H

                    DG, your ex-BF must be a real hum-dinger! He should have had a haircut or two. Sorry you went through all that but look at you now

                    Deter - I'm still willing to ship out my overgrown zucchini for target practice if you need them

                    Bean, it's true - keep doing good things for yourself & they will become your new habits!

                    Wishing everyone a good night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily Tuesday 6/28

                      whew, just made it to my hotel room. had a night shoot in the rain and I'm totally soaked and shivering. warming up now, hope my boots dry by morning.

                      Lav, I'll dream of zucchinis!

                      gnight loves xxxxxx zzzzzzzz
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

