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Jaunty July - Week 1

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    Jaunty July - Week 1

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on July as I am up bright and early.

    Welcome Mario, safe travels. They are a great bunch on this thread. Looking forward to hearing about your travels.

    Glad you got through yesterday Lav and that you had your family there to support you. Know it is much more difficult when things are forced on you and you dont get to make the decision yourself. However, you have made some great decisions, becomming AF and now making a serene, peaceful place for yourself.

    Got to dash, wishing everyone else a happy and alcohol free July.


    Jaunty July - Week 1

    Happy July 1st everyone!

    Wow - did June ever fly by. Rustop - thanks for starting off the new month!

    Lav - Glad to see you busy with family and finishing up that bedroom. I bet it will make a world of difference when you are done. Hope you post some pics!

    Welcome Mario! I've seen you around on several different threads and feel like I already know you

    So what does everyone (sorry - us American-types) have planned for the 4th of July? A friend of mine and I are planning on a bike ride Saturday morning - first time out with someone else riding and I am so excited. She is my one of my closest and dearest friends and I look forward to a nice ride and then maybe some lunch afterwards.

    TGIF and make it a great AF one everyone!

    Have a great day!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Jaunty July - Week 1

      Hi everyone, I have been on the AF daily site for a while now, and feel like i can graduate to AF monthly....who hooo! Its been 5.5 months for me as of today. And its Canada Day, too. I was woken by a car alarm... still dont sleep very well, so here I am on the Jaunty July thread. For those of you who dont know me, I am past 50, nearing 60, but not slowing down yet, and I have a passion for photography, gardening, reading, cooking, and used to drink too much but no more. Yay!! Two adult children and two gks, not so happily married any more, but working on it. I am a female in a predominantly male profession, an ecotoxicologist and an independant scientist. Not sure if there are any unwritten rules here, so someone please let me know whats goin' on. Happy Canada Day to all the Canucks out there, and Happy Independance Day to our AM members as well.

      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        Jaunty July - Week 1

        Rabbit, rabbit. Good morning Jaunty Julyers.

        Welcome Kaslo and Mario. Always good to have new people on the thread.

        Lav, sounds like you took the day and made it your own!!! Good for you.

        Chill, I knew you would do great at the new job, it takes time to get comfortable, I am still working on that. Some days are better than others. But all in all, the changes are moving forward, positive.

        Rustop, walking wallet, how funny you are. But it is so true!! I look back and treasure the shopping and times spent together. I am driving hours today just to spend a little time with my daughter......we have such great time together. Enjoy your weekend.

        Fourth of July plans, well, I am going to fireworks tonight, and that may be it. I love the cookouts and time spent outdoors. Unfortunately, right before I finished work, it started raining, yes after a beautiful weather week, and has continued to rain. How annoying!!! So who knows what I will do once I get home.

        Pap, a sewing machine is a useful thing to have, especially with your quilting, and you did get a great unbelievable deal. (I love good deals.)

        LBH, watching a video footage of the wildfires and it is horrendous. I can see reasons you look forward to a new month with hope. How are you doing? Any fun plans for the holiday weekend?

        Sped, so good to have you back. When you are ready, let us know all that is going on with you. You were really missed.

        To all, have a great AF day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Jaunty July - Week 1

          Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jewelled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world-- Ada Louise Huxtable

          Hi all, and a big :welcome: to Mario and Kaslo - no unwritten rules here just jump in and share, you will find we are a very supportive group and it?s great to have new folks joining. Happy Canada Day!

          My intention for July (which is my birthday month) is to take it easy, enjoy the summer as much as possible and try and spend some time healing and watching the clouds float across the sky.

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Jaunty July - Week 1

            Thanks for the warm welcome back guys. Will post on the Nest for a few weeks and then come back here. Got to get that first 30 under my belt.
            Love. S.


              Jaunty July - Week 1

              Good morning July friends!

              Thanks for starting us out rustop! And yes I will be working on creating my peaceful place this weekend

              Hi Jolie, looks like a hot & humid weekend in our neck of the woods, huh??

              Kaslo, so glad to see you here with your beautiful pictures
              Happy Canada day to you!!!!

              Hello to the awesome & handsome Mario

              Star, I am fortunate to be able to watch fireworks right from the comfort of my deck!!!!
              Have never figured out who is putting on the show but it's wonderful to watch every year.

              Dewdrop, I'm wishing you happy cloud watching this month :l

              Shelley, we are all rooting for can do it!
              OK, time to get busy around here
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Jaunty July - Week 1

                Welcome to Jaunty July
                Here is my Hayhouse calander affirmation for this month:

                I celebrate my own independence. I choose to be free of all negativity, anger, fear, insecurities, jealousies - and any thought that makes me feel "less than". I no longer choose to live in the prison of my mind. I choose thoughts of love, joy, prosperity and unlimited creativity and opportunities. What I focus on is exactly what I attract, joy brings joy!

                Plenty in there which applies to lots of us. I like to be reminded that my fears are a choice and I am definitely celebrating my independence after my 1st week at work.

                It has been quite a week and im exhausted, I was in the gym this morning at 6am and its going to take a lot of discipline to make it a regular occurence but I will manage it for the summer while we have light mornings. I have tried to keep my weekend low key, I want to spend it working out, being with Elle and resting as much as poss. Its wonderful to know I will be suitably recharged by monday instead of in my previous life when Id over indulge all weekend and be a wreck by sunday night.

                I also have reached my 18 months AF today so I have reflected more than usual on how far I have come.
                Im unrecognizable and feel very blessed to have made it. You are all part of that success and im grateful to have you in my life. :thanks:
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Jaunty July - Week 1

                  CONGRATS ON 18 AF MONTHS CHILL

                  Wow, time moves fast when you're having fun :H
                  Glad to hear you enjoyed your first week at work. Getting into a routine will help

                  Had to break down & go order a new pair of glasses. Haven't been able to read anything printed on paper since Tuesday afternoon when my glasses mysteriously disappeared. Oh well!
                  Also stopped at the drug store to pick up something to treat this year's crop of poison ivy. Lucky I guess that it's only on my left inner forearm, so far

                  Must start the painting
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Jaunty July - Week 1

                    Hey Hey Chill Girl!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 18 MONTHS!!! :happy::wd::yougo::woot::band2::jumpwow:

                    Welcom Kas and Mario to our Joyous and jaunty thread!

                    Shout out to Dew, Star, Jolie, Rusty, Rustop and a special shoutout and hugs to Sped. We'll be here when you're ready to join us again Shel!!

                    I'm so excited that it's a long weekend but already my calendar is filling up! I may not have as much chance to get that perennial bed torn out as I thought but I'll do my best.

                    Remember those 2 jobs I interviewed for? Job #1 I was offered but had to turn down. Job #2 I didn't get. BUT! I got a phone call tonite from the person who DID get Job #2 and she wants to talk to me about being the Ass't Registrar (my title where I am presently) which also has been open for quite a while. I'm meeting with her next Friday at 9am and I'm very excited!! Although it's a lateral move for me (and hopefully not a cut in pay) my job will encompass so much more than what I'm doing now and that is what excited me, plus the shorter commute and getting back to the school I couldn't forget. I'll need lots of collective positive vibes thrown my way-I think that if she feels good about our rapport then I think I've got the job. I hope. But, the salary is an issue. They wouldn't give me a range-they said they are reassessing the position. I just need them to match what I'm getting now and I will be a super happy camper.

                    OK, time to eat and relax. Have weigh in tomorrow (won't be pretty-must. remember. to. track.) then a funeral, then a pool party I will NOT be partaking in the pool activities. The only reason I'm going is that my bro and his family will be there and I'm not sure I'll be going out to them on Monday for the parade.

                    Have a great weekend everyone. I'll try to check in on Sunday.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Jaunty July - Week 1

                      Wishing you extreme good luck papmom but definitely focusing on getting you more money honey :H :H Don't sell yourself short (but don't hesitate to beg just a little) :H

                      I think the paint fumes are getting to me! I just started cutting in around the doors, windows, etc. I do intend to get the job finished this weekend.

                      Time to relax!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jaunty July - Week 1

                        Good morning everyone and thanks for the welcome,
                        I am in work today,have to drive across to the west coast of Ireland,wont be back till tomorrow.Its a lovely part of Ireland and when the wether is good as it is now there is no place like it on earth,imo :-)
                        Have a good weekend and keep fighting the fight.

                        Goodluck papmom3.
                        Hi lavande,
                        Hi & well done chill,18 months is fantastic.
                        See you when you get here sped,
                        See you all soon :-)

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Jaunty July - Week 1

                          Good morning everyone

                          Beautiful sunny morning here. Quick check in before I take the doggies out. My friend is away so I am walking on the roads as dont really like going into the woods on my own any more. Hope it keeps good as both girls and boyfriends are going to a concert this evening and its an open air stadium.

                          Happy Canada Day and 4th July week-end to all the other side of the pond.

                          Mario - Enjoy the west, thats where I am from originally so naturally have a soft spot for it. Hubby is down there fishing this week-end.

                          Chill - :goodjob: 18 months is amazing. Thanks so much for being there, you are an inspiration to the rest of us.

                          Dew - Have a lovely summer healing and cloud watching. Hope the radiotherapy goes ok for you.

                          Papmom - Crossing fingers, toes etc. for you. I am sure it will work out.

                          Got to dash, hope you all have a wonderful week-end.



                            Jaunty July - Week 1

                            Happy Holiday Weekend to those across the pond

                            We actually have sun here today and i have just been a long walk along the promenade with Elle. I went to the gym early, have cleaned the apartment and still have the whole afternoon!

                            Papmom - Do you remember the pep talk you have me a few weeks ago about not underselling myself for one of the jobs I was going for? Well its time to give yourself the same chat. You were brilliant! You are an asset to any employer and dont forget that, of course they need to match what you are getting for you to move but try to push for more, they wont give it if you dont ask. I will be sending you all my positive vibes next week.

                            Lav - I LOVE freshly painted walls! I think its wonderful you are giving your room a "Laving" hugely liberating.

                            I hope you are all enjoying time with family, its my Sister's 50th next week and we are having a lunch for her tomorrow. She has been through difficult times raising two teenagers on her own and I know this landmark birthday is making her anxious about her life and the direction she now going in. Sadly she is rather fond of her wine and I think she is spending her lonely nights inside a bottle. She looks at me like im a crazy health freak and would never ask for advice, if ever she is ready to tackle her demons of course I will be there.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Jaunty July - Week 1

                              Hi all dont really post much, but I do lurk quite a bit and you all give me so much confidence and power, I am still alcohol free and going strong.thank you all.

